So, Do you???
This is a pretty wild thought to me, so I had to post about it. Was at the store, and was glancing at the magazines in the check-out, u know the "Brittney Shrine", and on the cover of Oprah, was a question that Dr. Phil was covering.."Do you miss your EX"?. and I was like ,wow, what a question. I did not get the mag., but did not know if anyone here has read it?? I could safely say "no" myself, I don't "miss" him in the sense of being with him, but there are moments ,sometimes, that I remember, he does have some good qualities that will be missed. (yeah, I said that out loud...:). I thought it was interesting, because it's a hard thing to think about, let alone addmit, Does anyone els feel this way?.......Do you miss your EX?? ~"Resist all the urges....that make you want to go out and kill" ~ Chel
- Chel Bell's blog
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What a question.....
I don't miss my ex at all. He was a lazy, selfish...well I won't go there but needless to say he drained the life out of me so hell no I don't miss him. I do however miss the fact that he doesn't talk to our daughter often anymore. I feel for her...good or bad little girls idolize their dads.
I did in the beginning
only because he gave me great gifts (only after telling me how worthless I was) and he was very handy.
now I dont miss him at all..
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
I wouldn't exactly say miss
I wouldn't exactly say miss but I will say I miss co-parenting not being in competition (which is exactly how he likes to make everything, disneydad). We never really fought or loved, it was really like being married to a good friend but I needed passion and now I'm married to great guy with kids.:)
heck NO
he's an abusive alcoholic..there's no way in hell I miss that!
in a weird way, yeah
My ex is a jerk- did lots of awful stuff and my current spouse is heads and shoulders a better husband and father than my ex. I wouldn't marry my ex again or undo the divorce. But what I do miss what came with it, or without it in some cases:
Having someone who loves my kids as insanely as I do. Only bio parents get this sometimes. I know I ceratinly don't feel the same way for my SD's as I do for my BD's, so I can't fault my current DH for it either.
Having a third party, the BM, present in all things.
The great relationship with HIS family, which is now OK, but very different than it was.
The fact that when we were together, I was SO young and things were just easier in some ways. I was in charge. I was not a step mom with all the work and lack of recognition that goes along with that.
So no, I don't miss HIM, but stuff attached I long for sometimes.
Thats how I feel, some of the qualities, and attached stuff, they say being a mother is a hard job(sooo true)but being a s/mom goes way beyond. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
The only thing I really miss is feeling like a family
Like Sassymom and littlegirlx4 said, I TRULY miss coparenting with someone that loves my kids like I do and I could do without having a bm and skids in the picture. Sometimes even to the point of feeeling sick inside. However, I would NEVER, EVER want to be married to my ex again, in fact I would rather chew off my own foot. But, it is hard to love someone as I do my husband and feel like we just won't ever have all of that. That family feeling.
It makes me feel very disconnected from dh and kind of empty. Like we are roommates or something. It is hard to explain the feeling. I am a grown woman and pretty reasonable but the whole step thing leaves me feeling second best at times. It is very hard. But again, I love dh not ex and dh is who I want to share my life with so I try to deal with it all and make sense of things.
I don't think I will ever really have a relationship with mil either. Sometimes I feel like she just tolerates me because she has too. I am so comfortable with ex mil. She is a nut but I love her. New mil is a nice lady but I feel like I am an outsider with her. It gets tiresome to hear about how they all just loved the "old" bm. I just don't see whatever it is that makes bm so great. She is not a bad person or anything and I am not jealous of her, but it is not like she is a Nobel Prize winner or something either. You think mil of all people would be more understanding since she is twice remarried.
Also, I miss being the MOM and QUEEN of the castle. I get tired of having to have my schedule tweaked because bm or skids want this or that. I hate to sound like a selfish b*tch but it is how I feel.
Being sm is a very thankless role.
Miss not feeling like a proper family
I think I know some of what you are going through Georgie, hence me searching the net looking for somewhere to talk to other step parents. I have been with my DH for 10 years this year and it I still dont feel like we are proper family. I have my youngest son 19 still living with us and my 17 year old step son (who has been with us on and off for a year or so). It feels like its them and us all the time, all the rules we have had in the past for my children seem to be going by the wayside for SS but not for my son. DH speaks to his son in a completely different tone and way than he does to my son. I resent DH for this very much and there have been so many rows over it, I now throw myself into work and try to block things out. I feel numb towards DH and sometimes wonder if I still love him but when we are away from home and the kids for any length of time the old feelings start to come back so I keep on going with the thought that one day it will be just me and him,(thats if I have any respect left for him by then). So many times I find myself thinking back to what it was like as a family when married to my ex, although I dont feel anything for him now.
Why does life have to be so complicated.
u r so right....
When I first got together w/ my DH, anytime BM, did something even remotely human, it was such a big deal, and she got showered with thank u's and was quiet sickning, and then to sit w/ his family and go on & on about her, she had reached "celebrity status". By the time I actually got to "know" her, I was blown away by who she really was. I WAS DUPED!! I can honestly say...I love my man,like no one els. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
That is so funny
Bm had such a HUGE buildup that when I actually met her for the first time I thought THIS is the great and wonderful bm who can do no wrong? They had me beleiving that she sh*t gold bars for god sake.
rewind and selective erase button
BM's are great at duping- at least for a while.
I think we all feel it- if we could have parts of what we have now with out all the bs, it would be perfect. Tivo for life I guess. But if I had that power, I would certainly not still be at work either
I hear what your saying Georgie Girl- I just feel defeated before I even start my day sometimes. Being a mom, getting divorced and being single all pale in comparison to the responsibilities, perception management and difficult realities of being a step parent. I HATE not being listened to or treated equally as an authority in my own house. It's overwhelming! I'm hoping it's all worth it though- it has to be, right?
I know how you feel
It is very overwhelming. There are times that I just want to run and hide.
I used to miss my ex
And I missed him for years. He was my first true love and I suppose I will always love him in a certain way. But, he had done so many hurtful things to me that are pretty hard to forgive, and I certainly don't miss that. My current husband is by far a better husband than my ex ever was and I ain't giving him up for nothing!
In a way yes, and in a way no.
Lets just say my ex is an ex for a reason. I do not miss him. I did in the beginning. I would say the first 6 months of our separation. I miss the "normalcy" of the family lifestyle. I miss the fact that my kids always knew that me and him were there even if he was never around anyways and that they can always count on a place to live. I never had to worry about child support, living conditions, school changes, ex wives and step children. This is so very hard and i think if i knew then what i know now I would have just left my ex husband and never got involved with anyone else. My children have suffered so much by my decision making that i carry a tremendous guilt and i feel like I always have to try harder for them. My children didnt ask for this, but I could no longer live the way i was living with a control hispanic where my input didnt matter. You truly dont know that your ex is ex material until you reach the 7 years mark
well, that did it for me anyways.
"Still waiting to get my life back"
I hate to admit it but YES
We could never be married again. I know I couldnt handle that. He loved my kids with taht pure love that only a bio can have. Yet we married so young and I grew up and he still has not. However, I have never felt love so intense as when I was with him. It was passionate, but volatile. It was a very unhealthy relationship but I cant help but miss that young lovers passion...oh my, I have said to much! So to answer the question, miss him? Yes. Love him? Not anymore. In fact maybe it is just that I am so bent out of shape over this whole step mother job, that I just think I miss him - or my old life anyways. You know that part about being boss of my own life, house, and husband...ahhh, those were the days.
When it ended, it ended and it ended for a reason. We never should've gotten married in the first place. It was a huge mistake. I have no hard feelings about it. I don't think of him at all. (Unless someone asks a question like "Do You Miss Your Ex.")
It is...
It is quite the question, still debating wether to buy the mag. to see what was said, and what issues were addressed, I think, and no offense to any one, that men, more than women, would say "yes" to this question. Some men have it so tough....paying crazy amounts of $$ to their EX'S , having a "schedule" as to when they can see their kids, if they see 'em. Hving to live in "substanderd" conditions, because they don't have the family home anymore. They may just say yes because, they miss the security. I don't know, but that's just my expereince. My DH, personly hates his ex now, but when I first met him, he did not, and seemed to be in limbo on how he really felt....glad that's over
~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.