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Remember Me?

need2vent's picture

My 42nd bday is today so I am reflecting and the last year would not have been the same without everyone here.

Not sure if anyone remembers me, I was engaged to a man who had 3 adult kids, one married to a nightmare DIL, and an adult SD who demanded more cash than all others combined,and that is saying a lot.

They never gave me a chance,they cursed at me, expected me to wait on them , babysit whenever it was convenient for them not me and my children, and would constantly hiss behind my back that I was a goody two shoes(Honestly I do love to have fun and party when convenient in my life, but when u r respondsible parent that is not every week much less night)but then again they thought it a family affair to get drunk, take 3 year old to bar, go topless in hot tub at Thanksgiving family gathering, punch holes in walls when u realize u were not just really drunk and forgot where your car was, it was indeed stolen.LOL

I went to a graduation party recently and saw people I had not seen in 8 months , several told me they see my ex , drunk off his booty, by himself at bars. Glad he is doing well.(sarcasm)

I dated a few nice guys, one royal jerk and last weekend when I had dinner with a man I am now in committed relationship with and his son, and was treated by both with so much dignity as we ate meal my bf made, drank wine and listened to music from orchestra his son was in during high school, I wondered if I had died and gone to heaven.

I too left my relationship with a bruise(on my neck), but I should have left long before the outward sign of abuse showed itself.

I spoke with my exfiance a few weeks ago, he had surgery from being thrown off of a horse he bought after we dated and all muscle was ripped off shoulder(there is justice on earth)and asked how he was, he is kind now and in an email he commented that yes, our familes are very different ,his had a long way to go.
Could that be some sign of exceptance?Hate to say ,but I don't even care anymore, and God it feels good!!
My sons deserve better company and so did I.
Why am I saying all this now? I had people tell me I should leave even before I was ever touched physically, because it was just not good for me.
I cried, I doubted, I was lonely, I was depressed.
I am happy now, even if my current relationship ends tomorrow I am happy that I am out of the one I needed this website to make it through.
Thanks to everyone who helped me and I miss you guys. I have not met his daughter yet because she lives in another state and hope when I do I will not be running back in need, but truth is I believe he actually raised his kids properly(do you hear angels singing? , me too)! LOL

Happy Belated Mother's Day to the women I know deserve that day of recognition and another of their own,I admire all of you for all you give of yourselves.


BabygotBack1988's picture

sounds like it has been a while since yo have had one of those well done to ya stick around x x x

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

ColorMeGone2's picture

More importantly, HAPPY LIFE!

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

Lace Lady's picture

Things are going so well for you. Happy birthday!

Cajun Lady
"Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez"

sparky's picture

I remember. Glad that you are so happy now.
Happy Birthday

Sita Tara's picture

I always think a true sign of gratitude is when we can even be thankful for the experiences that were hurtful...sometimes even to the jerks for teaching us the lesson. Takes being out a while I know. I had an abusive BF throughout high school til we broke up a few months after I turned 19. Though it was horrible to live through, I now can appreciate what I learned both about relationships and myself from him. I still never want to talk to or see him again. The anger will likely never leave me for how he hurt me (especially physically.)

BUT...I am who I am, including an advocate for victims of domestic abuse, thanks to that man.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

sarahbernheart's picture

Thanks so much for sharing and happy birthday!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

Sasha's picture

Glad to hear things are going well for you. Don't be a stranger!