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Ex is UGLY! Eyebrows shaped like a rainbow! YUCK!

happy mom's picture

When I saw ex at SS game, I was so drawn to her eyebrows. I guess cause it looked like a perfect rainbow shaped. It's not arched on one end of the eyebrow and other side is supposed to be lower. It was a perfect rainbow so it made it look like she was surprised! Looks like she doesn't have much eyebrows so she draws it in. Man it was scary looking.... Then she had this big, HUGE mole on her face, you can't help to stare at it. SHE IS BUTT UGLY AND SCARY LOOKING WITH THOSE EYEBROWS. I GUESS SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO BOTHER LOOKING FOR A HALLOWEEN COSTUME NOW! What does the ex look like to you???


Nymh's picture

My bf's ex is fat. She doesn't wear makeup or fix her hair. She has been so angry and bitter for so long that it comes out in her facial features and the angry lines on her face. If she hadn't let herself become consumed with her hate and anger, and took care of herself a little better, she might be pretty. I actually sometimes feel sorry for her because of that. All she'd have to do is lose about 60 or 75 pounds and do something with her hair, but she lacks the motivation to do so because she's so focused on being angry and playing the victim.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

happy mom's picture

Yes, I know stress/anger can have an effect on your looks & health. Gosh by the way you describe her I would be afraid to walk next to her.

-happy mom

kathleen's picture

I already wrote this but it posted on the bottom of the second page and I thought no one would actually read this. SOOOOO!!!! I post on the top because I feel this needs to be said.

Subject: Why are you guys doing this?

Seriously!! We don't need to compare ourselves, prove ourselves or have uglier ex's to vindicate ourselves or be worthy beautiful people. I was thinking the other day about the constant criticism we face as step parents. We have no privacy, our homes are not sacred and we are constantly exposed to judgment and criticism. We become defensive and judgmental ourselves. I don't believe we should ever have to justify our behavior, our weaknesses, or our efforts. In a healthy world we would work together to raise these kids and help each other out. But since most of the BM's we talk about on this site are like mine, it is far from utopia.

We are all trying to do the best we can and we don't need to make them ugly to feel beautiful, even if they are ugly on the outside or just within.

Ladies, I've spent quite some time reading posts and writing them, I know how much we do, how hard we try, how guilty we feel, how unappreciated we are and I know one thing for sure. We are beautiful, wonderful women, (and men) who need to give ourselves a break. Those ex's don't matter, and we don't need to defend or prove ourselves to anyone.

So lets get back to the business of being fabulous without the constant reminder of the ex.

StepMadre's picture

I see what you're saying and you make some really good points, but this is a place to vent and I think it's fine to vent about the BM being ugly. This is one of the few places where we can be honest and express negative feelings and thoughts in a way that doesn't hurt anyone. I, for one, feel way better after I get stuff like this out of my system, so I say go for it and post away.

I think my BM is a disgusting troll, but I don't compare myself to her and I don't describe her hideousness to vindicate myself in any way or somehow make myself feel more worthwhile. I vent about BM being butt-ugly because she is and it's a relief to be able to say it somewhere and have camaraderie with other SMs who understand and don't judge me. i will admit that BM is extra ugly to me because I know what a horrible person and mother she is and I have an extensive history with her that is very negative. She is a very unattractive person, but I focus on it because she is in my life (against my will). If I never had to see her again, I probably wouldn't think about her or give her the time of day in my thoughts. Because I do have to see her on an almost daily basis, I have a lot of negative thoughts about her and I need an outlet for them. The average person who doesn't know BM would see her and probably not think much about her. She's not very noticeable. She is fat and unattractive, but lots of people are and so she doesn't really stand out. It bothers ME because she does everything she can to make my life hell and she is clearly still in love with my husband and it grosses me out and makes me want to vomit that he ever touched her, let alone had sex with her. It's completely revolting. I think a lot of SMs feel this way.

I am very secure in my looks, body and inner soul. I know my flaws and accept them. I know my H adores me and thinks I am beautiful and sexy as hell. He chose to be with me and chose to marry me. I know how much he loves me because I can see it in every action. He tells me he loves me constantly and when he's not telling me, I can see it in his eyes or in the way that he wants to hold my hand all the time, even when we are alone and sitting on the couch. I don't think that criticizing the Ex means that we are insecure or need to insult her in order to validate ourselves. That may be the case for some people, but definitely not for me and I don't think it's the case here. I feel beautiful and loved regardless of whether I criticize the BM.

In my case, I just straight up think she is frighteningly ugly, inside and out. Whenever I see her, I am repulsed and if I bottle up my negative thoughts I just end up stewing over it. I have found that if you can vent, to even one friend or your journal, it will help you keep the negativity from overflowing into your daily life. It does bother me that my hottie of a husband was with someone so disgusting, but he is embarrassed too. He doesn't even like to think about it, but he is an avoider, and I am a deal-with-it-head-on kind of girl. It's a great release to be able to describe the ugliness of our hubby's exe's and so I think it's a totally great topic to post on. When I read others descriptions of the BMs in their lives it makes me laugh and is immensely comforting to know that there are so many others who feel the same way I do. Yeah, sometimes the postings are just petty descriptions because we are pissed. So what? I think in general, we are all pretty honest about what we think of the BMs, physically. Also, when we call a BM "fat" or "ugly" it does not mean that we are judging everyone by some shallow standard. I really think that certain nasty people who are overweight seem really gross and jump out to my eyes as being "fat" and it has a lot to do with their personality, the way they dress and move and their attitude. This does not mean that I dislike "fat" people in general or have some problem with heavier women. My own mother is overweight. She happens to be a beautiful person that gave birth to four children and although she is overweight, she carries herself with elegance, wears tasteful clothes and radiates kindness and warmth. With the BM, I look at her and see "fat." This is because she is very overweight, but instead of carrying herself well, dressing carefully and being a nice person, she is delusional, wears either trampy inappropriate or frumpy unflattering clothes, moves like an angry hippo and generally gives off an air of hostility and nastiness. I have friends who technically don't have "good looks" and they were just born with those genetics. I find them attractive, as do most people, because they are nice and you can tell that they're nice just by looking at them. Attractiveness isn't just based on the raw material, it's more about confidence, personality, expression through fashion and body language. That being said, sometimes people are really ugly and it's more noticeable because they have nothing or very little going for them that makes up for the lack of good genes. When I say that BM is ugly, I really mean it. I am not attempting to be petty, I really think she is hideous. It's not just my opinion either. Even before H and BM broke up, two people we worked with thought I was joking when I told them that BM was H's girlfriend. They weren't trying to be mean, they were just shocked. Part of it was that BM looks like she is fifteen years older than she is because she doesn't take care of herself and H looks like he is 18, even though he is 32. She is generally considered to be really ugly, fat and out of shape. The difference between most people who see her and me is that they don't care if she is fat and ugly, but for me, it bothers me for a lot of reasons. I may be wrong here, but I think most SMs are so bothered by the BM being hideous because they don't like to think of their H being with someone so gross before them. It reflects badly on the husbands/boyfriends in a way (which is why they are often so embarrassed about it). Also I think that when you dislike someone intensely the way we dislike the BMs, we will naturally pick out all of their bad qualities. This includes looks. Some BMs are good looking, i'm sure. But when, like me, your BM is a nasty bitch who has caused nothing but trouble for everyone involved, you aren't likely to say, "yes, she's a horrible person, but I will overlook the fact that she has three chins, two stomachs and enough moles on her face to play connect the dots." It's just not human nature.

It may not be saintly to bitch about how ugly the BM is, but we are venting on a site that is specifically for venting. We may or may not be expressing these thoughts in our real lives, but for me, at least, this is a place where I can say the mean things I am thinking without hurting anyone.

Anyway, didn't mean to ramble on and on here, I do think that, Kathleen, you made some really great points and are right that we shouldn't be preoccupied with the exes, but I also think that it's fine for everyone to bash the BMs as much as they want. You are totally right that the exes don't matter, but we are human and as long as we have to see or deal with the BMs we are going to be having these emotions and thinking these thoughts and where better to get them out of our systems? After all, this is an anonymous way to express negative thoughts and feelings rather than bottling them up or taking them out on our loved ones. I hope i'm not offending anyone, I just wanted to support the people who want to vent about their BMs and say my piece.

Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts! Kudos to anyone who was able to read all of this (I can't seem to manage being concise!) Biggrin

"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32

new evil stepmom's picture

sounds like a man and is butt ugly with acne scars.
when she gets dressed up for court, she looks like a 1980's hooker.
she is loud too, I am embarrassed in public if we see her and she talks to us. she speaks loudly enough for every one in the room to hear - as if she wants an audience when she speaks. and the laugh - ugh!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I know this is bad but........the ex is kind of toad-like! Especially in the face because of all the acne covered with makeup. She is large but not obese(there, that's a compliment, isn't it?) but she dresses like a slob. Everything is baggy. She never does much to her hair. Stepson says that she spends all of her(and his) money on makeup but it SURE doesn't look like it!! It kind of looks like she just rolled out of bed most of the time!


happy mom's picture

GROSS DAWN... that is funny! "Toad Like" That's a funny way of describing her. I actually can picture her. heeeheehee Maybe she needs to lessen up or no make up at all to alleviate the acne dilemma. Make up makes it worse! You make me laugh!

-happy mom

happy mom's picture

Forgot to mention that ex also puts on a lot of make up. Doesn't help though when her eyebrows looks fake! She even puts it on early in the morning just to go to stepson's game. It's funny cause it's hot like the oven in the field and no shade and yet she still packs on the make up.....wouldn't she be melting in the sun??? Gross!

-happy mom

Candice's picture

my dh's ex is actually really pretty...she is really tall, like 5-9", usually really thin, and a pretty facial features. The only thing she has going for her are her looks. She does spend hours dolling herself up, but she doesn't take care of her health/stress. She is pretty, but starting to look warn, like she has been overstressed (like leather worn skin). She is a sloppy drunk too, she can't drink w/o hitting the floor either, and when she is drunk she is ready to fight. She also smokes, which I think is a extremely gross habit, when I see people smoke they automaticaly lose appearance points with me.

What I noticed lately is that she is starting to pack on the pounds. I know she doesn't eat healthy b/c when ss came to live with us, he was really overweight, and we got him to lose 10 pounds w/o trying. In 2 months he was off for summer, he put back on all the weight being with bm that we got him to lose.

What does make me laugh is she is incredibly insecure, she cannot really stand to look at me or be in the same room as me. She has absolutely no confidence in herself, and she has told my dh she doesn't want to even hear my voice or see me.

My dh says she is pretty to look at but that is as far as she goes...pretty sad...

Nymh's picture

That is sad. Such a pretty face, being ruined by all of her bad habits and insecurities. I'm sure she doesn't realize that she would gain a lot of confidence (and good looks) back if she would take hold of her life and quit her bad habits that she lets rule her. It's amazing what something as simple as regular exercise and a healthy diet can do for a person!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Candice's picture

Her bad habits and insecurities do really rule her life. She is so insecure that it prevents her from making logical decisions. I believe it is a real tragedy b/c if she made a few changes to her life, things could totally be different for her and her children.

In her early 20's her appearance was so above normal, she could have made a modeling career for herself, but the lack of confidence would have never let her succeed.

It's not just the exercise/diet that she is lacking, but overall hygiene (rough skin from stress), and what is a real turn off for me is the fact she is a high school drop out. I'm not phd, I have a technical degree in Engineering, but some level of education is a must...her insecurities prevent her from doing just even the basics for herself!

happy mom's picture

She's probably jealous of you and can't stand to face you. Better for you cause you don't have to see her face.

-happy mom

Candice's picture

I've always felt that she is jealous of me and the success I have worked for...and I just laugh! I really don't have a problem with how physically pretty she is...I do think she loses appearance points for stupidity and smoking, but I just don't think I'm ugly either...:)

peace-keeper's picture

But I was reading and cant help but add my 2 cents . My DH ex-wife is 5'1 and 105 lbs and has pretty brown hair , but has no chin and all of her teeth are stacked over each other . All in all she is not a bad looking woman . She is a nurse and has a good job . She wears scubbs and tends to wear realy dark pink blush and dark blue eye shadow or whatever color she thinks martches her scrubbs . She blows what little she has going for her b/c of her personality " she is known around town and anyone who knows her as physco bitch . She thinks she is above everyone she comes in contact with . Me on the other hand , I am 5'7 and 167 lbs "pretty solid I might add " she tells my husband that i am manly and she cant believe he would be with someone like me . I laugh at her remarks b/c she is too scared to say them to my face . My husband says you can dress a terd in fine clothing and make-up and its still a terd

lovin-life's picture

When I first saw thier wedding pictures...I didn't recognize her!! She used to weigh about 125, long blond hair, had a big happy smile, high cheek bones. In one picture she looks young & kind of scowly and in the other she looks very attractive

Now, she is 200+, very short man-ish hair, and permanent scowls etched into her face...she looks angry all the time. She is not a happy soul! It's visible!!! I've seen a recent picture of her.. her head & neck are all can't tell where one stops and the other ends..she has at least 2 chins., in every picture she has one arm across her body holding her opposite wrist like she's trying to hide herself...and even though she is smiling her eyes are scowled and angry! People guessed her to be close to 60 years old. (She hasn't had a happy life and it takes its toll on your body..My MOM is also a very negative person and hasn't aged well either..I think there is a connection)

I am only a few years younger than her, still weigh 129 lbs, look 10 years younger than I am..(so I'm told) I am University educated as well Environmental Engineering Technologist... all this probably doesn't help her resentment issues!

I have to does help to motivate stay in shape..and strive to be happy....

So for that I do have to thank her!!! Smile
(There's my one good thing to say about her for the

happy mom's picture

Wow what a sudden change in her weight! I'm sure you don't need the motivation from her to look good...

-happy mom

happy's picture

My husbands ex I am sorry but she is not attractive.. at all. She is about 150# and red hair.. When she used to be blonde/brown hair and 120#.. That is a huge difference.. I mean we all go thru phases but I personally know from experience, when I had my kids I was probably the heaviest at 175#.. After my divorce I got back to 120# and when I get depressed is when I gain.. But for the whole 3 years hubby and I have been together I am still 125#.. And I take care of myself. It is important to me that I look good, not all the time because let me tell you I still wear sweats sometimes.. But when we are going somewhere I want to look good not just for him but for myself.. It makes me feel good. and it looks good on him too.
I agree with lovin-life if you are a negative person you age faster.. I am usually 90% of time happy, smiling and laughing..

happy mom's picture

Yes looks count... My weight fluctuates every month. I'm 120 lbs. I use to be 113 2 months ago. I don't know if happiness makes you gain weight. I too have to watch my weight. I use the proactive skin care and so my face is flawless. I use to have acne problems in high school but no more.

-happy mom

lovin-life's picture

kind of off topic but I have to proactive as good as they say? I've got a teen up & coming who might be in the market for just a such a thing in the next few years.

I used to be 105 during my teens, 112 during my 20's, 118 beginning of my 30's ... then I started creeping up. I sprung to 142 last year. The weight gain was caused by an under treated under active thyroid.... I could do nothing to stop it. My meds are back on track and I managed to loose the wieght..BUT it's not as easy to do in my 40's. Keep on eye on it..and don't be afraid to get checked out if the weight gain continues... Smile

happy mom's picture

Yes Proactive is great! I've used many acne solutions before and none of them works like Proactive. Oxy & Clearasil use to dry up my face caused more pain. Proactive is gentle and the acne usually clears up in 3 days or less. I buy the set of cleanser, toner, repairing lotion & refining mask. I cleanse my face 2x a day morning and this order, cleanser, toner, repairing lotion overnight. Mask once a week. The good thing about it is that it prevents future outbreaks from coming. It smells good and doesn't harm my skin. My skin looks healthy, glows and I can go out in public w/no worries.

Thanks for the advice on weight gain. I'm going to be 33 and I guess the weight issue has a lot to do when you get older too.

-happy mom

happy mom's picture

That is huge difference in traits w/ex & you. Yeah, I would be asking him the same thing??? What did you see in her? I don't see any similarities in my situation either. She is also the opposite of me. When I 1st met her her boobs looks huge and the next time I saw her it was small. She was putting up a fake look at the beginning! What a fool!

-happy mom

lylagarrett's picture

I have to say that this topic made me laugh out loud. I LOVE IT! So here it goes, my husband's ex looks like this.............She is about 5'5" with a shape that reminds you of humpty dumpty. Big wide set buggy eyes and white hair that's I guess suppossed to be blonde that is stuck to her head. Man that felt good! I feel like a super model compared to her!

hangingin's picture

that the EX in my life WAS very pretty and vibrant,she still can turn on the charm when it suits her,until people see the "real one" behind the mask, but now her weight and the life she lives has turned her into "Roseanne Barr on a VERY BAD DAY", personality and all,at least Roseanne has done something for herself and she's almost attractive.But the EX has ruined her health and is having heart problems.Ain't life funny??? She once called me ugly! Now I have to say, that I am no where near being a raving beauty, but I have had my share of men come on to me,One EX used to tell me that I was very beautiful,and I know I don't crack the mirror when I look into it!!! My husband tells me that I'm one of those women that dosen't need make-up.And his EX almost has to use a chisel to put her's on,it's that thick and racoon eyes with all of the thick black gunk she wears!



chellebelle143's picture

Describing Skankzilla should be pretty easy. When I first moved up here she was anorexic thin, but that's not the case now,she has definitely been exercising her table muscle..LOL. She has mousy brown hair that is turning gray, not to mention it looks like a rat's nest. It is so teased,and tangled looking, hell her hairspray use alone is enough to deplete the ozone over our town. She has a huge gap in her front teeth, and when she attempts to smile, it makes her look like a goofy jack-o-lantern. Twice I have seen her in make up, and both times, it looked so caked up and gross, not to mention it is stark white. Her clothing choices always make me chuckle. She has this one coat that is "poo" brown with pea green stripes on it, she likes to pair it with black jogging pants with a red stripe down the side. That ensemble graced the lunchroom at SS spelling bee last year.

When I saw her last night, she had on said poo jacket, but this time she was wearing jeans. No make up, hair looked lank,she must have been out of hairspray. She is not aging well at all. Oh and what I don't get is she gets off work at 1 p.m. yet when we drop SS off at her home at 9 p.m. she will still have her work uniform on. Did I mention she works in a place that makes food, she works near the ovens...need I say more. Gross!

Will the fact that she had her shoes on the right feet, and both were tied correctly suffice as the compliment? Biggrin I honestly can't come up with one good compliment, other than her eyes are blue. I have brown eyes and have always thought blue eyes were nice. There phew that didn't hurt a bit.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

Chocoholic's picture

My dh's ex is actually somewhat pretty.... tall, skinny, bleach blond hair.... but the older she gets the scowl lines become more and more prominate.... shes a smoker and doesn't have ANY personal hygiene... plus, her insides are so ugly that it really does begin to show on the outside.

My ex's wife on the other hand is NASTY!! I couldn't help but laugh the first time I saw her.... She is just so strange looking and akward.... She has a big basketball shaped head and a large unibrow.... Her body is odd shaped.... she NEVER smiles (I think it causes her too much pain to show any sign of happiness).... Her personality is nasty... she is just plain UGLY all around....

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people ever have is when they take a bite out of you."

blended_mommy4's picture

I am new here, but I couldn't resist this one! This is funny. Let see, BM. When I first saw her about 2 years ago, my DH was still in the process of his long divorce and he had just had mediation with her and had been laughing to me because she actually brought up in Mediation that it was his fault, because of the stress he caused her while they were together that she had gained weight...Well at this I couldn't resist sticking around to check her out. we went to the same High School so I knew what she looked like before, she was cute, a cheerleader, quiet and shy, long blond hair, athletic and well taken care of. Then I see her, she's right, she had gained about 40 pounds her hair was flat and greasy, and her makeup...Well at the time, she was showing signs of acne, but she didn't wear makeup at all. And her eyebrows are HUGE and bushy! She looked so homely, and unkept, and just flat out lazy. But it was all DH's fault. Now me and DH laugh because it's been 2 years now, and she moved in with another guy and things have only gotten worse with her appearance. She has gained probably another at least 20 lbs, and toad like, yeah I can definately relate to that thought. Now she wears make up, but only very thick gross foundation to cover her mass acne. Her posture is horrible and she goes through the effort to get her hair highlighted, but I have never seen her do anything with it besides let it hang limply and greasy, or the occasional ponytail. Her clothes are always too tight accenting her fat. My DH loves to make the comment, wow, I sure made her life miserable, you can tell by how much she's changed since she's been away from me. I guess it was my fault. (sarcasm) But honestly, even though she is overweight, I think the ugliest part about her is you can just see how miserable she is. I think that even with the extra weight, if she actually put some effort into it, she really could be pretty...

Most Evil's picture

Supposedly she has always been very beautiful, like men fall at her feet. I have managed to avoid her mostly but when I did see her she had every type of makeup you can add, full eye liner all the way around, several shades of eye shadow, lip liner, lipstick, thick stage looking base caked on, bright blush, etc. It was a lot and I am a makeup person too, but jeesh. But the worst is her hair, it is long, black and curly, so I call her Medusa because that's what she looks like. I honestly try not to look her in the face because I am afraid of turning to stone.

But I think she is tall and likes to wear heels to the grocery store, etc. and pretty thin I guess, I could not even look at her figure I just wanted to get away! plus she was wearing a long coat, in winter.

She did try to be friendly but I could not even talk to her really. I had already heard she really wanted to get to know me (pump me for information) that she could then use against me and also tell me 'the truth' about my h. I think she thinks I am meek and she can manipulate me but now I believe she knows me a little better, ha ha.

She has a big reputation for throwing public scenes even or maybe I should say especially in work environments (which is why she is 'blacklisted' now) and being a very obnoxious, violent drunk. H. says she has been 'engaged' about 75 times since they split, it is like a revolving door around there. Because that is just how beautiful she is, all men must have her and even women supposedly stare at her.

Oh and one more thing, she is a 'girls girl', always talks about sisterhood of women etc. but she also dates married men. Its like my mom said, pretty is as pretty does, and she is uggggly to me. Ugh!!!

goingcrazy's picture

I try not to play the games like this, but my best friend and I were having this exact conversation the other day!!! Let me start by saying that my ex is a catch when it comes to looks. Nothing else, but he definitely turns heads. When we were just splitting up we had a huge fight at my friends house and he referred to me as a "fat-ass". So my size 14 ass was too big for him. well, he remarried and I laugh my fat ass off everytime I see them. She is HUGE! She makes me look like Paris Hilton. And she wears SOOOO much makeup that you could carve your initials in her face. Dont get me wrong, she is weet enough. But I just find it funny! I have people asking me all the time what my ex was thinking!!!!

kimmie808's picture

The ex is the epitomy of trailer trash except she does not live in a fact, she and her new husband just bought a house (that they can't truly afford - borrowed a bunch of money from their parents, and had difficulty getting approved for a loan) a block from my BF and I. UGH!!!! She smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish. In fact, she works at a bar! can imagine how her bad habits are taking a toll on her, physically. She is 27 but looks like she is in her late thirties. I am 35 but people tell me that I look like I am 25. I don't drink or smoke and I take very good care of myself both physically and mentally. She on the other hand, wears clothes that look like she just rolled out of bed (except when she expects to see my BF - then she gets dressed up in her stripper outfits). Her face looks like she is a chipmunk on acid. If you can imagine that...and her hair looks like she is still living in the 80s or early 90s. Everytime we see her and she was not expecting to see us, she is dressed raggity, but if she was expecting to see my BF, she is coincidentially all "dolled up". It is actually quite comical because she tries so hard to impress him that she ends up dressing inappropriately, like at a recent mediation hearing, she was dressed like a stripper. Then when she saw me sitting there, her jaw literally dropped. So to sum it up she is a trailer-trash, attention-seeking, alcohol-addicted chipmunk, high on acid!!!

dee626's picture

such the total opposite of me!! She is 4 years older than DH and 8 years older than myself. Now not that 44 is old, but I truly believe even if you have a nice face and/or body you could still dressy sexy to where no one would no that you were your age. Right? Wrong!!!! This woman wears her hair long and straight with bangs and has it colored atleast 3 different colors (brown, red, black?) with almost white highlights. She also loads on the makeup, has 3 chins and gets her nails and toes done with our CS money. Not to mention the tanning bed and the belly ring (that you cannot see because it's under the belly!!!) She also must weigh in at about 170 or so at 5'5", which no big deal, I weigh 150 at 5'6" and have a slight belly from the sections I had to have. Nor do I have a problem wanting to look or feel sexy or as young as you feel, but when you have children who will see you this way, wouldn't you worry about what they or those around them may be thinking? But she insists on wearing clothes from places like AE, Forever 21, Hollister and if you have teenage girls you know what clothes I am speaking about. For her daughter's ring ceremony last year, she wore this seethrough black top from WHBM with these black/white checked shorts right above her knees. Then sparkly stillettoes that laced up her calves, Needless to say would you want to say hey that's my mom at a ring mass? She is 44 but looks closer to 50 because of all the alcohol consumption that she does pretty much everyday. She seems to think she is every man's dream come true but if you ask my DH what was he thinking, he says let's just say a lot of drinking and a lot of drugs back then. Just as he was dumping her, she said she was pregnant! Surprised anyone? She also has a 29 year old toy that she lives with, sleeps with, drinks with who hit on me twice and when DH told her, she asked him what should she do about it?! Well she is still with him and says they are just friends, they see whoever they want. No wonder SS is screwed in the head. She also supposedly broke the news to SS that I didn't break up their happy little family. She did it by sleeping with his uncle, my DH's BIL. He could have cared less, "cause he really likes uncle harold." Screw the feelings that his father has had about it!

Mary Louise's picture

my fiance's ex isn't ugly per se. she has a mean personality and her stress over cheating on him w/ their neighbor and his best friend is all over her face. I think there are plenty of men who would find her looks attractive and I would be a little jealous of her thin body


fiance stumbled on some pics he took of her in the shower once and she has the saggiest, flattest boobs there ever were! I will never be envious of her body and can always remember that image when i am feeling intimidated by her

Sita Tara's picture

Could be pretty, in fact I would say she was classically beautiful as a young woman. But bitterness, paranoia, and lack of happiness have taken their toll. She bleaches her hair blonde/white, wears too much makeup and hair product, and crimson dark lipstick (has thin lips so that gives her a harsh appearance.) She calls me fat, but we weigh about the same (I'm just carrying it EVERYWHERE since having my baby, and she carries it only in her rear.)Oh- and SD complains her mom only wears sweatpants all the time. At least I wear jeans and flattering shirts.

I must say it motivates me to work on losing weight. I can't wait til the scales tip back my way (I was about 20 lbs less than her before getting pregnant.) Then she can stop calling me fat to SD.

This was a fun vent, but it does make me uncomfortable to judge her looks since I haven't felt as beautiful as I did when I met DH 30 pounds ago.

Peace, love, and red wine

GoingNuts's picture

This is a great topic. My h's ex is short and ugly. She used to have short hair but ever since my H and I have been married she has grown it out. She even styles her hair like mine. She has no life so everything I do she does it too. My h's ex even called him one time and asked why he didn't treat her the same way he treats me.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

Love this. Let me set the stage. My DH is one of those tall, dark and handsome types and then, there's her. The first pic I saw of her she was about 200+ pound with crazy bleached blond frizzy hair. After the divorce she lost a little and got some control over that mess on the head. Then she got married and the last time I saw her, HOLY CRAP fat a$$ city. She was sitting in her car and all I saw was head and it was almost like her stomach was so huge it was over taking her chin. It was just a massive blob of, her. We too are total opposites. I am 5'10 and thin with brown staight hair and 13 years younger than her. She is maybe 5'6 or so, fat, blond with super dark roots curly hair. That is one of the many reason she hates my guts. Which by the way, I love to make sure to ALWAYS wear figure flattering clothes when I see her. I just laugh because you can literally see the steam coming out of her ears! That I think is the most fun part of this "job."

kathleen's picture

Seriously!! We don't need to compare ourselves, prove ourselves or have uglier ex's to vindicate ourselves or be worthy beautiful people. I was thinking the other day about the constant criticism we face as step parents. We have no privacy, our homes are not sacred and we are constantly exposed to judgment and criticism. We become defensive and judgmental ourselves. I don't believe we should ever have to justify our behavior, our weaknesses, or our efforts. In a healthy world we would work together to raise these kids and help each other out. But since most of the BM's we talk about on this site are like mine, it is far from utopia.

We are all trying to do the best we can and we don't need to make them ugly to feel beautiful, even if they are ugly on the outside or just within.

Ladies, I've spent quite some time reading posts and writing them, I know how much we do, how hard we try, how guilty we feel, how unappreciated we are and I know one thing for sure. We are beautiful, wonderful women, (and men) who need to give ourselves a break. Those ex's don't matter, and we don't need to defend or prove ourselves to anyone.

So lets get back to the business of being fabulous without the constant reminder of the ex.

Catch22's picture

And I don't need to compare her or call her ugly to feel good about myself...but I will say has anyone ever read the 3 golliwogs?? LMAO...BM is one of them!!

BWAHAHAH...come's just a bit of fun and when your being the nice guy all the time, it's nice to just be nasty for a moment isn't it??

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Mrs Katch 22's picture

It looks like she took a sharpie permanent black marker and drew it eyebrows. That's bad "beauty mark" though, LOL. When she talks to us, we're drawn to her eyebrows...or lack of...or even her lip liner, where you can clearly see the's not blended in.

dazed's picture

I don't know exactly.Her sister is stunning.I've seen a photo of BM a while back.Nice brownish hair it seems,dancing and talking on a mic with my BF.Looked quite pretty.Don't want to know reallly,just make me feel more inferior.Sorry.

dazed's picture

I don't know exactly.Her sister is stunning.I've seen a photo of BM a while back.Nice brownish hair it seems,dancing and talking on a mic with my BF.Looked quite pretty.
Saw her from a distance about a year ago, I'm a bit blind lol, looked like put on a bit of weight, not loads.
Don't want to know reallly,just make me feel more inferior if I feel worse.Sorry.

sarahbernheart's picture

anybody remember bozo the clown well that is what his ex reminds me of shocking red hair that is fuzzy all over, except she never looks happy and she does not wear much makeup that I noticed.
she is not fat but she could be.
sorry I had to get in on this!

You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

imagr8tma's picture

She is actually nice looking, a little over weight but pretty. Her nasty attitude ruins all of that though once you get to know her. It is such a shame too.......!!!!!

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

sixteensmom's picture

let's see... gray hair colored jet black every three weeks, perfect manicure every other week (all on dh dime aka alimony) she's about 5,5... round... fluffy chest that aren't good boos, just pufferness from being a chunk. legs like sausages, kankles, her face looks like those women you instantly know are just bitches to their butt. has had three tummy tucks but it grows back. and she's ten years older than i am.

I'm 5'9 and way heavier now than I've ever been, i have 40-50 to lose, so not a barbie here. my dh describes me as nice ass, boobs are a little too much to handle, long auburn hair and sparkling green eyes and an infectious smile that makes him happy. awwwwwwww

My exdh new wife is actually cute but a little strange. they suit each other. she's tiny, short, and 10 yrs younger than me.