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This is stupid, but it bothers me anyway...

dbsojo's picture

So a few weeks ago, Dad passed away. Mic requested that SS be allowed to go to the viewing. Ms. Perfect actually had a heart and let him go. I'm certainly not used to her doing anything nice or considerate, so I sent a thank you note. It didn't say much, just that we appreciated her letting SS come with us, and that her thoughtfulness concerning the situation would be returned. I sealed it up, stuck a stamp on it and dropped it in the mail.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Mic was on the phone with SS. Ms. P. told SS to tell Mic to tell me (yeah, God forbid she lower herself by actually speaking to me)"Thanks, but it was unnecessary". Keep in mind that this was the first time she EVER thanked me for anything. But when Mic told me the whole "unnecessary" part really ticks me off. If she meant "you didn't have to do that" that's what she should have said, it would have been much more polite. I told Mic that due to her lack of thankfulness in the past two years, she had definitley deemed it all "unnecessary". But just because she doesn't feel the need to be nice to other people doesn't mean that I don't. I was raised to say thank you. And guess what- so will their son, if I have anything to say about it.

I mean, for crying out loud, who forwards a message like that through a child? "No, son, don't bother to say thank you to anyone, it's unnecessary". WTF.


lmdavi0's picture

but some women are just like that. i keep trying to understand WHY bb is the way she is but i think it's just one of those things i will never understand because thankfully i'm not that sort of person. i guess we should just be happy that we are happy and not obviously miserable like these women. she's threatened by you, bottom line, so just remember that next time she tries to bring you down with her.
chin up.

Anne 8102's picture

Some people just have abrasive personalities. She's obviously one of these. But good for you for being a good guy! The THANK YOU note was not only good manners, but could've been a bridge-builder if she weren't such a poophead.

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Nymh's picture

WHAT the HELL is this piece of mail from SM THANKING ME for something!?!?!?


My entire concept of reality is RUINED!!!

People actually SAY that word? Thank you? Why would SM thank me? Probably just to be a ***!!!

AHHHHHHHH *head spins*

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Cruella's picture

That was funny!