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Another expensive pow wow with BM this week, yippee!

AJanie's picture

On Thursday yet ANOTHER "meeting at the office" of BM's lawyer to "discuss" the VERY MINOR schedule change that dh is going after. HOW LONG CAN THIS SHIT GO ON? They have been apart SEVEN YEARS +. Our lawyer said weeks ago if BM agreed to the changes, the meeting would be necessary. OF COURSE she didn't. Now it is more time out of work, more money owed to the lawyer. I just needed to vent.

When I began this relationship, in my wildest dreams I could not imagine the depth of hatred and resentment I could have for BM. It can only be described as "all consuming." The main reason? The money she costs us. Vent over.

AJanie's picture

Ya know, that is what I just told him. He lives in this fantasy world where "as they get older, this will get better." I told him YEAH RIGHT, it will get MORE EXPENSIVE and MORE DRAMATIC.

Every single time he goes to court or a meeting/mediation whatever, I am sick to my stomach all day. He can't begin to imagine the impact it all has on me.

hereiam's picture

Oh, I was just wondering how minor and if it's worth it. That would be (obviously, it is to your DH) but what a pain in the ass (and wallet).

AJanie's picture

It is like... what is there to discuss?!?! Mull it over and decide via email. This woman will never, ever, ever give up. I will though.

hereiam's picture

I know, it's ridiculous. They like being difficult just for the sake of being difficult.

When DH had BM served for termination of CS, she could have just signed off on it but no, she just had make him wait and let the 30 days expire with no answer. For absolutely NO reason, other than to be a bitch.

mimisha's picture

hugs to you my friend...feeling your pain...same s*** different day here, almost 9 years of it costs BM nothing to get a lawyer she is eligible for goverment law of course it happens often, paid for by our taxes...(as a community I mean, not personally)

The only way I survive is I believe in karma...