They Got It.
C.S.E. intercepted our tax refund, just like we thought, to use to pay off the arrears, but this is what I have a problem the arrear amount is wrong!!! It' s only 3.000 , at best, and get this, they have it down as over 6,000!??? WTF, they had it right when they issued his income deduction order in Jan. to his employer,and the figure was right when they suspended his FL. drivers license, and now they have this crazy figure. The c.s. payments started in July, when we moved, at $550.00 per month, so even if my DH never payed a dime on it, and he has, even before the deduction order was issued, it would not be that much!! Sooo, now we are faxing all our papers to prove it, making phone calls to tell them that they are WRONG AGAIN. Our stimulis check is supposed to go out in May 1st, and I want to get this all straightend out, cause they will take that to. The idiots, I'm sooooooo sick of dealing w/ these people. I mean ....wonderful, the arrears are finally paid, or will be as soon as they fix, and record all this, but COME ON. I wanted us to at least be able to get our other check on time. I know that falling behind on support payments is a big mistake, but sometimes things happen, and now C.S.E. just made it worse. Has anyone dealt with a mistake like this? Looking for a way to settle this as fast as possible.
- Chel Bell's blog
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DH and I had to deal with
DH and I had to deal with this a couple years ago.
Please don't kill the messenger but when you're dealing with the State (any State) and especially C.S.E. they are a pain in the ass to get $$ amounts straightened out. Mostly because they have too damn many departments keeping track of child support paid (at least in Ill) and if one of those departments makes a mistake......well, you know....
It took us nearly two years to get it straightedn out....well sort DH has a "credit" on his child support paid account because State would never admit they made a mistake and refund overpayment to us.
Chel, I feel for ya. What official offices have you contacted about this?
That may very well be
That may very well be interest. Or, it could be that it was that amount before your husband started paying it down. I would notify the IRS and fax them the papers and ask that they not distribute the stimuli checks until this is straightened out because once she gets the money - you are screwed. In the interim, file that form with the IRS to allow you to get YOUR portion (for you and your children) they won't take that but the form has to be filed first. Once she, or the CSE get their hands on the money it is as good as gone out the window
DOCUMENT EVERYTHING - every person, every number, every amount, etc.
Does the state charge interest on late child support? That could explain the discrepancy.
I'm freaking out because DH has mentioned that he's concerned custody may change as SD gets older, because as kids get older the court cares more what they think, and she always says she wants to live with BM.
Based on the job offer DH has now, we would have to pay $820/week in child support. But I'm pregnant and we're having a baby and we shouldn't have to pay that much. The thought of it just makes me so angry - she's never paid us any child support for the 4 years we've had SD.
Same situation for me
SD is 15 and has lived with us for the past four years with no CS from BM. Now SD wants to live with BM and she is still with us until BM gets CS (papers have been filed). We found out that we probably will NOT get back CS or even credit for those four years because we never filed for CS (to keep the peace with BM). Talk about BDs being screwed over! Plus, BM doesn't work so our CS will be disproportionately high compared with a BM who does work. Luckily (in a way), my husband has a low-paying job (compared with what he had when we got married), so CS will not be TOO high. But I think BM should go without CS for four years, like we did. By that time, SD will be 19 and not our financial problem any more! (I highly doubt she'll go to college.)
We found out it's not because of intrest, $3,000 dollars would be a hell of alot of interest, if they said that I would have laughed in their face , they (C.S.E.) say it was for arreas from 2 years ago, before my DH, got custody of his son. Now here is the story on that.... when my DH, filed for custody, he was in arrears, then , even when he got his son, they kept taking out support, and they took out WAY more than 50% of his income, that was illegal for them to do, as he also had a pitition to the court , before the custody , to modify c.s. 'cause it was based on an income he no longer had. fix the problem, BM was supposed to have been paying us support, never did, and they used that $$ as a "credit' and he did not owe any more back support because of their mistake, so she had their daughter living w/ her, and we had the son living with us, child support stopped, and it was put as 0/0, noone oweing anyone. So the support finally stopped. This was all done in court, and we still have all the papers to send to them about that if we have to. That is now what they are saying they got this figure, even though that order is done with, and we hade a new order drawn up before we moved in july, this is what they are trying to pull now. We could have sued the state back then for what they did to us, I was pregnant, then the baby was born, and SS was living w/ us full time, and they took so much $$ that my DH only had 110.00 $ a week as take home, while BM was getting 888.00, a month for a kid that did not live w/ her??? They knew they made a mistake and fixed it, after ALONG time, it took over a year, and now this!!! We are going to send that order, believe me, from that day in court 2 years ago, and copies of the new order, when they had the right amount, thats what I don't get, they had the right figure, and then it's changed, in a big way, all of a sudden. Can you say ..lawsuit!!! ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
That sounds just like BM, she is always in the office, on the phone or filing papers, and yelling at everyone she can about $$, and all I can think is they must be sick of her by now, but the drama never ends. Our BM, is just a drunk, w/ a long criminal record, and is mental. She is always finding a way to cause trouble. They can take the $$ that is due to her, no problem , or question about it, but we want the rest back, then she can go to h---.My DH will never be late like this again , as we are pulling out of the hole that the state of FL. had put us in the last time they made a" mistake ", and he is under a I.D. order, and that will ensure that she'll get her $$, only 3 years to go, and SD turns 18 in 2 more years, so for that last year c.s. will be cut down again for SS, then we will be done, and be able to move BM even further out of our world. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
In our state
they only come after the fathers. If a father falls a little bit behind they start filing all sorts of papers but if the mother just never pays they say well sorry but this is such and such state and the judges feel sorry for the mothers. also once the state made a mistake with our money and even with documentation still said well oops and never corrected the problem so we payed our cs twice that year. and its on our credit report and has hurt on other purchases.
"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." -- A Jewish Proverb