What should I do?
Well I'm new to the "stepmother" thing or at least I will legally be in July. I've known my future husbands son since he was two and now he's eight. We have a great relationship , I have no problems with my future SS. All my problems lie with his BM. Let me star by saying we are all very youn, I'm 26, he's 26, and she's 25! We're all babies still! So to get back to the story, I have many issues with the "EX"! I have nothing to do with why thier relationship did not work out. They were finished long before I came along. I have been nothing but nice to her to try to respect her as an adult and his mother. She has done nothing but try to make my life hell. She has done everything from prank calling the house to sending letters. I've ignored this situation for as long as I can. The most recent thing that has pushed me past PISSED is that she posts personal intimate things from the past about her and my soon to be husband on relatives pages on another ever so popular wbesite for children "MYSPACE". You see mine is a very compicated situation, and here is why. She ,the EX, is best friends with my soon to be husbands sister in law. So on family functions that are held at the sister in laws home, the EX is there! I don't know what to do anymore!! I would like to continue to be the better person in all this and not react to the situation, but obviously thats not working. I feel that in the mist of all our adult problems, the child is in the middle of all of it. I've tried to respect her for his sake. I don't want her to change our relationship. Recently we have gotten into some heated arguements and her excuse for is she can say whatever she wants because he is her son's father! Is that fair to me should I settle for this? Don't get me wrong, I understand that she will always be there they had an eight year relationship, sure they were young but out of that they got a beautiful son. I just wish she wouldn't see me as the enemy. I'm not saying we should be best friends, but we should respect one another like adults and set my SS as first priority instead of our petty issues.
- bluepixie828's blog
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Your post could've been written by just about every one of us, bluepixie! Most of us have been through this or are going through this now and I can honestly say that while it may have periods of better, there will also continue to be periods of worse, probably until the end of time. She's going to see you as an adversary, because you are going to be his wife and her son's stepmother and sometimes it's hard for a BM in that situation to view the SM as anything but an adversary. There's just not one single thing you can do to change that. So to save your sanity, maybe you could try doing what I did... totally disengage from her. If you've tried reaching out and extending an olive branch and that doesn't work, then just remove yourelf from any dealings with her whatsoever. Don't talk to her, don't email her, don't be the one to make arrangements with her. Don't even answer the phone when she calls... let DH pick up or send her to voice mail. Have all communications with her go through your husband only. On those occasions where you have to be at a place where she is physically present, be polite and civil, no matter what. If it helps diffuse the tension on those occasions when you have to be in the same room together, then imagine her with spinach in her teeth or a toilet paper trail, anything to lighten your mood and humanize her. Pretend like you just don't care, like it just doesn't matter, and eventually you will "train" yourself to actually feel that way. You can't take anything she says personally. Live your life in spite of her, not within her dictates. Refuse to let her ruffle your feathers. If you give her no reaction, she will eventually give up and stop seeking a reaction. If you don't invest emotionally in her, then you simply won't feel the sting of the barbs she sends your way. It took me three years to learn this lesson, but as soon as I stopped providing my husband's ex-wife with an audience, she stopped targeting me. She still pisses my husband off from time to time, but hey, that's his cross to bear... he's the one who made babies with her, not me!
Support your husband, love your SS and let the ex be water off a duck's back as much as you can.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
welcome to the club
well I feell for you bluepixie! As Anne said many of us are in the same boat...or should I say ocean liner?! I too deal with inlaws that maintain their "close personal friendship" with the x, and it has even interfered with the relationship b/tw my ss and his father at this point, my mother in law even has my husband's wedding photo with bm#1 hanging in her family room...they have been divorced for 12years!! It will make times difficult believe me, but I have found that this site can help alot to avoid dealing with these issues, I come here instead of reading the mail now. It is also frustrating because I am sure many will agree that it is us step's who are the ones who do the "work"...organizing, cooking, cleaning, and many other step related activities just be ignored, patronized and, harassed by the bm. If possible, I agree with Anne...step back and let bf handle the bm. There are many years ahead for you and your family, so enjoy them! oh and by the way...give yourself some more credit...after six years you shouldn't wait to be a "legal" stepmom you are already there!! Good Luck
Here's what I would like to know...
How is it that everyone on this site knows from experience that the step parents provide so many services, open their hearts to children that are not theirs, etc. and should expect to be mistreated and even harassed by the biomom? It's a fact, there's no disputing it. I'm going through it, to a point, myself. I say to a point because there are folks here that have it much worse than I do. But how is it that this is legal? I have looked everywhere online to find a list of my rights and reaponsibilities as a stepparnet, and I can't find anything. This leads me to think that there are none. There are no laws protecting me or anyone else from vindictive, spiteful BMs. And why not? There's obviously enough of it going on to warrant legislation, but there seems to be none. I mean, in terms of close personal friendships- I can't relate. No one from "our side" can stand to talk to her, but in reference to Anne's comment, we should not be living in a society that openly acknowledges BM's harassment without doing anything about it. This is just wrong.
Sorry to get off topic. I just had to get it out.
re: off topic
I don't think you are that far off topic! The point is that we marry these men and therefore accept the responsibility of helping to raise their children. The fact that we must stand back in the spectator zone is not fair! The fact that these bio's cause us grief when (I hope) we steps really only want what is best for these children, and our own family life is completely unfair. And the fact that the family court system does not recognize us is a social rip off for our kids. I know that recently in Canada a family court ruled that a child could legally have 3 parents in the eyes of the court. My frustration with the judgement is that it was for a lesbian couple and bf. Now I have nothing against same sex couples, but I don't think it is fair that they are the ones who get that judgement, mean while the rest of us have been left in the cold! (although it has set a precedent that I cheered) It would be a lot easier on these kids if we could all get along, share happy times, and get on with raising happy healthy kids. They say it takes a village, maybe the bio's out there should be happy that we are giving our kids a "country" to be loved by! The sad truth is, if there was a resource for us to go after these bio's...we are still in the bad in the eyes of our kids for taking these actions against their mom's!
Thanks for encouragement!
The only thing I disagree with is that I don't think that taking legal action against BM would make us bad in eyes of kids (minus potential manipulation on the part of BM talking about it in front of kids). I think that taking action would show 1. That the rules apply to everyone, which is currently not the case and 2. That you, as stepmom, are willing to do whatever it takes to meet their best interests. See, this is where I start getting upset. What so many of BMs do is NOT in their child's best interest, but the courts just let them do it, because apparently giving birth makes you unaccountable to the rules every else has to follow. This is why it blows me away that there are no laws, at the very least, protecting children from being used as a weapon against the other parent (I don't mean to be biased-I'm sure that BFs do this craziness as well). Like in my particular situation: BM has already been told in court that she is not doing what's in the best interest of the child. So they made a court order to fix the problem. It could have worked, had the court order been enforced. She's still using her child as a weapon, and the court's only answer to this is an extra afternoon's worth of parenting time. I don't mean to sound ungrateful-we'll take whatever we can get, but the emotional abuse to and alienation of the child continues. It seems to me, in NJ at least, that the court only cares what is in the best interest of the BM, not the child. If there were laws, a legal way to say-Hey, BM, knock it off, that the child best interests would ultimately be served, and that the child would ultimately have a more stable and loving environment in which to grow up. How can that be bad?
unless you have lots of money for a good lawyer..and in my experience good luck on that...and the time to go through the system, which in turn costs more money in the end it isn't too often that it works out that way. I have not had good family court experiences, infact things went that bad for my dh he walked out! I think it is terrible that it should have to come to a court situation where the non-custodial parent does not have a realistic chance unless blatent abuse is proven. We tried to get the courts to say "hey bm smarten up" by serving her with contempt for denying scheduled visits and instead we got...nothing except three days in the courthouse looking at the bm across the hall. The old law class saying that you must tell the truth in a court of law doesn't seem to apply anymore in family court, and the idea that a child may be better off with the non custodial parent...only works if you can prove bm is a crack head. When I said it can be bad...because it is these manipulating bioparents who will turn to the kid and say...see what they did ..they say I am a bad mom, how could they? Unfortunately for our kids they are to young and naive to understand that you are not trying to hurt them, just trying to help them. sorry for the vent here...maybe off topic now ! just very frustrated with the position non custodials, and us steps are put in with no real course of action available, especially like I said above if there is not financial means to do it with....damn $$$$$ everyone wants it no one has enough of it.
It shouldn't be this way...
I see what you're saying and I agree. I'm just saying that everyone knows how messed up, biased, and unfair the family court system is. What I don't understand is why, as Americans in a democratic system, it has to be that way. We shouldn't have to wait until these kids are grown to see the system change. It's a problem, and everyone knows it's a problem. Why isn't there anything we can do about it? I think maybe I need to spend less time on this site and more time on the phone with my congressmen and local legislators.