Vent about selfish SD soon to be 16...
I haven't been to ST in a long time. Things this year have been peaceful, and more or less still are. SD came around in the summer and was actually nice. We had some laughs, although I still prefer her when she's not here. (BM is dead to me and I have a distant friend vibe with SD typically)
DH and SDalmost16 have been talking, joking around, texting and all around getting along. I do find that when things have been pleasant for any length of time, Snaggletooth BM does something to screw it up. Over the last 7 years, there have been so many ups and downs it is crazy.
SD suffers from anxiety, but in the last few months, has sought out DH to help her understand and deal with them. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, SD had a complete tantrum with him and accused DH of causing her panic attacks and anxiety... All because DH asked her if she'd like to accompany us to a family function with DH's BIL and family. She lashed out saying that the family didn't like her and they never attend anything of her's etc.. ( she was referring to her small cousins who adore her and one cousin, same age)
1. have you EVER invited them to anything you've done?
2. do you EVER call/text your cousin (same age)
3. we have attended countless things this year and she was happy to see her cousins/ aunts/ grandparents etc..
SD has spent a lot of time with DH this year. Is this just shitty 15-16yr old behaviour? She has completely ignored DH since halloween, (when he took her out for a haunted house thing, on top of playing chauffeur for her to go to 2 different parties) When he has reached out via social media, Snaggletooth has commandeered it all. I understand her BM manipulates and is a control freak, but doesn't a teen have some responsibility for not being a shitty kid?
Then of course, my resentment grows because I see how sad DH is about it. I absolutely think she will have a miraculous turnaround shortly since it is Bday time and xmas... DH will be so grateful for crumbs of attention from her, he will lapse into disneyland. Ugh...