How long have you been married?
I am just curious to see how long everyone has been married to their spouse and been a step parent. Maybe a little bit of inspiration that people can survive and thrive in a blended family with step kids. Feeling a little anxious as the skid weekend approached.
Not married yet. Been with
Not married yet. Been with SO and Skids for five years.
Together for 6, married for
Together for 6, married for almost 3yrs.
Together for 5 years, married
Together for 5 years, married almost 2 years.
We are coming on 14 years
We are coming on 14 years this fall. 2 additional together before that.
Married 32 years in April.
Married 32 years in April. SS37 is biologically DH's nephew, they were a "package deal" for me when I was 19 and DH was 20.
Together for almost 13 years
Together for almost 13 years and married for 4.
Together 5, married almost 3,
Together 5, married almost 3, known each others friends and family 20.
Not married but together for
Not married but together for 3 years. I call them my SO's kid not my skid...
My bride and I will celebrate
My bride and I will celebrate our 21st anniversary this coming summer. We met when SS-22 was 15mos old and married the week before he turned 2yo. We married when DW was 18 and I was 30.
The Skid is doing great and he and I are very close. He joined the USAF nearly 4 years ago and plans on re-enlisting towards the end of his current 6 year enlistment. The bride and I are having the adventure or our lives.
I'm envious of this. I was
I'm envious of this. I was hoping that once my skids got older, they would also see that my DH and I tried to do the best we could. But their judgment was, and still is clouded my all the "shiny things" BM bribes them with. This even includes a $400,000 5 bedroom 3 bathroom home in an affluent area of Florida (near all the beaches and tourist attractions). Even though SD21 lives with us, for now, her ultimate goal is to eventually move in with her mother. DH refuses to buy his kids' love..and since they're still so in love with "things" they act like they just "deal with us" and BM is their one and only true parent. The only comfort I have, and I guess it's a big comfort, is that I know that no matter what, my bio-kids love me regardless of my financial situation. I consider that a pretty big win in my book. But I'm glad that you and your SD are getting along
I think that's some of the
I think that's some of the problem with my skids. They cannot think for themselves. Ever since I've been with DH, BM has dictated every aspect of their lives. Even when we take the skids grocery shopping with us (they're 21 and 17) and we ask them if there's any thing they want..we get a deer in the headlights look, then a list of the stuff BM gets. Plus when they both got a little older, we explained child support and showed them DH's check stub where it shows the CS deduction..again, the deer in the headlights look because they're so use to seeing cash (or credit) in hand exchanges. If they don't physically see money change hands, they don't believe deductions occur (which is crazy because SD21 has a job and know they deduct things out of her I think things might be a lot different if my skids were allowed to come to their own conclusions. I know I cannot force it, and I won't try, but I guess all I really really want is for them to love their dad. I'd say that they do, but show it in a weird way, but the skids have been known to tell everyone how much they dislike their's sad really.
DH keeps telling me that one
DH keeps telling me that one of these days, his kids will see how their BM truly is. I guess I just have to be patient, because as soon as all her money, or credit runs out, I'm sure they'll turn their backs on her too. She would rather be thousands of dollars in debt than have her kids love her simply for being their mom.
Request a comprehensive CS
Request a comprehensive CS statement from the CSE office. When they see the total line it makes a big impression. Highlight it in florescent green, hand them a copy, and say ... "That is how much your dad has paid your mom for your care and feeding over the years. How much of that have you seen her spend on you?"
Clarity, it is a great and powerful thing.
Thanks, it is just our story.
Thanks, it is just our story. Not all bad, mostly good, but it is ours. I too wish every blended family marriage could be as reasonably drama free and enjoyable as ours has been.
My bride is the do it right element of our marriage and I am the do it now element. Together, we tend to do it right .... and do it now. Right now takes on a dual meaning in our world most of the time.
Sometimes I have to drag her kicking and screaming forward to address issues aggessively and promptly, and sometimes she has to drag me kicking and screaming to slow down and do it right.
It works for us.
Together for 3 years. Married
Together for 3 years. Married for 2.
together 7, married 6
together 7, married 6 1/2.
some blended families thrive, other shrivel up and die. it really truly depends on the partners involved.
Amen to the PARTNERs element.
Amen to the PARTNERs element. If there is no equity partnernship at the core of the blended family, the longevity of the marriage is limited in the overwhelming majority of cases.
Widowed for 13, With DH for 9
Widowed for 13, With DH for 9 and married in June - 6 years.
Marriage is good as long as BM and SD18 are out of our lives. Grateful every day for DH.
35yrs. Sometimes it feels
35yrs. Sometimes it feels like 90, others time as just yesterday. Married at age 20.
Married 2 years. The first
Married 2 years. The first year was the hardest. So many moments of shock and awe.
It really does depend on the partners. You have to have some relationship skills, not just love, to take this on.
As we head into our third year, we feel solid and know we will figure it out somehow.
It helps to pause and consider how far we've come every now and again. When we first married, I was afraid to be alone with ss13 because I didn't feel qualified to care for him (autistic). Fast forward to now and I picked him up from school (though it's BM's day); got him all the way through a book report at home and did a history assignment as well; then took him with to pick up dad cuz my car is in the shop so I've got his. I texted dh at work to say how well the boy's lessons were going and how pleased I was. Dh got all emotional at work he told me later. Pretty awesome upgrade from being afraid I couldn't even babysit him.
BTW, people say "teens are awful." Not necessarily. Sd was horrific at 13. And at 12. (and still is at 15) SS was a pleasure at 12 and is a pleasure at 13. Harrumph, I say.
Widowed at age 26. No bios
Widowed at age 26. No bios of my own. Met DH 7 years ago. Married 5 years ago. SDs FT for 2 years since BM died. I am 45 and feel 90.
But I haven't lost my mind!
I will not lose it. I will
I will not lose it. I will not lose it..... lol
Prickly rat thing. Don't
Prickly rat thing. Don't forget the prickly part.
Married for almost 3 Dating
Married for almost 3

Dating for almost 9
First marriage: together for
First marriage: together for 12 years, married for 10. Two skids, then two biokids with husband #1.
Eventually a great relationship with BM and her partner, big family dinners with skids, BM, MIL - i would say
that kumbaya spirit lulled me into believing it is always that great in step-families.
Second marriage: 7 years together, married 3. Several years of turmoil after the wedding due to personality disordered BM, PAS'd skids,.
Endless court case, BM going out of her way to make DH's life hell. The works.
We are in a better place now but my god, knowing that the man i love is chained to a lunatic with a bomb does not give me
warm fuzzies. We are a loving family where my kids, my extended family, his extended family all adore DH and accept him completely.
He is a fantastic guy, a real mensch. But the drama....
You realize that we are a
You realize that we are a self selected group of embattled
second wives on the receiving end of emotional abuse dished out
by disturbed first wives. But what if no one is disturbed
and everyone gets along? There is a large group of step
families out there that can.make it work. They don't need
this forum. I miss them! I used to be one of them
"I used to be one of them."
"I used to be one of them." <<<
Well ^^ thing ate 90% of my
thing ate 90% of my post. Oh, well.
Oh no! The Hungry ^^^^
Oh no! The Hungry ^^^^ Monster rears its head again! What were you going to say, Chief?
Your comment about "I used to
Your comment about "I used to be one" had made me laugh in a wistful way. The rest of what I had written has vanished from my brain. I can still say it was certainly a good point you made abut us being a self-selected group and so forth.
Dated for a year & a half,
Dated for a year & a half, married a little over ten years.
3 skids, two estranged from us, one for a little over five years. I found the more I did for skids the crapper they treated me. The one skid that we currently have a relationship with had gone 1 1/2 years estranged from us. Since she has come back into our lives I don't bend over backwards like I did before the estrangement.
I learned that if you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't, you are better off with the DON'T!!!
We've been married 16 years.
We've been married 16 years.
Together 5.5 years married
Together 5.5 years married 1.5 years and 1st year of marriage was hard