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Hypochondriac skid

ocs's picture

Do any of you have this?

DH just got the exact number of absences from school last year and it totals close to 30% of the school year. We know BM has no use for education, but she is passing that on to SD big time. She failed math last year and is doing summer school. When DH confronted SD15 about it she tried to tell him a story...

Seems any little booboo, or sniffle, the kid stays home.

SpeakingGreek's picture

No, but the school will intervene after a period of time because the continued absences will contribute to the child's delinquency.

Of course, a concerned call from the non-custodial parent to the school's administrator/principal requesting additional information as to the nature of the absences (out of concern for the child's success as a student, of course) could prompt the school into addressing the absences and holding the custodial parent responsible fairly quickly.

ocs's picture

I'm surprised they haven't yet.

Both SD and BM lied to DH about summer school. They said it was an extra credit class to help with advanced placing in Grade 10.

He then found out she has to take it because she failed. Since she is in a specialized high school, her grades must be at a certain level for her to remain.

Summer school has displaced everyone's plans since Lady Batshit doesn't drive, DH has work hours that don't jive with taking SD to school, I won't take her.

Inlaws have been roped in to doing it. (that said MIL jumped at the chance SD stayed there for a few weeks)

SpeakingGreek's picture

Maybe the school principal needs a phone call from a concerned, supportive parent about his dear little girl's health and future success as a student at that school

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Sounds like a BM problem. She's the one who's LETTING the kid stay home. If she's anything like the BM we've had to deal with, she's too lazy to be bothered with getting out of bed in the morning and can't get her kid to school.

EvilAngel's picture

Thunderfoot googles every symptom that she has and always goes with the WORST scenario that pops up. Usually it's her stomach that hurts. Because she eats crap ALL THE TIME. And usually it's just gas but she never wants to believe that! LOL

Queencow's picture

Yes - almost exactly as described. BM has been tested as having Hypochondriac tendencies as well.

My SK (14) missed over 25% of his year, failed 2/4 cores, plus in the last semester an option. His opinion is apparently "he doesn't want to go and no one can make him" (Lets call that payback for "I can't make him do anything he doesn't want to re: going to dads while alienating him against dad) - I think hes simply given up, and can't be bothered.

ocs's picture

one of the best this year, was when SD was rushed to the hospital because of severe stomach cramps.

3 days in the hospital, 2 different specialists in to see her as well as the head of pediatrics... It finally came out that BM had screwed up a medication of SD's.

She takes a preventative pill for something quite treatable, BM was giving it to her only if symptoms presented. Ummmm.... what part of a pill every morning for prevention do you not get? SD's symptoms overwhelmed her because she wasn't taking her preventative meds and bippity boppity boo, unnecessary hospital visit and waste of thousands of dollars.

OH! and a week off school. She was too weak and had to recuperate. For a week... from gas...

Calypso1977's picture

schools and administrators are already in the middle of divorced parents enough as it is. they really arent going ot want to deal with a call from the non-custodial parent. the kid attending school is the parents responsibility.