we all love toddler dont we
we all love toddlers. we pick them up bounce them in the air and cover them with smoochi kisses.
thing is dh greeting with sd25. he threw his arms around her nuzzled his lips to her neck and made smooch kisses.
fine for a pet and fine for small child. for a young woman that age? your thouhgsts on this?
Umm yuck. DH doing that
Umm yuck.
DH doing that would be total poon repellant
dh never does this to me.
dh never does this to me. its not like he did not see sd last week.
it just crap the way he treats me when i am not doing things he orders me to do. when hes unhappy with me he gets affection from the sd. very sad. pathetic actually.
Yuck. I would gag if DH went
Yuck. I would gag if DH went to kiss SDstb24 like that. I think he could be a little more affectionate with her (like a kiss on the cheek hello would be appropriate, especially since he doesn't see her often) but a smoochy kiss on the neck? yuck yuck yuck