anyone experienced internet dating?
First off, I tell you guys everything, this is trust!!!LOL
Ok,so the last two men I dated,one for 3 yrs, one for 2,neither of which chose to be a father, and both broke my heart, and I met them at church. LOL Yeah, I can see your eyes rolling from here! LOL Even our rev says the sharks swim here too! LOL
I know several couples who have met online( actually at my church) and with my limited investigative abilities can know where they live,for how long, work address, and sometimes more,all before I meet them somewhere(I want more hints when Cruella takes her class, LOL) but anyway I have only gone out with one and have spoken with a few. I want to keep my sons out of it for a while since they just watched moms heart break.
Have any of you tried this avenue, met your SO this way? I have very limited time and where I used to haev VERY public job, I now work from home.It is when a mana sked me out at Blockbuster with my boys that it first occured to me that this would actually be safer!!
Anyway I am finding that I get plenty of emails but not from who I want them from and some not the kind I want.Ain't that the way?? LOL!!
Any advice is welcome. I wish we had a series of questions that would truly investigate their attitude about raising children, both their won and influencing others!
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I kind of do...
I tried it a little while I lived in Houston, but I never did really meet anyone I really clicked with. There were a couple guys I talked to, but things ended up falling through. Besides, they both lived so far away (across town takes about 2 hours & I'm lazy.) Then life happened & I moved. I got on a free one where I live now & met every creep in town! Now I am registered on a bunch, but I'm not paying for service yet. I haven't decided which one to go with so I'm just looking around for now. So far I like EHarmony the best.
A few years ago it seemed like all the creeps & weirdoes were doing the online dating thing, but I think now it's pretty normal for everyone. Good luck!
BTW - gives you criminal background checks. It's a thought.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
I have a girlfriend that is
I have a girlfriend that is very religious and cautious on who she dates. She uses eHarmony as they have to pass the personality test prior to getting to her. I would suggest that you try that website.
I had tried internet dating in the past. I had lots of dates from it, but no keepers. I have friends that did find their mates on the internet, so I wouldnt NOT try it.
Good luck. I find that most men are sharks as your rev. pointed out.. but this site will match you based on answers you both give to a questionairre.. It weeds out most of the sharks!
online dating
you gotta kiss alot of toads before you get the prince, RIGHT Disney????
I did online dating and that is how I met my SO. He is terrific except...the issues mentioned in previous post.
anyway I went on a LOT of first dates, mostly at coffee shops on a saturday met a lot of nice guys who I am still friends with and a few LOSERS..(fore finger and thumb in the shape of an L on my forehead) but it was fun and quite an experience
I say give it a try and just be safe!!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
My skids BM
internet dates. She has not been very successful. She always ends up with someone crazier than her....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
My neighbor does dating from internet . . . .
My neighbor is my very best friend. She dates from the internet, and I cringe when she tells me she's meeting so & so at so & so, only because I worry about her. This forum makes me really think twice about meeting folks. We all sound really normal, but do we really know for sure?
So, far she hasn't found love, but she has gotten alot of free meals. She is now seeing someone from out of the county and it becomes a real challenge for her to let her trust down. I think the best way of meeting people is from friends who have friends, who have friends, ect. Church, even with the sharks, could be valuable.
Good Luck, if I think of anyone, Ill let you know. What type of man are you interested in? Besides all a baggage LOL
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I GOT IT need2vent READ THIS :)
Hey you know what!!!
I got the perfect guy for you
My Brother
He is single and having a hard time meeting a nice lady, he has 3 kids that live up north so there is no misunderstanding with x anything, He loves kids and is a VERY hard worker,, and not to mention.. pretty hot( well for a brother
He lives here in Florida..are you here in this state? he has been going through the whole date thing and unable to find a decent girl, their all wild and he is settled and more about working for a living and being a family guy.
" Smile"
I got your love connection hee, hee
wow sign me up!!
you had me at Florida!!!
too bad I am not looking .just my luck!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
lol, yeah.. he could use a nice lady for sure. He is SOOO funny. His personality is GREAT!
The thing is his looks match it( hard 2 find).He even went on a dating site called plenty of fish tring to meet someone decent. He just moved here to florida about 2 months ago. He is a excellent cook, great dancer( I've seen girls wanna fight over him at the club over it..seriously), he is just one awsume guy.
he loves blues..plays with his guitar every night, him and my B.F and other brother like to practice and jam out together, he is drug free and a social drinker..he's got it going on!!!
Wish I could find that someone to introduce him to.
1st off u guys are the absolute best!!!!
Thank you for all your openness and support,and I actually tell at elast one friend when i have gone out and where and the guys was like MRtop 40 under 40 in our city two years agoa nd is well connected so feel safe, but you do never know.
The offer of a hot brother who actually parents sounds great. Is he over 40? I am tied here though, I actually have an exH who particiaptes in my boys lives nd I would never take that away from any of them, can your brother transfer? man he would have to really love me to leave Florida!! LOL
"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard
met DH through Yahoo
I was a member when you didn't have to pay for people to write you, only to initiate emails yourself. So I didn't pay.
I met several men online, but never in person.
Then I had my heart broken by a three year relationship (long story- he was married and thought he was on his way out, then decided to stay there and I had to move on.)
So I decided to try yahoo again. I met a really neat guy who seemed perfect online, witty, flirtatious (without being crude) intelligent, pursuing a law degree at a very well know school about an hour from me. He came from a UU famliy (Unitarian Universalist faith, like myself and VERY rare around here) was divorced, no kids, lived in a blended family growing up. He seemed perfect.
I met him for one date and ended up getting a little too friendly (boys were at their dad's.) So I sent him home. He was obviously disappointed, but not seemingly deterred. I did feel that we didn't click like I thought we would when we were chatting. But we set up a second date where I would come to his area.
When chatting a few days later he got on the subject of how I could stay the night at his place when I went up there for our date, since it was an hour away. I said I could, but didn't want to imply by that I was ready for something more than a date.
His response?
" soon would you be ready?"
My friend was in the room while this chat was going on and I made this buzzzzzzzzzzz sound like we were on a quiz show and told her WRONG answer!
Then when I didn't write anything back he added, "Ha ha just kidding."
The chat went on with him saying things like, "I think when people wait a while for intimacy, they build up a big hype and then are disappointed."
Ummmm....for a future law student you are not making a very good case for me to sleep with you. Do it sooner because if I wait it will be disappointing????
No thanks. I'm not 19 anymore. I know what happens when I jump into bed with a man I barely know. I know that he does not magically fall in love with me and call me begging to see me again. I know as a matter of fact that I may never hear from him again!
So... a few days pass and I don't hear from him after this chat. Then I email him on Sunday to ask if we are still on for our date Mon. I don't hear back....
THEN Mon I get an email from him saying that he spent too much time having fun going out with friends over the weekend and needed to work on a paper instead of our date. Could we reschedule another time?
Ummmm...sure we can. By the way, as a single mom working full time while doing my own college work (not LAW school I know but still!) who managed to get all MY assignments done, I really didn't sympathize with his distractions keeping him from studying over the weekend.
So I joined yahoo officially, paid the 20 bucks and started going through my delete bin of all the guys who had written me that I discounted due to some "obvious" flaw.
I found this Army major single dad who lived 20 mins from me who was conservative and therefore I had never responded to him. BUT...I did think that his graduating from West Point meant perhaps he would be a little more discreet about when it's proper to ask a grown woman to spend the night.
I emailed him and met him within a week (I wasn't wasting all that time chatting to be disappointed again.) I met him out, waited til he pulled up before walking into the restaurant so I could get a look at him first. He was way shorter than his profile said (5'6 compared to 5'8") which put me off a little, as did the khaki pants and way too shiny shoes...but...
He bought me dinner...
He was engaged an interested in what I had to say...
He laughed at my wit (especially when he asked how "liberal" I was since it said so on the site and I replied, "I was wondering why you wrote me...I thought maybe you misread it and thought I was a LIBRA!"
And after my having already told him of my first internet date...Mr. "No means No Joe" as well now affectionately call him...
Late in the evening he ASKED to hold my hand.
The next morning he called me at 7 am to tell me he had a great time.
He brought me a warehouse club sized box of choc covered pretzels and a bouquet of wild flowers on our first date.
Oh- but being that he was a dad too I introduced him to my kids on our first real date. I actually did that on purpose after dating a couple idiots in their 30's-40's who didn't have kids and were always anxious about meeting them. He met my mom too as she was watching the kids for our date
He was very interested in me, so attentive of me, so sure of us from very early on. He told me soon into our dating that he thought he could fall in love with me, but no rush on my part-take my time.
I didn't lag very far behind him. Though when we were living together a year later I read him an email from a friend of mine who also rarely dates. I had said, "Man....I don't think I'll ever fall for this guy. Do you think it's wrong to keep dating him just because he's nice and I like him???"
She said she would smack me with a frying pan if I didn't.
I read this to my then fiancee who said, "And here you sit, in my house on my computer just one short year later. Did you finally fall in love with me, or are you still just dating me because I'm nice and you like me!"
I say internet dating is an amazing way to meet if you really do it in a smart safe way.
Good luck to you!
Peace, love, and red wine
I have went out with people online and its pretty much as the old computer programmers say "GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out." There are lots of wonderful people out there and some you don't want to know (30%); some who would make good friends (50%); and then some who are close (10%); and then there are the "keepers" (10%). Whether you are looking at church or the laundromat or online you still have to have standards:
Mine go sort of like this:
How many times married?
How many kids?
How did the last relationship end?
How is their outlook on life? Positive?
How do they treat others?
If they are parents, what is their attitude about their kids and Ex's?
No drugs or alcoholics
No indications of spousal abuse or criminal records
Are they motivated to better themselves? Or are they happy being a loser?
Yes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs of either sex...
Met my DH online too
I actually met my husband on Eharmony. We have so much in common and get along great. We got engaged after only 6 weeks and were married a year and half later. 2 years later everything is still good. I think that Eharmony's 50 million questions they ask you are helpful in matching you with someone you are at least somewhat compatible with. He was the best hundred bucks I ever spent!
To: Need to Vent
Well, I dont know how old you are but he is 30 years old, age was never a factor here in my family, my other brother has been happily married to his wife for 5 years but been to gether 12 years and they are 15 years apart.They have a wonderful life together. They never had any children but she had 2 when they met.
Its a start.. yaaaa never know 
My brother prolly would locate for the right lady, It would be cool if you both even just got to talk on the phone( it s a start of a connection). Infact he came here on lunch break and I mentioned your story.. he was like " OOH yeah"
I think for the right person someone will move mountains for you. If you would like 2 just talk to him let me know and we can work it out
I met DH on
I actually met a couple of nice looking, educated professionals other than DH & a couple of loosers.
Had I never taken the chance I would never have met him. He is younger than me ( I always dated older ) & lived 45 minuets away. We spoke for 4 hrs on the phone and I just knew he was special. Our first date was one of the best days of my life. Even after all the shit BM & his family put us through, not to mention my husband's bipolar break down that has been very hard on both of us, I can't imagine my life had I not met him.
I looked at it as an adventure.
I connected with my guy
on MySpace..we had worked together 9 years ago when he was still married to BM and even wondered back than why he was married to such a lazy blob...but yeah we lost touch for years and he found me on MySpace soon before he divorced...we didn't start talking though until after he was divorced...crazy the way things work out...
I met my SO online
We met on Plenty of fish. I talked to some creeps and some nice guys who I am still friends with. When someone I was not interested in contacted me I told them I met someone and in one case told him he looked like my dad - he really did. He wrote me back and agreed that would be a little weird. I spent a lot of time talking to someone before I would meet them in person. I met my SO in a public place and I drug my girlfriend along in case he was a creep so I had an out. We have been together 8 months now and are very happy. You can neet creeps and pervs just about anywhere. People don't date the boy/girl next more anymore.
Several of my girlfriends have done online dating, some meeting decent guys but not "relationship" material for them. They are all moms too. One gal thought she met a nice guy but he turned into a stalker. CRAZY!
Oh well, live and learn. Talk alot and do a background check if you can. In my field of work I have access to this info. You can get criminal background info from your local courthouse in most states.
love these stories!
So sweet, and some funny.Zenmom you will be a published writer if you ahve not published yet!!
I literally got at least 12 emails and several "winks" today but not 1 from one of the two men I would love to hear from, typical! LOL
PS :I got a very sweet email from someone and I should stress, when I said the men that I dated would not be dads , I meant to their own kids. I have my own , not really interested in having more, just want to finish school and sell this whopping house that my exfiance convinced me we should buy together so I can breathe( he never got to live here and is still at his house with his kids)
All of your messages have been encouraging and heart warming, thanks again.
I forgot to add a funny/sexy thing my husband said...
On our second date DH said about No means No Joe..
"Oh....and I promise you whether we make love for the first time tomorrow...or waited til 6 months from now, I will do everything in my power to insure you are in no way disappointed..."
That line did me in. We didn't wait all that long (couple weeks) but he was right!!!!!!
Peace, love, and red wine
I have to say...
I must be a tramp....
DH only had to get me drunk.....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
after no means no joe..
I decided to avoid wine at any further dates.
Red wine + zen = EVERYTHING sounds like a good idea!
Met DH at a pub, but had a beer or two with a big steak dinner instead.
Interestingly, I wrote No means No Joe after he was obviously avoiding a second date, asking if he just "wanted to be friends". He said that would be good b/c he didn't have time to devote to seriously getting to know me. Translation: I am just using internet dating to find easy sex.
I wondered if he was starting to branch out to my city because he had gone through every girl in his city (a LARGE one) so he had to travel to find women who didn't know what he was up to so to speak!
I told him that was good, because I had met someone else who was interested in dating me, and I am a only date one guy at a time girl.
He acted sort of put off that I asked him if we were not going out again without telling him why I was asking. I think his response was, "OOOOHHHHH I see. So you weren't going to tell me there was someone else if I said I wanted to date you."
Ummm...nope I wasn't. Because I'm not naive, and in fact KNEW what you were up to. Just wanted some confirmation.
I think what is amazing is why these guys act like they really want a relationship instead of saying they want casual dates (ie sex). There are plenty of sites filled with plenty of women who are willing to fulfill that need. It's as though they are more interested in those of us who have more to us than that, so they pretend they are interested in more.
Very confusing stuff. Glad I'm not out there anymore!
Peace, love, and red wine
love these stories!
So sweet, and some funny.Zenmom you will be a published writer if you ahve not published yet!!
I literally got at least 12 emails and several "winks" today but not 1 from one of the two men I would love to hear from, typical! LOL
PS :I got a very sweet email from someone and I should stress, when I said the men that I dated would not be dads , I meant to their own kids. I have my own , not really interested in having more, just want to finish school and sell this whopping house that my exfiance convinced me we should buy together so I can breathe( he never got to live here and is still at his house with his kids)
All of your messages have been encouraging and heart warming, thanks again.
These stories are great!
But I'm still a chicken though. I guess I'm not ready yet. I love all the success stories and realize that I will never be one if I don't put myself out there and take a chance.
Maybe I'm not so much of a chicken but I don't feel like I could successfully weed out the jerks and perverts and such. I tend to be a little naive sometimes and give people the benefit of the doubt when I should be running in the other direction. I guess for now, I'll just live vicariously through all you successful ones out there that I've read about and in this blog.
Yes and It's Great
I had positive experiences and am currently married to the man I met on online. it was a lot of fun and very convenient. )My hubby is a gem although he's learning to tell his S no.) So glad we met and we would not have crossed paths any other way. (It's like meeting someone in the library or in the supermarket. Do you really know them? No. Time reveals all things.)
I recommend internet dating to everyone. Of course, you must be cautious and use wisdom but I believe that's for everything. I did lots of reading on the subject before I did it. I know 2 people that have met there spouses online - very happily married and I have friends that have friends and relative that have met their spouse that way. My boss, met his wife way back when in the personals -- married over 15 yrs - very happy.
"All fair in love and war."
PS - I was ...
really scared and not a very an assertive happy go lucky kind of person by nature. The VP of my old company recommended and I took a leap of faith in spite of fear. What fun and what great success!!! Like I said I was signed up with 2 or 3 at time and met some nice men then I met the man that stole my heart. Try it you might like it. If you want to email me personally for more info. feel free.
Met my sweetie online
On, since we're Jewish. We've been together now a little over two years. He has two wonderful daughters that we have EOW and sometimes during the week, we bought a gorgeous house together this fall, and I'm happy as can be. Also met someone several years ago that I dated for six months -- we broke up but are still very good friends.
Just be careful about how much personal info you give out before meeting the fellow a few times.