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The threat of court stress??

Stepmom09's picture

Does anyone else live with a little bit of fear in the back of their mind of court? BM constantly makes it sound like she is taking us back to court. She has a few times about once a year. I feel like she loves court plus she owes her lawyer so much money that she will end up pay it till death. Does anyone else's BM love court and threaten it all the time? Also, how do you deal with the stress in the back of your mind?

LAMomma's picture

It's always in the back of my mind. We just went to court with both of our ex's this year. All you can do is try not to worry about it and always be prepared and one step ahead if it does happen. My ex had been threatening for over a year before he took action.. Little did he know I was saving and prepared way before he even started threatening.

Rags's picture

I really never stressed over court. I relished the opportunity to bare toxic Sperm Clan ass. They thought for a while that we were gun shy about court but learned fairly quickly that they would walk out holding their evicerated character in their arms when they escalated an issue to court.

Make sure that you have your facts and documents in order, have all BM toxic behaviors ready to present to the court, and make sure that court is a far more painful process for BM than it is for you.

Own her ass and have fun in court.

onthefence2's picture

My ex is threatening me with court. Not only that, but he has made up all sorts of lies about me that he is using to try to bribe me into giving him whatever he wants. This is after barely giving a rip about the kids for the last 8 years. So while it does stress me out, I know he won't do anything. It's all for show for his gf so she can think he's normal. Truth be told, he doesn't care about the kids. He is incapable of caring for anyone but himself.

TexasSM's picture

BM threatens us with court every time we don't do what she says...DH reply is "go for it" she's been playing that card for almost 2 years now and no court yet lol.

still learning's picture

As soon as exH remarried it was court every few months, my lawyer talking to his lawyer. exH's new wife wanted him to have the kids so he wouldn't have to pay child support. Several thousands of dollars (way more than cs) and years of stress later I agreed to let the kids live with him for the school year and exH's wife couldn't handle it! exH played classic disney dad, didn't parent or discipline so she made him choose between her and her kids or his kids. Well he chose his kids and they got divorced and he sent the kids back to me.

How did I deal? I had a court fund savings account. It was silly to me to pay out so much to lawyers since I'd have much rather have been saving for the kids college, but that was my reality for several years.