I am desperate for advice!
I am a step-mother of 2 teenage boys ages 16 and 15. My husband and I have been together for 6 years now. We have 50% custody of his sons...one week on and one off, having them Monday-Monday. In the 6 years we have been together, I've had few complaints about the boys. They are usually very respectful to me. BUT, within the past 6 months, the oldest, "Sam" has been doing some things I personally don't approve of. I have found snuff, cigars, alcohol and beer in Sam's room. NOW, let it be known that I am not someone who goes through his belongings or snoops. Everything I've 'found' has been in plain view. The first time, I only found it because one of his cans of beer sprung a leak and was all over the floor. I notified his father, who did nothing other than tell him to clean up the mess. Long story short, yesterday was the day they were going back to their mother's house. Sam had a meeting after school and was not to be coming to our house so I went to gather the clothes he wanted to take. At the bottom of the pile was my husband's old jacket, which I occasionally wear outside. It was dirty so I threw it into the hamper. I went to put it in the washer and, as usual, checked the pockets. There were 2 cans of snuff. I took them out and placed them on the shelf beside the washer. A couple hours later Sam showed up at the house, with an attitude, and asked me where his snuff was. I responded "you mean the snuff you SHOULDN'T have?" He responded "that's really none of your business...it was in my jacket in my room...you have no right to be in there or taking my stuff." I was livid! NOW, keep in mind I do pay at least half the bills. I also thought this jacket still belonged to my husband. I looked at my husband and said "are you going to stand there and allow him to talk to me like that?" He responded "well, he's right....it is his room and you shouldn't be in there." WELL, I guess it's been ok for me to clean that room, change the sheets, run the sweeper...pay for the tv service he has in there as well as occasionally paying the mortgage.....Suddenly I have no right to be in there?!?
I guess my question is this....DO I HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE BOYS BEDROOM'S AND SHOULD MY HUSBAND HAVE HAD MY BACK? I KNOW I'M REALLY UPSET RIGHT NOW. WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 6 YEARS WITH FEW DISAGREEMENTS. This just has me dumbfounded. I don't know what the age is in any other state to purchase tobacco but in ours it is 18. He has a history of stealing money from his brother (and I've suspected he's done the same to me). I think I have a right to say that since he's under-age and has no job, he shouldn't have tobacco. IDK, I am at a loss and just frustrated. ANY advice would be appreciated!
teenage boys..... terrors
teenage boys..... terrors till age 20....
I can suggest to disengage from them, and let DH handle the parenting hon, or you will go crazy..
Since his attitude change
Since his attitude change about 6 months ago, I have tried my best to disengage. I was brought up in a very strict household. My husband was not. He still thinks I was a "B" to his son by being upset he said I had no right to be in his room.
I am just trying to imagine
I am just trying to imagine my husband telling me there's a room in my house that I am not allowed to go into, except to clean.
You grew up differently from
You grew up differently from DH, you have different parenting styles Hon.... it's not the end of the world, accept it and be glad you are not responsible for the sort of people his kids will be one day.
Simply disengage...
You can always play the card - I don't have children I do not know how to parent![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Gah. That's kind of the
That's kind of the problem, though...right? Sometimes, like it or not, we DO end up on the hook for the people our DH's and their exes create. Like...when they get into expensive trouble and suddenly there's less money for YOUR household because DH is paying through the nose for court costs, etc. Then, it's either pay the mortgage alone or lose the house.
To answer your original question, OP...I completely agree with disengagement to a point. And that point ends when the behavior is affecting you negatively or could very likely affect you negatively. I would argue that doing illegal things in YOUR HOUSE, is something that could affect you negatively. BM could find out and get the law involved...try to get full custody bc your DH can't control his kids...sue for more CS. The law could catch your SS drinking and get involved on their own. There's a million different scenarios where this could come back to hurt you financially and otherwise...so, yes...you have a say and you should speak up. This isn't "different parenting styles." This is illegal activity taking place UNDER YOUR ROOF and your DH turning a blind eye to it. If I were you, I would be livid that DH took his twit of a son's side (a son who is engaging in illegal behavior, incidentally) over your side.
I'd tell DH that SS cuts it out or you're moving out. I would not be under the same roof as a criminal and not allowed to speak my mind about it.
Personally. I'd stop paying
Personally. I'd stop paying anymore than one-fourth of household bills. Apparently you don't have full rights in your home. Save that money get your own place. I would have serious issues with the fact that a child is allowed to speak to me however they please.
That's the best thing I've
That's the best thing I've read in awhile! Thank you for the laugh today!
i believe simi was dead-@$$
i believe simi was dead-@$$ serious. you would do well to give thoughtful consideration to her advice!
I was laughing at the Disney
I was laughing at the Disney dads statement at the end of her post. Not her response! I appreciate ANY info / opinions people give me. I have felt lost and alone here for about 3 months. It feels good to hear other ppl's opinions and reassures me I'm NOT 'that' crazy!
You're not remotely crazy.
You're not remotely crazy.
Your DH is the one who is being both crazy and disrespectful by allowing you to contribute to the household, and clean and care for it, without having any say in what goes on there. That's literally insane behavior. It is beyond the beyonds of insane and disrespectful for him to just expect you to be "cool" with his son's behavior in YOUR house.
It is YOUR house and your DH's house. It is not your SS's house. He doesn't have a room. He has a place where you and DH graciously allow him to sleep and keep his stuff rent-free. I get so bent out of shape hearing about kids who get huffy about "their" rooms. What?!?! I came from a loving, secure, intact family...and my parents made it clear early and often that the house belonged to them, that it was an extreme privilege to live there, and that, in exchange for that privilege, I did chores to help the household and I forfeited my "right" to privacy. This wasn't horrible of them...it was good parenting. They also maintained good boundaries in other ways...prioritized their marriage...and I felt deeply loved, secure, and wanted...not in any way deprived or mistreated.
DH needs to nip this in the bud and start backing you up in your own home immediately or his kid is going to become a total monster.
Yeah, I don't think she was
Yeah, I don't think she was making a funny.
I meant the quote was the
I meant the quote was the best thing I read today! Also, ty for the advice!
Your house... you can go
Your house... you can go anywhere you want whenever you want... and yes.... your DH should have had your back. :jawdrop:
Time to go back in one last time with a snow shovel, garbage bags, and wire cutters. Shovel anything not where it is supposed to be in the garbage bags and dump them on the curb. If SS gets them before trash day great... if not.... buh bye.
The wife cutters are to cut anything that uses the power, cable TV, or internet that you pay for. Take the light bulbs too.
If he wants to play that game inform him that from now forward if he wants food or utilities he cam pay rent. Do it in front of your DH and inform your DH that he so much as makes a peep about it he can pay all of the bills since as the man in the marriage that is supposed to be his responsibility.
Then go buy an expensive new car and do a very expensive spa weekend letting DH know that he is now solely responsible for paying all of the marital bills and meeting your expectations regarding the cleanliness standards that his spawn will meet or they can spend the rest of their youth at their mother's house.
Your DH apparently has locked is sphincter around his cranium and can't extricate it.
I would never speak to my wife that way particularly in front of a kid or anyone else for that matter.
Ok, I've been where you are
Ok, I've been where you are on a larger scale. My SS (15 at the time) was in and out of the Justice system at least every two weeks for Juvenile crime. He drank, did drugs, wrecked our vehicle, ran our phone bill up, broke into our home, stole our money, skipped school, pawned our items, besides dealing with law enforcement, behind our backs, on and on.
I never said one word, I let DH handle it. Then one morning I had just received a very large phone bill, the day before. I awoke to a wrecked vehicle, with 1/2 qt. of whiskey sitting in the cup holder. I fixed breakfast and when everyone was sitting down, I told YSS, calmly and civil, that he was out of our house the next day, he would never use our phone again, and he would never, never drive one of our vehicles again. There was dead silence. I used the element of surprise. I never nagged about it or brought it up again. This was DH's home at the time; so I was stepping beyond my boundaries in that area, but I didn't blink an eye. He moved out, the next day to BM's, never used our phone, and never has driven one of our vehicle's again; this was 35 years ago. YSS was released from prison 2 years ago, after spending 15 years for fraud, hot checks, theft, ID theft; he was sentenced to 30 years (served 15) for habitual criminal.
I'm not saying you should do this; what I am saying....don't have a spitting match with your SS's. When he asked you where his snuff was, tell him "it is on the shelf in the laundry room. Then hold a civil meeting with SS and your DH, when you have cooled down. Tell them you will not allow the alcohol and tobacco in your home, he will keep his room clean, etc. Stay calm and never let your SS get under your skin; because he will continue to play the game between you and DH.
Raising teens comes with all types of tricks in the bag, I am not an expert. Your DH obviously doesn't disagree with the snuff nor alcohol, as you do. Don't take on your DH's job of raising his sons. You have the right to have rules in your home, but you need to discuss it with everyone present. I let my YSS know that there are no secrets or sides to take with DH and I, when it came to MY rules. It worked in my case, maybe it won't work with your case. First have an earnest talk with your DH on how this effects you. Try an adult approach and stick to your boundaries.
I feel bad for anyone raising Step-teens. I'm hoping your DH will have your back, if you take the approach of DH handling it, after you have requested he discuss these issues with you first. Then let DH handle it; if he doesn't handle it to suit you, you can take more drastic measurers, such as I had to do.
^^^THIS^^^and I wanted to
^^^THIS^^^and I wanted to add; you will be the "bad SM". I am the worst person that ever breathed, but I have peace in our own home now and have not had to put up with YSS since. He is allowed to visit, when his parole officer allows, but it is still my boundaries, and he has respect and shows respect for me, when we do visit.
I have actually been paying
I have actually been paying at least half the bills. I am so beyond P.O.'d right now, it's best if I just keep my mouth shut for awhile. My husband is great at avoiding conflict/reality. I was more upset that his son spoke that way to me in front of him, while he looked at the floor. I clean everything...every time they leave and before they come back the next Monday their rooms are tidy, empty garbage cans, clean sheets, etc... I often buy snacks and place them in their rooms as well. I know...I've been a sap and a doormat. The snuff issue ticks me off so bad because my husband does chew snuff. I know his son has stolen it from him different times. This boy does not work so he has no money to buy these things (or anything for that matter). My husband also knows "Sam" has stolen money from his brother, and I suspect from me, as well. Just this past grading period he had 3 F's on his report card. Punishment? Nah! I have always known he was manipulative (playing father against mother and mother against step mom) but he's moving beyond petty lies. My husband works at the local high school and his son has also gotten away with a lot more than a kid who's parent doesn't work there. There have been several times he should've been suspended or given detention but administration has turned a blind eye. Thanks for your input!
I just spoke to my husband.
I just spoke to my husband. I tried to bring up what happened last night and he, again, agreed with his son. He informed me that they had an agreement...that my husband knew he had snuff, etc... but he wasn't to bring it in the house. (I KNEW NOTHING OF THIS SO-CALLED AGREEMENT.) I don't agree with that, obviously, and the issue that had me so upset was the disrespect I felt from his son. I would like to add that in the 6 years we've been together, the ONLY times we've disagreed were because of drama his ex-wife created or this son fibbing about whatever. BUT, I know my husband believes he is right and I am wrong about this. I don't know what I am going to do, I've got a lot to think about!
When he says he and his son
When he says he and his son are right.. do you mean about the part where you were in his room? If that is the case, then I would have one more quick convo with DH and this is how it goes.
Honey, I just want to understand 100% your feelings on this situation. You think I was wrong for going into his room to clean and get laundry? Wait for him to say yes then you do a big old fist pump and say "YES! No more cleaning or laundry duty for me!!!" (kind of like the little boy in Captain Ron when his dad tells his mom they are going to take the kids out of school to go sail on the boat). Then as you walk away you tell him that of course HE as the FATHER is going to be the one responsible for ENFORCING that this is all done properly and that while he is at it, he can start doing his own and taking a turn with scrubbing the bathrooms.
But he DID bring it into the
But he DID bring it into the house. Where is your husband's disgust at his son's lack of respect towards him and that rule? I guess it's okay for his son to disrespect all adults of the household, huh? But you are supposed to respect this kid's privacy?
I don't blame you for being upset. Not only is your husband disrespecting you, your SS disrespected you, and your husband basically gave him the okay to do it.
I've tried every kind of
I've tried every kind of approach. One problem is that my husband chews snuff and "can't tell him not to do it if he does it, himself." A couple years ago his ex-wife called me, threatening the "police were on their way to get me." Apparently "Sam" lost his new Beatz headphones that his mother bought for him. I occasionally sell things on ebay and had just sold my old pair (same style but different color) on there. The egg donor also said I had been selling his belongings for quite awhile...she was just waiting for "proof" (which is hilarious and so not true). I confronted the SS over that. His response was to blame it on his mother...he "didn't say that" BUT if he didn't...how did she even know I sold things online? Anyway...and I'm not even trying to be mean but this kid is just so dirty...even wiping boogers on the wall of his room. I won't be cleaning in there for a long time--if ever. I'm trying to not B and complain and nag my husband but also cannot comprehend how it's ok to disrespect me like that.
One problem is that my
One problem is that my husband chews snuff and "can't tell him not to do it if he does it, himself."
He is still the child, living under his parent's roof, being fully supported by said parent, and not of legal age to even buy it. So, yes, his father can full well tell him not to bring it, or do it, in the house.
Since when are kids allowed to do whatever adults do? That logic is so flawed, I can't even...
The fact that he isn't
The fact that he isn't legally old enough to buy it should be proof enough that he shouldn't have it. Your DH is the issue here, not the skid. You need to jerk his chain so hard that he never looks at a can of snuff the same way again.
^^Yes^ The school cannot
^^Yes^ The school cannot possibly condone/approve an employee supplying a minor with restricted substances. (even if it's 'just cigarettes/snuff.') Sorta like the underage drinking parents who think "it's better if they drink with me than at some other low-life place with fewer boundaries." The kicker is that DH is employed by the school and your tax dollars and deliberately chooses to violate the law.
I saw someone post this, and
I saw someone post this, and it really resonated with me, when I went through a situation with SD17, when she decided at the age of 17 that of course she was old enough to curse in our house:
"no matter how old you get SD/SS, you will ALWAYS be the child in THIS household, and as such you are required to go by our rules, and our rules dictate x,y,z".
That about sums it up.
You need to act and act soon. If you don't ay/do anything, the opportunity to make a point will have vanished.
I agree that OP needs to have
I agree that OP needs to have a talk with her DH.
I think that there may be a question of what she was told too. Her DH/SS didn't say she didn't have any rights in the HOUSE... but I think their point (not a good one btw) was that she shouldn't be taking things from the boy's room.
The problem with what happened is that her DH completely cut her off at the knees regarding any position of authority as an ADULT in the home.
She needs to have a quiet but firm conversation with DH. Among the points to be made are.
1. Despite the fact that YOU use snuff DH, your son is a minor and legally should not be buying it or using it. If you are telling me that you are going to provide it to him and support his habit, I will defer to your judgement as his father. I will disagree with your support, but I will no longer bring it up to him or you.
2. I have been cleaning up after your boys for years. To do so requires me to enter their rooms. If you would like to take on that responsibility to clean and do their laundry or enforce them doing instead, that will be great. I could use the break.
3. It's hard enough to be the stepmother without your husband undermining you. At the very least, you should require your children treat me with respect. If you disagree with me, I would appreciate it if you would do so in private so we can discuss things without it being in front of the kids.
4. In the future, if I happen to come across things that I don't think the boys should have, I will give them to you and you can deal with them.
Thank you...and well said!
Thank you...and well said! I'm going to print this out for later!
Your DH needs to get an
Your DH needs to get an education about reality ... fast.
Although not legal for a kid that age he's allowing his son to use snuff. I would suspect he has the same attitude about alcohol, since you've already found it in the kids' room. Next will be illegal drugs, which daddy will probably want to turn a blind eye towards as well. Keeping you out of his room is a way to keep you ignorant, but may not enough to keep you from being complicit. You already know the kid does stuff he is not supposed to, but daddy is allowing it.
Tell your husband this: He is on a very dangerous and slippery slope. As long as that kid is a minor and he has legal control over him, he is also legally responsible for what the kid does.
If SS goes out drunk and maims or kills someone, your DH ... AND YOU ... may wind up on the bad side of a very expensive lawsuit for a very long time. If your DH is aware the kid is drinking and decides to ignore it, he is liable. Particularly if the beer/alcohol is coming out of your house.
After all, your DH does snuff so why not let the kid. Sounds like the same attitude towards alcohol - dad drinks, so let the kid.
If I (or someone in my family) was the victim of some spoiled teenager because his father wasn't man enough to enforce laws in his own home, then you better believe I'd be suing and I take every damn thing you own.
You should both be losing sleep over that, IMO.
And this right here is
And this right here is evidence that YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND KNOW this kid is drinking:
"The first time, I only found it because one of his cans of beer sprung a leak and was all over the floor. I notified his father, who did nothing other than tell him to clean up the mess."
Try and explain that to a judge.
Print it out for the Court:
Print it out for the Court: minor child encouraged/permitted to consume illegal alcohol/tobacco products by a parental unit hired/paid for by a school. WTH.
Edit: for vocabulary
Ok…so this is what I would
Ok…so this is what I would do.
1). Let go of the snuff and beer issue. Your DH does not have an issue with it so no need for you to go hog wild over it.
2). Stop doing anything for any of them. No more! Start being the friendly Aunt and that is it.
3). Sit DH down and tell him that you will go into any room of that house anytime you want to. You pay bills and will not make it a habit of ever going back into SS’s room but if you want to, you damn sure will.
4). Also tell DH that from now on, you will pay ¼ of the bills. No reason for you to pay ½ of the bills when you are only 1 of 4 people there.
5). Also tell DH how profoundly disappointed you are in him for treating you that way in front of the skid.
6). Then you disengage and sit back and relax. Let DH parent his kids the way he wants to. Let DH clean up after his kids. Let DH but groceries for the kids. Let DH do it all.
I agree, except that parents
I agree, except that parents of minors are liable for their activity. If the skid was 18...I'd say whatever. Disengage fully. As he is 16 and engaging in these activities in HER home, I can't say to step back fully. You could be setting yourself up for some incredibly expensive problems.
You've reached a fork in the
You've reached a fork in the road, sister. Your wimpy H disrespected you in front of his already-disrespectful son, essentially giving him permission to carry on with treating you like the hired help.
Your life is going to get a whole lot worse if you don't put the fear of dog in your H. Look where being nice has gotten you. I would go on the damn warpath and make him fear upsetting you more than he already fears upsetting his juvenile delinquent son. I'd take the door off that brat's bedroom, and remove it from the premises. Joint accounts? I'd take half and move it to a new account in your name only. And then I'd inform Wimpy H that since he doesn't treat you as an equal partner, you will only be paying one fourth of the household bills. Move him to the couch, and tell him he can sleep with sonny boy if he likes.
Don't cook, don't clean, don't canoodle, don't cater, and don't waste your breath trying to reason with an invertebrate. You have two choices: Woman up, or assume the doormat position and be miserable.
Great suggestion from HRCity
Great suggestion from HRCity but don't just throw it in the trash can, you need to remove the lid and DUMP it in the trash can so no one can fish it out later.
Why you are playing maid to
Why you are playing maid to 16 and 15 year olds is beyond me. Stay out of their bedrooms. Stop doing their laundry. Not because you shouldn't be "allowed" in the rooms, but you really should have no reason to go into them. They should be 100% responsible for maintaining the bedrooms and caring for their own laundry needs. Part of parenting is preparing the little lazy slobs to enter adulthood, not to depend on a woman to (whether BM, SM or GF/wife) to be their unpaid servants.
Your husband is really doing a sh*tty job with these kids, but I have a hunch you are also one to wait hand and foot on your husband. The ol' housework is woman work. Soooo 1950.
I also suspect there are other "agreements" between father and son/s that you are clueless on. You said repeatedly this kid doesn't work and has no money. Have you wondered who keeps the kid supplied? You can't keep thinking kid steals everything he has that he perhaps shouldn't have or shouldn't be able to afford...no one is that lucky to never get caught. Someone, aka very likely Daddy and Mommy, are helping support this kid's ill habits. Even if the kid did steal money, you know he can't walk into a store and buy snuff and/or alcohol. Nope, he can't. He'd be carded.
Sammigirl, above, I think pretty well hit it. You can't control what this kid's parents allow him to do, but you can make very clear what you absolutely will not tolerate in you home. All those things at school that SS is up to and Daddy keeps pulling his weight to get the kid off from? It just happened in your own home. Kid got rescued by Daddy when you called kid out. Your husband is a willing accomplice to the kid's 'crimes'.
Your husband has made it pretty clear on how he intends to parent his son and he doesn't particularly care what you (or the school) think about it. The more your husband parents in this way, the worse the teen will become. Marriage counseling may or may not be beneficial in helping your husband see the harm he's doing both his son and his marriage. It might be worth a try. Otherwise you're going to have to decide what stand you're willing to take and how sincere you are in taking it.
I think we as mothers ~ see
I think we as mothers ~ see the bigger picture.. you let the 16 year old have illegal things... they could lead to worse illegal things showing up in his room.. or what if he drives the car after drinking beers in his room and gets into an accident... guess who also goes to jail. You and your husband. so where do you draw the line? Did your husband buy him the beer? Think you need to remind DH that he is a parent ... he is trying to be a friend to his son.
As a STEP parent, I'd be sure
As a STEP parent, I'd be sure to let DH know that if the skids drink and drive and get in trouble, Aniki will NOT be going to jail!
Maybe not jail, but
Maybe not jail, but definitely named in a lawsuit.
As I pointed out above, if the minor skid causes an accident under the influence and while in DH's care, then DH can be held liable. Since most couples have co-mingled finances that means that they (DH and SM) could lose their joint savings, property, maybe house, etc. if successfully sued.
Suzeeh/OP, you were desperate for advice. Have you decided to TAKE any of it? :? :?
Won't happen to me. Our
Won't happen to me. Our finances are completely separate and the house is a rental. Also, I tend to be anywhere else on the planet when the skids are there.
Smart move on your part!
Smart move on your part! Too bad others don't do the same. Hopefully, that's where the OP is - getting money shifted over into her name only! }:)
2Tired, it's only smart
2Tired, it's only smart because I loathe being around the skids. Plus, I hate seeing DH running himself ragged trying to accommodate their competitive neediness.
PrincASS and PigPen don't care that DH's work is physically exhausting or that DH is ALWAYS tired. They are constantly vying for his attention. Neither boy likes doing what the other does. So.
DH is working in the garage with Piggy. Now PrincASS is BORED and wants to GO HOME. Wah.
DH is watching PrincASS play some stupid video game. Now PigPen is BORED and wants to GO HOME. Wah.
Those arseholes would only be happy if DH could clone himself and spend 100% of his time with each of them. Then again, whoever got the clone would beeyotch because it wasn't the ORIGINAL DH.
I've decided to disengage. I
I've decided to disengage. I will start with that.
I have also told the husband that if I ever find anything else "Sam" should not have, I will discard it. That's what I did before and it wasn't questioned. I am tired of my husband having no balls when it comes to this kid. No more doing laundry, changing sheets or cleaning their rooms--they have the honor of doing that now.
He best not touch anything that is mine, either! Tv has been removed from his bedroom as well!
Well done, Suzeeh! Keep us
Well done, Suzeeh! Keep us posted!
Why pay anything at all for a
Why pay anything at all for a house you have no rights over? Your dh unilaterally decided what the rules are - let him unilaterally pay for that privilege.
I think you'd be well justified in finding yourself a little pied a terre to which you can retreat where you have the full authority of an adult to make the rules. You can invite dh over there and let him feel disenfranchised.
And by all means IMMEDIATELY stop paying for any TV service to that boy's room! Yikes! Confiscate the tv itself if you think you have a basis to (as in you bought that or whatever).
It is very, very bad what your DH did in front of your ss. My dh and I definitely disagree on a great deal when it comes to child rearing but NEVER in front of them. NEVER.
Also -- I have a hard limit on illegal or illegal to minors substances in this house. NO GO. NO ARGUING. DON'T CARE NOT HAVING IT.
UGH. The "MY room is MY
UGH. The "MY room is MY territory is a sore spot in my home as well. I have an SD17, whos room looks like a crackhead lives there. I was missing some bowls and asked everyone where they were, and got the response "no I do not have them". So asked, and got the same response "no I do not have them". Guess where they were (2-3 items I was looking for)??????? Can you guess?????
SD17 winona's room. In a drawer, with FRAKING FOOD STILL IN THEM AND MOLDING. So, now we have the door off, and she is required to keep her room clean.
Definitely talk to you DH...what he did was very unsupportive to you. It sounds like he will not listen to you, so you need to school him with some hard knocks. There are some fabulous suggestions here - go on strike!!!! Let DH know you mean business and will not tolerate their shenanigans.