I GOT A RING ! I'm Offically Engaged !!!!!
At the ripe old age of 42. I'm offically engage for the very first time.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been wearing a fake ring since the day his divorce was finalized in September. Today he picked out a simple yet beauiful ring. And I'm wearing it!!!!!!!
I can't stop looking at it!!!! I feel like a reject.
Talk about doing things ass backwards, I got the wedding dress back in November. But Today, I got a ring.
Happy plane soaring high !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Little Jo's blog
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That is so great!!! Congratulations!!
Doing a Happy For You Dance
I'm doing a happy for you dance over here! Congratulations!!!! Don't stare at ring while driving though! I remember I kept holding my hand up to let the sun reflect off it while I was driving. Nearly hit a tree. Enjoy!!!
Dum dum da dum, dum dum da dum...
I don't know whether to congratulate you or smack you upside the head for willingly committing yourself permanently to Step Hell!
But seriously, congratulations and the absolute best wishes to you both. I'm so very excited and happy for you, Little Jo! Thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us. We are the first ones to know, right?!
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
Best wishes for your engagement! It's such a wonderful feeling, and I am truly excited for you!
Well done Little Jo
That's great news! Hey, 42 and engaged for the first time? I'd say you're one of the smart ones and it is right because it means so much to you.
Looking forward to hearing your plans
Good things come to those who wait, right? I wish you all the best. Might I recommend visiting (if you haven't already heard) www.theknot.com. They have articles out the whazoo, a nifty budget calculator, you can make a free wedding web page, all sorts of great resources. Where are you from? If you are anywhere close to make, I'll make your wedding cake for cost (usually around $1 per serving). Let me know! Congrats again! By the way, thanks for comment from Friday, it was encouraging to see that I'm not the only person that thinks Ms. P's behavior is totally retarded (although this term actually gives a bad name to the mentally retarded).
I am so happy for you!
That's awesome!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
So Exciting
It is great to here such fantastic news Jo. When's the big day planned for?
Congrats Jo!!! Let me know how your plans are going mine are moving very slow lol
So happy for you!
I love hearing happy news! Congratulations, Jo! I'm so tickled for you. Do you have a date set? We don't... but will soon! Can't wait to hear the wedding bells!
Thank you, thank, thank you.
You ladies are great and so are you Steve. Bonus wife - don't stare at it while driving. lol
We are hoping to pull enough money together to plan a date for maybe 3 or 4 months from now. Through talking with some family and friends last night, everybody seems opened to the idea of a Friday night. That allows us more dates to choose from. Bf and I are not very FOO FOO. We are pretty laid back. So we are not planning anything outrageous.
My 17 y.o. Daughter and my 17 y.o. neice want to be the flower girls. Yeah, I just said that. Hey, they want to throw flower pedals for me, why not. My best friends two boys will be the ring barrers. They are 9 & 10.
As we make more plans, I will be happy to share them with you and would love your input.
Darkness must have sensed we where having fun last night, so of course she called and was bitching up a storm because the SD16 must have told her Mother I was asking what her new BF's last name was. You know for a backround check. Anyway, BF handled her well and we went back to making phone calls and sharing the news. He did not tell BM about my ring.
Laughing, I can't wait to here what she has to say about this.
Who cares what she thinks
It is none of her business (alothough if it is bigger than hers then diffently flaunt it lol). Don't let her ruin your happiness she isn't worth it.
Hey I recived my ring 2 weeks befor Christmas and what do you know the BM got one for Chiristmas (did I mention she is pregnant and I am not so at least I was given mine for the right reasons) But you know what I am not about to let her ruin it for me and hope fully you can do the same. BIG HUGS and Congrats again keep us updated
Don't worry.
Let her even try to ruin this. I don't care how much bigger than me she is, I will take her down, either that or I will sick Fearless on her. LOL
The best last night was telling his sister. We plan to call his Mom today. They live in Washington State and we are in New York. I've never met them, but we do talk of the phone from time to time. They HATE, and I mean HATE BM.
I would say it is pretty safe to say we all have your back I am in WV but hey I am up for a road trip beside wouldn't want fearless to have all of the fun lol Although I am more of a lover than a fighter maybe I better just stay in the mountains hahahahahaha
I'm in CT, so I'm close enough to provide back-up. I'll bring my Marine hubby, if need be. Although, if Fearless is there, we won't be needing him.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
LOL, that's rich
I love it, can you picture a whole band wagon of us going after darkness. We would have to make it a road trip. We can surely think of a few BM's that need an ass beaten.
Best wishes for a fabulous marriage!
Good For you Jo - you deserve it !!! and a BIG CONGRADULATIONs!!!!! I'm so happy for you. And don't let darkness (haha I love that nickname) ruin anything for you. Just enjoy this time.
I'm giddy with excitement for you!!!!
you guys are great.
Thank you. I'm still flying pretty high. We told SD16 today on the phone that BF gave me a ring. I don't know if and when she will tell her Mother. SD16 & SD11 know that we are planning to get married. They spotted the dress bag in the closet about a month ago. They wanted to see the dress. While unzipping the bag, I asked them if they were cool with the idea. They where both like yeah. Then SD16 asked if she would be invited. I told her of course, if any of you want to come, that's great. The kid added "but I don't think it would be a good idea to invite our Mom."
I almost went deaf from all the laughing in my head!
You should invite biomom!
There are never enough people around to help clean up afterwards!
I am so happy for you Jo! I needed some good news today, even if it was not my own! Live it up! Who CARES what BM says, thinks, whatever... this is YOUR time- make the best of it!
I remember when BM saw my ring for the first time. She came to pick up SS and he was sleeping... so while she put him in her car I followed her out with his shoes etc.... handed her his shoes and the sun caught my ring just right... BLING right in her eye. At this point we were not on good terms- She FLIPPED her lid. Oh that's real nice, I am struggling to support myself and SS and DH is buying YOU a rock (she got a gold band- no engagement ring from DH). I simply said "get a job and maybe you wouldn't be struggling" turned and walked in the house. It felt so GOOD to say to her. Mean, I know... but it did.