ya it is official, i have joined the sofa king we toddit group, anyone catch that huge photo come by???? lol lol lol
it was actually dh who asked why i didn't post a pic, and i had to tell him i was afraid of what i would end up with......it was huge and i don't know how to downsize!!!! i am pretty sure i have atleast 3 different photo edit things on this damn machine but i will be damn if i know what to do with them, lol lol lol oh well maybe one day i will figure it out!! giggle giggle!!!
do i try to downsize the pic before i put it through the site? I took typing in school not computers...lol so basic instructions would be appreciated if possible....still giggling
-locate the file
-right click on it
-go down to "open with"
-what are your options? I had Microsoft Office Picture Manger-select that if you have it
-Once that program opens, select "Picture" from the tool bar & click on "resize"
-Select the "custom width x height" radio button and put 64 and 64 in your dimensions
-Save it
-Download it into your profile
I felt like I was the "face of steptalk" when I went to the main page and saw my post sitting there with that huge pic! I like myself, but not that much!
Thank you for the simple directions, i did follow them, it did get smaller....looks tiny when i tryed again.....didn't come out so small. oh well another day i guess!! my patience level runs thin on this machine....i need a drink now!! The funny thing is that the pic i chose is one of my least favorite! my mother took it at 7am in the morning, great time for the family photo!!!
Never mind!
I fixed it! Thanks and sorry for bugging you guys! I felt like such an idiot!
ya it is official, i have joined the sofa king we toddit group, anyone catch that huge photo come by???? lol lol lol
it was actually dh who asked why i didn't post a pic, and i had to tell him i was afraid of what i would end up with......it was huge and i don't know how to downsize!!!! i am pretty sure i have atleast 3 different photo edit things on this damn machine but i will be damn if i know what to do with them, lol lol lol oh well maybe one day i will figure it out!! giggle giggle!!!
ok may try to humiliate myself again....advice on how?
do i try to downsize the pic before i put it through the site? I took typing in school not computers...lol so basic instructions would be appreciated if possible....still giggling
Trying to keep it simple...
-locate the file
-right click on it
-go down to "open with"
-what are your options? I had Microsoft Office Picture Manger-select that if you have it
-Once that program opens, select "Picture" from the tool bar & click on "resize"
-Select the "custom width x height" radio button and put 64 and 64 in your dimensions
-Save it
-Download it into your profile
Good luck!
I know!
I felt like I was the "face of steptalk" when I went to the main page and saw my post sitting there with that huge pic! I like myself, but not that much!
easyshare my ass!!
Thank you for the simple directions, i did follow them, it did get smaller....looks tiny when i tryed again.....didn't come out so small. oh well another day i guess!! my patience level runs thin on this machine....i need a drink now!! The funny thing is that the pic i chose is one of my least favorite! my mother took it at 7am in the morning, great time for the family photo!!!
All the more reason...
We NEED A BETTER SEARCH filtering setup for this site.... (Dawn-hint hint hint... jab jab jab.)
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...