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My step daughter is not reacting well to the announcement of my new baby born in November

stepmumsouthwest's picture


Can anyone help?

I have two step kids and have informed them in the last few weeks that they're going to have a new brother / sister on the way. The stepson was fine about it but my step daughter not so much.

She was quite shocked when she first found out but just recently she's been saying quite spiteful things like "when 'that thing' is born, you'll both change" and "I'll always be daddy's little girl". The relationship was good before this happened but it seems to have gone downhill since then,. It has taken a while to conceive this baby and I've having had one miscarriage, I've finally been blessed. I just feel hurt that she's like this and I feel we are distancing even more.

Anyone else been in similar situation? I've just been asked by my husband whether I want to do a girly shopping day with her but I honestly don't. I would have done before when times were ok but not now whilst I'm feeling so resented,

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Rags's picture

How old is your SD? If she is young, don't put more in to her comments than they deserve which isn't much. Address her comments directly but do not let her ruin your bliss.

e.g. “SD, ‘IT’ will be your brother or sister and if you want to ever spend time in this home with your new brother or sister and your DADDY then you better fix that attitude.”

Then move on.

Orange County Ca's picture

I agree now is no time to be getting all discipliney on her when she's feeling so threatened. Go to and search their book index for titles on how to treat children when a baby is on its way. Just because she's a step doesn't change much and as others have suggested let Daddy give her extra attention while you back away for now.