Contemplating leaving my husband because of SKs and his family
Hi all -
I've been lurking around for some time, but this is my first post. DH and I have a long, complicated story, but the short version is that we've been together for 6 years, married for almost 3. He has 2 children (SD9 and SD13) and we have DD, who is 9 months. SKs are supposed to split time 50/50 between our home and the home their mother shares with her partner. This hasn't happened for over 6 months. Things have been contentious for the last year and a half or so and have gotten worse in the last month.
First, DH's family doesn't like me. They constantly bring up BM - every time I see his mother, she has something to tell me about the way BM did something with SKs or wants to share a story about something BM did. BM left DH for her partner, which caused huge issues in his family, but for some reason I'm hated more than the awful woman who "ruined his life". DH's mother always refers to me as the second wife and compares me to his ex. It's hurtful and sad. DH's younger brother has never liked me because his ex was like a sister. I'm not sure what her philandering or poor life choices have to do with me, but I've gotten used to the cold shoulder.
Moving on to the children...
About 6 months before I got pregnant, SD13 told me I wasn't allowed to have a baby. Those were her exact words. She said this in front of both DH and me; he didn't say anything to her, so I got to be the bully who told her my body and my life choices are mine and she doesn't get to have a say. After I had DD, I was afraid to let either SD get near the baby. DH told me I was over-reacting, but my fears were realized when SD13 grabbed my infant out of my arms and then shook her around like a rag doll. I yelled, took my baby back, and told SD13 that she would not be allowed to be around the baby if she kept up this behavior. I got a nasty email from BM about how I shouldn't scold her children. SD9 is a little better around the baby, but she bullies her by throwing things in her face and making loud noises that scare her. I really don't want them to be near my kid, but DH allows them to have time alone with her while I'm at work.
The other day, DH got a letter from SD13 saying that she would stay in our home 50/50 per the court-mandated parenting agreement only if I wasn't here. Basically a teenager is telling my husband that she'll live here in my home if I move out. And, oh, the baby can stay. She also said that she had a wonderful time at their family Thanksgiving at DH's parent's house because I wasn't there (I'm a nurse and it was my turn to work Thanksgiving). I'm sure it was a delightful time being around people who have a common enemy - me.
I'm about ready to pack the baby up and move in with my crazy parents because I just don't know what to do. I've asked DH to help me talk to SKs. I've tried to engage with them - if I do, it's not enough. I've tried to disengage - when I do that, they say I'm mean and a b*tch. I've asked DH to talk to his mother and he won't. I've also asked him to defend me because I'm his wife. He can't seem to do that either.
I'm sort of at a loss. I don't have any friends who are stepparents, so I only have my little sister to talk to, but it's so hard because she can't relate to what's going on. She's wonderfully supportive, but I feel like a burden on her because she puts up with all my baggage. I'm looking for advice, but also just a place to vent my frustrations and concerns.
Any thoughts? Criticisms? Advice? Plane tickets to Fiji??
SD not the problem, it's your
SD not the problem, it's your DH not putting her in her place. Does he want you to move out so his BD will be there 50/50 ? Face facts, SD is not going to change, Maybe at 20, maybe not. It to late for DH to parent her, she think she has all the power. It's your life, is this the way you want to live it. YOu can hope all you want but you know it's not going to change. We all did this one way of another.
I've told him that I'll take
I've told him that I'll take some time away so he can repair his relationship with his kids. He said that it's not what he wants, but I need to let them do what they need to do and stay out of it. She definitely thinks she has all the power. I know teenage girls are awful in general, having been one myself!
"You are not LESS THAN, they
"You are not LESS THAN, they are."
Thank you. I needed that...
Sounds all too familiar: "DH
Sounds all too familiar: "DH got a letter from SD13 saying that she would stay in our home 50/50 per the court-mandated parenting agreement only if I wasn't here. Basically a teenager is telling my husband that she'll live here in my home if I move out."
That's what happens in a crazy environment where children are allowed to act like parents, and parents are to act like children, bowing down to the little snowflakes.
Reading between the lines, I'm assuming that BM is poisoning the well too. Manipulative, controlling BM and weak, enabling DH = step hell. It's even more difficult when the in-laws seem to buy into this too.
There are many things wrong in the US with the role that most seem to think SPs should play. In a nutshell, SPs are expected to be the servant in the home, letting DH, SKs and BM do whatever they please, while SPs are to suck it up and take it. People accept divorce in the US now, but I don't think they still accept 2nd marriages or even know how to do so. For some reason, divorcees rule the day, and since the kids are COD, it is expected that they rule the day too. SPs are just seen as intruders who "ruin" things for the "real" family. When in reality, usually they are main one trying to keep everything together for themselves and for DH, SKs, and, yes, even BM.
What's worse, is that even tho. you are clearly married to your DH (and even tho. BM may have had affairs), BM and DH are still thought of as a couple simply by virtue of having children together. They are parents, yes, BUT they are no longer a couple. They gave that up when they got divorced. So, even tho. you and DH may have been married for years and years, guess what?, society thinks that BM and SKs get to decide when you and your husband should be a couple or not, such as seating BM and your DH together at events without any word to either you or your husband. This is absolutely insane.
My advice: Do what works for you and frankly don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks, including your own DH. If they want to think you are evil SM, let them, because believe me, that is what they will think regardless. You could literally be a angel sent from heaven to save the family, and they will still interpret your every move in the worst possible ligjt and blame you for all the angst and fallout from their divorce.
BM and her wife are
BM and her wife are incredibly manipulative and will do whatever they can to convince the children that they can do no wrong. BM's wife has even gone so far as to tell SKs that she will fulfill the role of their father if that's what they want. It's crazy making.
The SKs and I used to have a great relationship, but it all started to fall apart when I was expected to take more of a role in the day to day parenting. They say they want me to "act like" their parent, but get angry when there are rules. It doesn't help that BM's wife is about 10 years younger than the rest of the adults in their lives and acts like a trained circus monkey when they're together. I'm all for having fun with the kids, but acting like a child to impress children isn't really my thing.
I'm definitely not judging -
I'm definitely not judging - I really don't care that she left him and now has a new spouse. She and her wife can do whatever they please, as long as they leave me out of it. Calling me a c*nt in the school parking lot and calling the police to try to get me arrested for kidnapping on my day to pick up the SKs after school takes it a little too far.
"Let me just suggest something to you. When an immature, insecure young teen girl said something inappropriate to you, I wish you could have seen it for what it really was. Instead of bowing up at her with your statements of "I'll do what I want and I don't give a damn how affects anyone else, especially you" what if you had responded with sympathy to her feelings and validated her as a person.
You could have said "SD, it must seem so scary to think that your Dad might have another baby. You must be worried about a lot of things. I hope you know that your Dad's love for you is unchanging, deep, and strong. Another brother or sister won't take away any of his love but it will be a person who thinks you are the coolest thing since sliced bread. Maybe you and your Dad should talk about how you're feeling. Would you like a hug?""
There was more to the "you're not allowed to have a baby" conversation than I included in my original post. We started with an open conversation in potential changes in our family life and what it would look like for all of us. I have a unique perspective because I too am 12 years older than my baby sister (11 years older than my brother). I was an only child for over a decade in a family situation that is far from normal. My parents started dating when I was 2. My "dad" is the only dad I've ever known. My siblings may be my half siblings, but none of us have ever referred to each other that way, not that there's anything wrong with that. They're my brother and sister and other than my own DD, are the best part of my life. I tried to talk to SD13 about how she would be an excellent role model for a sweet baby (whether or not that's true) and how the age difference really doesn't matter as you grow up. I told her that with a baby, things would be forever changed, but changed for the better. That's when she started yelling that I wasn't allowed to have a baby. DH didn't correct the behavior, but he did ask her if she was worried that he would change the way he felt about her and she started to cry. At the time, I suppose that was the right thing to do. I was just so shocked that she would say something like that to me. He just sat on the couch as she continued to yell that I wasn't allowed. That's when I firmly told her that my and DH's decision to have a baby was not something she had a say in. I told her that if DH and I wanted to have a baby, that was a choice that we would be making as we are the adults in this relationship. DH didn't respond. SD13 said that "BM and her wife would never do something like this to me".
After I found out I was having a baby, SD9 was thrilled and asked if she could name her new sister. She was wonderful and kind and respectful my whole pregnancy. SD13, on the other hand, called BM and told her our news (after DH asked her not to, as he wanted to tell BM himself). BM then sent me an email about how this was unfair to her child. I didn't reply. SD13's behavior was considerably worse during the pregnancy - she even punched me in the stomach twice. The first time, I told her that in our home we respect people's bodies and their personal boundaries and she just laughed and socked me again. When SD9 asked how the baby would be born, I told her that her sister would make her entrance in one of two ways. SD13 told me I couldn't say the word "vaginal" in front of her because BM said I'm not supposed to. I politely told her that in my home, we can talk openly about medical things because A) it's factual,
it's natural, and C) I'm a medical professional. When DH came home from work and I told him what happened, he talked with SD13 and her answer was "she knows she's not allowed to say those things" and that was the end of the conversation.
BM and her wife refuse to help DH and I find a therapist for the girls. DH and I wanted to go as a family, the two of us and SKs, but BM says she needs to interview any therapist we might choose. I understand that she wants to make sure her children are safe and feel comfortable speaking to a therapist, but she rejects anyone we find and doesn't offer any alternatives. SKs need therapy big time (so do DH and I, but that's another story) to help cope with everything going on in their lives. Maybe some day BM will try to facilitate that.
He doesn't know what to do
He doesn't know what to do about it and I get it, but it's infuriating. He told me a few weeks ago that he didn't want them to drive a wedge between the two of us. Too late!
Of course when you get
Of course when you get married you feel like you want to make the family of your spouse YOUR family too. But that doesn't always happen, even in the best of circumstances.
You really have to set and enforce your own personal boundaries. From what I've read, I think you've handled most of the things you've been confronted with really well. And let's be honest, given that no one really expects this crazy-making stuff to happen anyway, you should give yourself a pass for anything you feel you haven't handled well.
But you can't expect your DH to stick up for you. You don't have to do it yourself, you can just get yourself out of the equation. Maybe not possible with the children. But you need to arrange alternate child care for when you're working and your step-kids are over. Just don't be around your family-by-marriage anymore, and don't let your daughter be anywhere she's not safe.
You've got this.
Take control. Do not ask
Take control. Do not ask your DH for help... tell him exactly what he will do and when he will do it and if he fails to do as he is told you will handle it and he won't like it. The next time a Skid assaults your infant call the police and let the system start to deal with these idiot toxic devil spawned crotch pukes.
Do not tolerate the cold shoulder from your MIL... confront her with her crap... inform her that you are not the adulterous whore of an XW and you don't give a shit about her or want to hear anything about her and if MIL insists on continuing to worship your DH's XW that you feel sorry for her for buying into the bullshit rather than seeing the adulterous whore for what she is.
Tolerate nothing but compliance from all of them and learn to enjoy rubbing their noses in their toxic crap.
DH ether steps up and delivers on being the equity life partner that he should be or ..... call the locksmith and rekey the locks and he can take his prior relationship crotch pukes and move in with his mommy. You are a self supporting medical professional and you don't need anything from this shallow and polluted gene pool. Never forget that.
I can't comprehend how or why so many people, men in particular, end up like your DH and fail to correct the issues. Instead they loose their balls and wilt under the pressure of toxic Xs, manipulative toxic crotch turds, and idiot parents.
Don't let your own baby be a victim of this crap. Protect the baby, protect yourself.
Good luck.