SD34 won't let us have a peaceful vacation.
I know she wants to come along, but of course we've never invited her, so instead she resorts to badgering the both of us when we are hundreds, even thousands of miles away.
We just went on a 2 1/2 week camping trip, which we were enjoying tremendously until, there it is, a desperate plea to have DH call SD right away. On MY cell phone. What is the emergency? Nothing. She just wanted to interrupt or be a part of our vacation, at least virtually. She can't get ahold of DH any other way while we are on vacation, since he doesn't check his e-mail or bring his work cell phone with, so, she calls my cell phone, leaves a message to have DH call her.
We are in the freaking WOODS! in the middle of the WILDERNESS! and SD needs to get in touch with him?
She loves to try to ruin or disrupt our vacations. So, DH calls her back to ask what she wanted, and she replies, "never mind". The next day, another phone call from her. What does she want this time? she thought we called her (we didn't).
The night we get back from vacation, there's a long e-mail from SD, with an attempt to make DH feel guilty for being gone. He answers her e-mail and then the next day, she calls three times in the same night. First time when he's due home from work, before he even arrives. Second time in the middle of dinner asking him to come over to fix some caulking around her bathtub. Ugh! That's no emergency. He tells her he can't come over, he's got a flooded carpet in the camper to fix and a boat to haul out of the water before it freezes. She pouts, then calls back a third time while we are still having dinner and asks DH if she can assist him with his repairs? How weird is that? He tells her no, he wants to do it himself. Three phone calls in one night the day after we get back from vacation? Give me a break.
Every once in awhile I need to vent on here when I feel like screaming.
LOL I asked that exact thing,
LOL I asked that exact thing, how difficult can it be? She likes to play the helpless female card ever since she got divorced. She just wants attention. She can't get it from any other man. Her dad is the only man that WILL come over, out of obligation.
DH's relatives asked if SD has started dating anyone yet (it's been 2 1/2 years since her divorce). He said there were two men SD was interested in at work, but neither of them wanted to date her. I'm not surprised.
StepAside... You are so good
You are so good with words and to the point. You are my HERO!
That's how I see it. It's a
That's how I see it. It's a jealous attempt to steal some of our peaceful time together.
I'd be happy to answer her
I'd be happy to answer her call and id tell her to back the f off you weird emotionally incestuous woman baby!
She needs to be medicated.
I can't turn my phone off due
I can't turn my phone off due to the fact that my elderly mother has Life Alert and I am the first point of contact, should anything happen to her. Also, we have houses that we rent out and one of our tenants had a water heater that went out while we were gone and that had to be handled by phone. We have to be available, but only in the case of emergencies.
I considered not telling DH about her text message at all, and I did wait until the next morning to tell him, so as to not interrupt our first night there. I'm sure she would have raised cane if I didn't relay the message.
Thanks skeeter. I feel like
Thanks skeeter. I feel like she hunts us down.
SD55? 55 years old? Dont
SD55? 55 years old? Dont these people have any pride or sense? Thats worse than dealing with a BM!
Makes me glad SD21 hasnt spoken to DH in 2 years. I can see her doing that. Geez you think when they grow up the drama will stop.
In a strange way, I think she
In a strange way, I think she likes to fashion herself to be the first wife, that has this magical hold on him capable of stealing him back. It's some kind of fantasy for her.
Block her number...keep it
Block her number...keep it simple. We had to block BM's number before we got married. She was call 24/7 and in the middle of the night. She is crazy.
Your H needs to sit her down
Your H needs to sit her down and tell his kid to stop behaving like a small child. She's 34 FFS. Does she have no friends? Why is she pestering her father.
The only person that can put a stop to this emotional blackmail is her father. End of story.
She has a couple of divorced
She has a couple of divorced girlfriends from work, but she has an annoying personality that men don't care for. She talks too much, too fast, too squeaky.
You hit the nail on the head with the term emotional blackmail.
I don't know what more he can
I don't know what more he can do, except encourage her to seek out people her own age.
Block her from your phone.
Block her from your phone. Twit is 34 years old - way old enough to sort out her own shit and quit bugging you and her Dad.
I would reject all her calls, emails etc.
Agree that H needs to let her know that he won't be responding to her calls any more and not to contact unless in the case of an emergency.
Damn - if SO's kid rang MY cell to talk to him - i'd reject it each and every single time - especially since I'd know that she's calling to be a pain in the ass.
He keeps responding to her - and she'll keep it up.
I'm sure that would infuriate
I'm sure that would infuriate her, she feels she has an inalienable right to talk to him whenever she so desires. No matter how late, how often, or how far away DH may be.
I guess I should be glad that she's not dropping by in person unannounced anymore. It took a long time to accomplish that boundary.
I'm curious what boundaries
I'm curious what boundaries you have established with her. I can't imagine a needy 55 year old coming to a parent constantly for help. Is she divorced?
I think the fact that my SD is divorced and never had children of her own has prevented her from maturing. I think she is really quite capable, but she likes to lure DH over under the pretense of needing help with her house, just to get some alone time with him. It's the only way she can see him privately. And it usually turns into this thing where they go out for ice cream afterwards. Almost like a date with daddy.
She's too old for that!
See below
See below
You know my own mother would
You know my own mother would never bother us while we are on vacation. She is elderly, a lonely widow for the last 6 years and she respects my time with DH. Normal people respect when someone is on vacation that they are unavailable for phone calls. That's why they're on vacation! To get away from it all.
Not SD. She has no respect for boundaries.
Yes, she's my only SD
Yes, she's my only SD
For the sake of my
For the sake of my relationship with DH, I have to maintain a cordial relationship with his daughter.
If I block her (as much as I'd like to) that's like unfriending her on facebook, it means our relationship is over, even though it's a strained one. My grievances with her have to be suffered in silence.
I've always sensed that she resents me and is possessive of her dad.
I always wished that her and I could be friends on some level, but she continues to do things that are passive-agressive.
A different ring tone for her
A different ring tone for her is a great idea actually, if I can do that on our landline. When we are not on vacation, she always calls on the land line. She used to leave several messages in the same night, but she stopped doing that and just leaves a hangup on our voicemail.
It especially bothers me if we are in the middle of dinner and DH always gets up to answer it because it might be an emergency at work.
She called this afternoon on our landline (this bothers me too) all she wanted was to know what we are doing this afternoon. None of her business. DH told her we have plans all afternoon and then are going to an event at church tonight. We didn't have to make an excuse, we always are doing something that doesn't include hanging out with an adult daughter. Why even ask? She is making some decoration for her desk at work and wondered if DH wanted to come over to see it. What is she, in elementary school that daddy has to see her amature art work?
A singles group would be so
A singles group would be so good for her. It's not just that she doesn't know how to branch out and make new friends, she wants to have a strong foothold in her dad's household.
We have to get along at least
We have to get along at least for holidays and birthdays together. I don't want to cut her out of DH's life entirely, I just want her to get a life of her own, age appropriate, so that she's not intruding on our life so much.
DH and I do have plenty of fun together without her, so it's not like he's always at her beck and call but I know she lays these guilt trips on him all the time. How he's having this fabulous life with his new wife (me), and she has nobody. She can't understand that certain things are inappropriate. For example, the day after we got back, she told DH there are two concerts she wants to see at this venue near our house. I know she was fishing for an invitation from him to go with her. He mentioned it to me, hoping I would suggest we all three attend together, but no way. I told DH that she should be going with someone her own age. We don't like the same kind of music anyway.
BLOCK HER NUMBERS!!!! End of issue. Daddy can call her when HE FEELS LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This SD is about as pathetic as they come.
Next vacation turn your phone off. If DH won't bring his phone why should you answer yours. Check your phone once a week (or whatever) and respond only to things that you want to respond to.
If there is an emergency she can leave a detailed message. "Call me now it is urgent." gets no response. "Call me now I was decapitated in a heinous automobile accident!!!" might get a response. Insist on messages with actual information as far as a call back is concerned. No information. No call back.
This is the boy who cried wolf behavior. She is so full of toxic bullshit she only gets listened to if there is an actual wolf chewing on her leg. No actual wolf actively eating her, no call back. Ever, for any reason. From you or from DH.
While I won't go as far as to
While I won't go as far as to block her, I will delete any message that comes through on our vacation. I wonder if I can program an automatic "on vacation" message into my phone that just applies to her number. That way she won't take it personally.
We just booked our winter vacation, where we always go someplace warm in the month of February. A cruise.
Last February, she texted me the day we set sail with the message "Enjoy your free cruise" . I thought it was an advertisement, until I figured out it came from her phone number. That's the first time ever she texted me.
I know her dad must be
I know her dad must be embarrassed by SD's behavior. He never expected her to revert to childish behavior after being independent for the last 12 years while she was married. Her husband was a real jerk, and we all sympathize with that. But navigating single life again has to be done on her own.
I got a new text message on my phone last night. We were at a meeting until 10 p.m.
At 8:30 p.m. a text message comes in from SD with a picture of her amateur artwork. I'm sure she wanted to interrupt us and get DH to reply to it, since he was with me. I'm sorry, but it looks like something a 3RD grader would do. It's on poster board, and has stick figures. I didn't see it last night and I notice that she sent it to two numbers. There is no way I am going to let her suck me into a group text message on my cell phone with who knows who.
I am going to delete it and not mention it at all to DH. Text messages are for emergencies and she can very well e-mail him with her artwork. For goodness sake, sending that kind of artwork is what grandchildren do, not a 34 year old.
Although your husband
Although your husband probably realizes blood is thicker than water(especially after being married multiply times)and probably wants to maintain relationship with his BD. Try to envision the situation from his prospective. You seem to be the needy one in my eyes. What was your relationship like with your father?
Well, you're totally off the
Well, you're totally off the mark on this one because first of all, my DH has not had multiple marriages. He was a widower when I met him, married over 30 years to his first wife, and according to our faith our marriage is the second most important relationship, after the one we have with God. So, that old "blood is thicker" adage has never applied.
If you want to know what my father was like, he and my mom enjoyed a wonderful marriage (over 50 years) until the day he died. Thank you for asking. I have never been dependent on him for anything since I was 18 years old. I have never asked him to fix things in my houses, never disturbed him while he was on vacation. I called first before coming to visit them. Just natural common courtesy.
Your relationship is supposed to change when you're an adult. My SD doesn't see that, and she doesn't respect boundaries. Case in point, she calls her dad by his first name. I would never do that with my own dad. Now tell me she's the one that behaves normally? :O I never wanted to engage my own dad in activities that didn't include the whole family, never asked him to take me out to dinner, take me to concerts, take me to walk around festivals. I would challenge anyone on here that would dare to suggest that this is normal behavior.
In our case, with a new wife in the picture (me), I would think an adult daughter would be even more careful not to butt into someone's household when it's not even their mom.
Considering your SD is
Considering your SD is divorced, I don't thinks it odd she calls on him for help around the house etc, as she has no one else. Hopefully she will gain more independence in time. Try to handle this situation with love and understanding. Leave it up to your husband to decide if he wants to spend time with his BD. I would butt out.
I guess you've never seen my
I guess you've never seen my posts dating back to over two years ago, when SD moved into our basement when we were on vacation and still newlyweds (married only 4 months at the time.) You haven't read the history.
She's been divorced for 2 1/2 years. Needy divorced women need to learn how to dial 1-800 FIX IT YOURSELF.
The best thing DH can do for her is treat her like the adult that she is.
She should be spending her spare time learning how to maintain her own house, instead of expecting other people to do it.
LOL Thank you! That's
LOL Thank you! That's exactly how I feel.
I would like them to have a normal relationship between adults that don't live together. Not a co-dependent one.
She is constantly making DH feel put-upon and guilty and she does these passive aggressive things when she doesn't get her way.
The only time I want to be engaged with the skids is birthdays and holidays and there are plenty of them, so it wouldn't be a rare thing.
DH often goes to lunch with his son who works near his place of employment. I'm totally fine with that.
They like to deliver bad
They like to deliver bad news. I noticed that. Burst his happy bubble when he's on vacation. She seems threatened by the fact that DH is happy with his life now. A life that is more fun than the one he had with his first wife is not supposed to happen, I guess.
Yesterday I had both of my
Yesterday I had both of my stepkids over for a birthday party for the step grandkids. I made all the food, lunch and dinner, shopped for and wrapped the presents, baked the birthday cake myself, and tried to make a wonderful day for everyone. Stepson seemed happy and his wife and 3 kids. SS's wife and I always get along great, I think because she's genuinely happy for us and doesn't feel threatened by our new marriage, in fact, she's glad that DH found someone that makes him happy. Since that's not SDIL's dad, she doesn't have this jealousy issue.
SD34 and SDIL barely spoke a single word to each other. SD34 was strangely quiet most of the time, while her brother and DH were cracking jokes the whole time. DH said she's been acting that way for awhile now, he thinks she has gotten depressed from being single and middle aged, no kids.
When SDIL started passing around pictures of her kids, I showed everyone one picture of our latest vacation, on my phone. SD34 had no pictures to share. When SD34 got ahold of my phone, she started scrolllng through my whole phone. I think that's nervy to start scrolling through someone elses phone, without permission. That's what I mean about boundaries that she doesn't respect.
SD34 left abruptly after that. I guess it's hard for her to see that other people have moved on with their lives, while she is still clinging to the past. She didn't even say goodbye or thank you to any of us. Not in a good mood at all.
Yes, and she wants to drag us
Yes, and she wants to drag us with her. I know counselors always advise people to hang around with positive people, not ones that drag you down. DH's daughter, all she does is drag people down every chance she gets. I don't know what to do. I know I'm supposed to let DH handle it, but I'm his wife and have to cope with the fallout of SD's mood swings.
She saw a picture yesterday of DH on the lake, smiling holding the fish he caught. That made her jealous, she thinks every fishing trip is supposed to include her. Well, I'm sorry but we have plenty of friends that like to fish too and are still waiting for an invite from us. She doesn't own that hobby of his, though I'm sure she has fond memories of doing that with her dad when she was a kid.
You can tell I've had a sunday with SD, when I'm posting prolifically monday morning.
Somehow when I spent all day with her and doing things for her yesterday, and she walks out without even saying goodbye or thank you, it kind of puts a damper on my enthusiasm for having her over. But, I know I will, for the sake of DH.
To the previous poster that
To the previous poster that said "she has nobody else". She's never going to GET somebody else if she's depending on DH to supply all her needs.
She has a big brother. Is he supposed to come over whenever she calls to fix things at her house? He has his own house to fix and a wife that would not put up with that. She has an ex-husband of 12 years. Is he supposed to come over and fix things at her house? Just as a platonic friend? His SO would have a fit. He has his own household now.
There are plenty of under-employed handymen that she can call. Who knows, one of them may be single?
I'm sorry if I'm not telling
I'm sorry if I'm not telling you what you want to hear. I do agree with you that SD needs to be getting out and hopefully start dating. Although she is getting out of a 12 year marriage, that may take sometime. I just can't see how these phone calls can be more than slightly annoying. Have you ever thought of asking you husband to ask her to stop calling your phone. Leave it up to him to receive or not receive calls. I think in his heart, he probably doesn't mind her as much as you, understandably so. I don't know if you have any grown children, but they are always you child whether they are 4 or 34yrs of age. I promise you in his eyes that is his baby girl.
You stated earlier you thought it was weird, she wants to spend alone time with her Dad. She probably realizes you hate her guts, why would she want to include you, on top of that you don't seem to want include her in your activities.
Being someone with a religious background, I would expect more compassion from you. Ultimately we are all God's children.
I hate to say it but you are sounding mighty needy yourself.
Privacy and respect of
Privacy and respect of boundaries is all I need from SD34. That's not too much to ask.
We are annoyed and frustrated with her, don't hate her. Both DH and I. He saw how hard I worked to make a fun day for his kids and grandkids two days ago and SD walked out without saying goodbye or thank you to me. He's embarrassed by her behavior and wishes that she would stop acting like a baby and start behaving like a well-adjusted adult, self-sufficient pro-active in her life. He also wanted her to move out two years ago, when she was living in our basement, hampering our newly married life.
Are you really a SM on here to vent, or rather a troll playing devil's advocate, or possibly a SD that has wandered onto this site that has an ax to grind?
DH and I are both compassionate and loving people, believers. That doesn't mean we can't get annoyed and frustrated with her behavior. We're human too. The difference is, I'm not threatening to ban her from the house, hurl profanity at her, or giving up on the whole situation (disengaging or divorcing). I want us to find a solution.
I also don't think, as a
I also don't think, as a Christian, I am required to let someone snoop all over my cell-phone, when I was just showing one picture to the group. We have boundaries too, and are allowed to and should say no at times.
Let me pose this question. I used to work for a large church downtown. We would often get unknown people illegally parking their car in the church lot, and we had it towed at the owner's expense. Signs were posted, they knew they were doing wrong, but disobeyed anyway. We had to have the lot cleared for a funeral coming in. The parking violators then accused the church of being "unchristian" for having them towed.
There is nothing wrong with expecting courteous behavior from people. And sometimes enforcing it if you have to.
I have two grown sons, btw.
I'm not a SD, nor am I
I'm not a SD, nor am I divorced. I just wanted illustrate another point of view. Your SD just sounds like she is in dangerous territory.
She's 34 years old. A grown
She's 34 years old. A grown middle aged woman with a full time job and owns her own home in a nice neighborhood. What danger is she in? That's ridiculous. She is able to hold down a job, so she isn't depressed to the point of being unfunctional. She's dysfunctional, but not unfunctional.
DH and I have both made suggestions but we can't make the horse drink.
Let me give you this illustration. A telemarketer calls when we're having dinner. After we've already asked to be put on the do not call list? He doesn't care that it's the dinner hour, he's only concerned about his making a sale. Are we forced to answer because it would be "unchristian" not to? You see where I'm going with this. We have a right to our privacy and peaceful enjoyment of our own home.
I fail to see similarity
I fail to see similarity between your husbands daughter and a telemarketer(non family-commercial). I was speaking more in regard to her mental well being. She's crying out for help. Hopefully she's not suicidal.
She's not crying for help,
She's not crying for help, she's whining for attention because she's inbetween boyfriends. Well, we have plenty of other people that actually need help. My mother, elderly, losing her eyesight and her hearing, can't drive anymore. SHE needs my help. Children that are starving in this world and don't know where their next meal is coming from. THEY need our help, and we do go volunteer our time to package meals for them. I've already suggested SD reach out to the less fortunate and focus on helping those that are genuinely in need.
Like I said in my previous post, she is functioning in her job. She has jealousy issues, but is not and has never been contemplating anything of the sort. That's quite a leap you took. Again, you are making absurd assumptions. Unwanted phone calls is what I am talking about, pestering in nature. Especially during dinner. You don't think that's wrong? I have nothing more to say to you, in that case.
Oy. Bottom line, stop
Oy. Bottom line, stop suggesting anything, don't offer to help with her life, nothing.
From everything you've written, it's clear that you're both helping her with her pity party.
Most call it 'enabling'. And, if you go back and read this thread alone, you'll see (if your willing to) how many times you've made excuses for her and yourself.
This is only going to stop when you both stop treating her like she is alone and helpless.
She's making choices, let her own them. If she doesn't want to be alone, that's for her
to deal with, and so on. However if you keep choosing to enable this behavior, then it's
on you and you need to deal with your own fall out from your choices.
Yes, I'm a Step parent. Two girls. Both are over 18. Been in this over 15 years and counting.
Thank you! I agree, her
Thank you! I agree, her divorce is not our fault, and we are not responsible (and can't) fix it for her.
We have given her so much helpful advice but we can't feel sorry for someone that rejects that advice and prefers to wallow and be a busybody in other people's households.
She has a classic case of sibling rivalry, only it's directed at me. She's also jealous of her brother's wife, I can tell when they are together. Her brother avoids her, her sister-in-law is very cool to her.
The sneaky way she maneuvered herself into our household, while we were on vacation probably ruined my impression of her from the get-go.
DH, being the sweetheart that he is, is the only person that she does get along with. I can understand her wishing she had married someone just like him. I think he's one of a kind though.
"You can disengage and give
"You can disengage and give your energy to your DH and marriage only. Leave SD to her misery. Change your phone ringer and let it go to message. If it is an emergency, she will reach her brother or father; you don't need to be in the middle of this."
This is it in a nutshell. Seriously. It's the best advice you'll ever get.
Disengage, yeah that seems to
Disengage, yeah that seems to be the buzz word around here. I didn't know I was engaging with her. She's calling and e-mailing DH, not me. Even on my phone. I have to see her when she comes to our house though, can't exactly disengage when she's in the same room with us.
Tonight we are going to a
Tonight we are going to a party that has been on our schedule for over a month. Food, dancing, that type of thing with a group of friends our age.
Four days ago, SD34 e-mails DH and invites us to her place for dinner the same night. I'm sorry, but we are not her date for Saturday night. We just spent last Sunday with SD, had her over for dinner and now she wants to reciprocate the very next weekend. (Or more likely wants to one-up my cooking
I remind DH of our prior commitment, and he e-mails her to decline. I'm sure she is pouting but she should know better than to ask for a Saturday night.
On Sunday some out-of-state friends are coming to visit, so I'm planning a dinner here with them. We haven't seen them in two years and they deserve our undivided attention. There is no way we can include SD in either of those activities, it would be awkward to say the least.
That's the reality I'm talking about. You give her an inch and she wants a mile. Those two months when she lived with us were the longest two months of my life, having to include her in everything we did, when we were newlyweds. Totally awkward.
She got the e-mail with our
She got the e-mail with our decline, and this morning she calls before 8 a.m. I didn't answer, and she didn't leave a message. Then, she called just a bit ago to ask "how soon" will we be leaving for our party. DH tells her we're leaving in an hour. She pouts like a child and doesn't take no for an answer. Tries to come up with a last minute emergency repair at her house, but can't think of anything.
She resorts to making DH feel guilty for having fun, reminding him just before he is set to leave for the party, that she is back at her place alone on a Saturday night.
I appreciate that notasm. I
I appreciate that notasm.
I am willing to listen and consider other people's point of view, but you're right, she may be a troll.
I think she is a SD - boo hoo
I think she is a SD - boo hoo poor grown up babies.
She never did say what she
She never did say what she is, just what she isn't. Didn't really answer the question, just evaded it.
As far as my SD, I think I
As far as my SD, I think I know why our camping trip upset her so much. Her mother and DH used to have a camper at a seasonal site. That camper was given to SD after the BM passed away. She chose to sell it and the proceeds went for a downpayment on SD's new house.
SD used to go to her parents camper without her husband and hang out sometimes, overnight on weekends. Not a good idea.
DH and I bought a new camper after we were married. I'm sure she knows I won't be inviting her to spend the night on it.
New pictures upset SD,
New pictures upset SD, because it's a reality check for her. As time goes by, there is less and less evidence of the life DH used to have with his first wife. No pictures of her displayed in my home, no decorations she used to display whatsoever. She never lived here, why would there be?
If SD wants to keep her mother's memory alive, then she should decorate her own house with her mother's pictures and mementos.
She has tried to have her input in the pictures I display on my fireplace mantle. It's not her place to say.
Yeah, I can see why. They
Yeah, I can see why.
They really don't call to just chat but deliberately call to cause drama.
SD's need to call their divorced, lonely girlfriends. They can have a pity party together. Maybe I'll set up a playdate for her with some other divorced women.
Over the month or so of
Over the month or so of discussion on this thread I think I have come to an epiphany. SD is not the problem.
"SD34 won't let us have a peaceful vacation" is the core of the problem though SD is not the cause. Not that SD is not a PITA. She clearly is. The problem is that you and your DH tolerate and facilitate SD34 running your lives.
It is time for you and DH to actaully be the adults and cut SD34 off except on your terms. No answering the phone. If daddy or you want to speak to her then you call her. She never calls you because her number is blocked. End of problem.
Time for you and DH to grow up and cut the apron strings with mommy SD34. Until you do nothing will change.
I thought I might throw this out there to shake the tree a bit and maybe get some different angles on the situation.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
Because she always asks nosy
Because she always asks nosy questions and DH feels obliged to answer them.
I told DH it is perfectly OK for him to be vague about our plans. Especially if she is feeling left out, why make her feel worse?
I hate the fact that she feels entitled to any news about our social life.
We can't give her what she
We can't give her what she wants.
We can't bring her husband back, can't bring her mother back from the grave, can't bring her childhood back to her either.
It's hard to watch someone suffer from loneliness, but then, there is a whole world out there full of lonely people too, if she would just connect with them.
It's been two weeks since we
It's been two weeks since we turned down SD's dinner invite and now she is obviously mad, giving DH the silent treatment.
I'm perfectly fine with not hearing from her, but I know DH is feeling the emotional blackmail she is delivering. She wanted him to choose her over the plans that he and I have made together.
Last night as we were driving, that song came on the radio "butterfly kisses". I wish SD would just be nice to her dad, and not have this attitude all the time.
I guess I prefer to keep her
I guess I prefer to keep her in the dark about our phones. She can just wonder what's going on.
We always do have the phone turned on for camping road trips for the navigation feature.
I think I solved the problem of receiving any future text messages because I totally ignored her last text of the artwork and didn't show it to DH either. She'll see that the access road to our private life ends in my hand.
We heard from SD. She sent
We heard from SD. She sent an e-mail just in time to try to ruin DH's Thanksgiving. She does not like that DH is spending the holiday with my side of the family, and not her mom's side of the family, yet she knows she can't separate us on the holiday. I think DH was hoping i would invite her to our celebration, but since I'm not hosting, I have the perfect excuse not to. She has a place to go, her maternal aunt and uncle where she always spent Thanksgiving in prior years.
She must have sent her usual whiny woe-is-me e-mail because most of the day yesterday DH went on and on about how we should go someplace with her, trying to pin me down on some exact plans with her. I reluctantly agreed to find some tickets to a Christmas concert the three of us could attend together. It's the only way I could get him off my case. I'm sure she complained to him that she doesn't see us enough.
I am so happy I will have a drama-free Thanksgiving and don't have to deal with her crap. She always manages to be a kill-joy at any party that I host.
When she sees all of the blended grandchildren having fun, she will tattle on them for some small trivial thing.
People aren't allowed to have too much fun. :?
Now she's not happy in her job, and she's going to start looking for a new one after the first of the year. She probably scared off all the single men in that place.
Thank you Annith. I
Thank you Annith. I appreciate that, and you are absolutely right. Why does it land in my lap, I don't know. I guess because we are the ones buying the tickets, and when we take her out to dinner, the check is on us.
She has some low paying clerical job.
The last concert she suggested, was Chris Daughtry. Not my cup of tea.
In terms of her biological
In terms of her biological clock ticking, she's at the doorstep of over-the-hill. Single and approaching 35, when one's fertility drops off dramatically. That's a lot of what is depressing her.
SD had major marital problems for almost the entire 12 years she was married. Her ex never wanted children with her, but then the first thing he does when he leaves SD is have a baby with another woman.
When I was 34, I had two children in elementary school and my own startup business full-time. It's definitely not young adulthood anymore.
Dh got a frantic phone call
Dh got a frantic phone call at work. It was SD crying her eyes out over some problem at her job. SD and a woman at work can't get along and they are being called into the bosses office tomorrow to get to the bottom of it.
If she gets fired from her job, it will not be the first time. She has a habit of running to the boss to tattle on other people. She gets a reputation of a trouble maker.
Instead of bringing his own
Instead of bringing his own work problems home with him, DH is bringing SD's work problems home with him. That's just not right.
It's bad enough she routinely dumps on him in her long-winded e-mails, but now she's calling him at work to unload. The fact that she "has no one else" is no excuse. That time belongs to his employer, not to SD and her drama.