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Think on this for a sec

stired_crazy's picture

Think on this for a sec:

I posted on my blog earlier this:
" Never regret something that made you once smile",

I got some pretty down hearted responces on it, People feeling the hard times, But heres what I know:

Look at the world through a child like heart.. Life always seems a little better,
Little kids are the best teachers, we see unconditional love and forgiveness in them,Isn't that all of our lifes missions in life to learn? And maybe that learning is not so much with other people but maybe its to learn it for ourselfs. We are our own hardest critics, We tend to not give ourself credit.

I think the worst thing we do to ourself is self betrayal,Those times when we swear we wont put up with this or that anymore, or next time we wont put our selfs through that agin or just learning to say...
" NO" can be hard for some, I know it is for me even if I know its not what I want and its not going to make me happy.

Self betryal....its a kick in the heart,its the mind ratteling that we hear in our head that says " We knew better" but we did it anyways, Or we accepted less then what was essential true for ourselfs, I hate those self betraying moments because they make us feel so d*m bad about our choices, Our decision,Our actions,And all those creepy feelings that seem to just linger in our heart and repeat in our minds over and over agin, And we beat ourselfs down so bad no one else has to worry about doing it for us,We master that all on our own.

Forgiving ourself is harder then perhaps forgiving someone else, Exspecially when we knew better.

But in the mist of dispair and limbo there is a brighter side, Its the one thing we don't realize and that we don't see and sometimes know one else points it out to us either because the world likes to see you down, Sometimes it makes other people feel better about themself.

You will find your biggest strengths in your moments of weakness ..
You will come back at 10 times the force,
You will have learned something from the exsperience no matter how dreadful it may be

You'll keep those exsperiences in your memeory bank, Because the next time that situation arises you'll know exactly how to handle it. Its all a learning process for self growth, It builds charecther in all of us in some form or another with always a positive end in view that WILL better you.

Its like someone told me:

" When you touched a hot stove when you was a kid you knew the next time to not touch it" Well.. Thats our life mistakes to.

Don't be hard on yourselfs, Today do this:

Have a child like heart,
Look at what our God laid out for us today to embrace,
Like the sun, The wind, The birds,Every day he maps out something different for us to recognize, Rather its rain he laid out or snow or sunshine and a little bit of clouds.

Everyday can be exciting no matter what challenge you have, So make a committement to love yourself, To not betray yourself and to see whats on the todays forecast,
Because it is the seasons of our life.


Bonus Wife's picture

Thanks...I'm going to print that out! Great food for thought.

stired_crazy's picture

Thank You very much, That makes me feel good that you find it inspiring, Hope it keeps you warm on those seemingly cold days you face every now and then.

Bonus Wife's picture

Thanks...I'm going to print that out! Great food for thought.