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Song~ Don't Wanna Be A Stepmom

Chel Bell's picture

To go along with Nickelback's "Rockstar' Just for fun I'm thru with standin in line/ behind the BM/ Fighting a losing battle that I'm never gonna win/ a stepmom's life does not turn out quite the way we wish it to be/(tell me what you got)/ I got someone elses house that is run by the skids/ with a bathroom I can lock myself in/ and a scummy looking bath tub that is only scrubbed by me /(yeah, that's what I need!)/ I got the BM pushin me to the limit/ and my DH says I have to "grin and bear it"/ makes me want to jump out a window at 37,000 feet/(really thinkin 'bout that)/ I want to jump in my car and drive real far/ and hide out on Hollywood Boulvard/ somewhere between here and nowhere will do for me/(so how you gonna do it) I'm gonna trade this life of misery and shame, I'll even go back to using my madien name/ Cause we all just try to be good stepmom's/ livin in his ex's house with a P.O.S. car/ where nothing comes easy/ and we are made to feel cheap/ we worry so much that we just can't eat/ and we hang out in the back of court rooms/ watching DH lose his a@@ to you know who/BM the golddigger is there/thinking she looks pretty with greasy lookin' hair/and well , hey,hey, I don't wanna be a stepmom/hey,hey, I don't wanna be a stepmom / BM's ranting about her latest hassels/ and her BF was arrested for bein' an a@@hole/ keep sending her her CS so she can eat her meals for free/(to many quesadilla's ha-ha)/ The skids dress their a@@'s with the latest fashions/ SD looks like she belongs at the Playboy mansion/ And DH runs around cryin' I'm broke" and "poor me"/ I'm gonna trade this life of misery and shame/I'll even go back to using my madien name/ cause we all just wanna be good stepmom's/livin in his ex's house with a P.O.S. car/ where nothing comes easy/and we are made to feel cheap/ we worry so much that we just can't eat/DH goes back to the court room/ with a stack of nasty e-mails/ and phone messages too/ the judge says "no deal" with an evil smile/ and DH still has BM on his speed dial/ well, hey,hey,I don't wanna be a stepmom/ I'm gonna teach the skids a real good lesson/ for treating DH like a pez dispenser / got a washed up BM telling me "soon you'll be gone"/ But with every step I take/ I always prove her wrong/ And we all just try to be good stepmoms/ gonna move out of this damn house/ and run away far/ I'll make my life easy/ things will be sweet/ DH will grow some balls and start listening to me/ he'll send the skids off to their rooms/ so they can write a hundred times-"I'll be good for you"/ I'll start looking at BM with that evil smile/ and tell her that I'm pregnant just to watch her go wild/ well, hey,hey, I don't wanna be a stepmom/ hey,hey....yeah I'm a real good stepmom! Smile


Sia's picture

I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Smile

Most Evil's picture

That was REALLY GOOD!!! and funny too!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Gmama's picture

you really put some time and energy into that one GOOD JOB

Elizabeth's picture

I actually found myself singing along in my office.

Chel Bell's picture

now my DH's new fav. song. He finally got to read it all today, playing the music right along with it, it was soooo funny.!!"~waiting on the world to change~"