Tell me what you guys think???
BM sends a picture with SD yesterday. One that she took at a sweet sixteen and BM wrote at the bottom of the picture Love (SD's NAME) and Love (BM's Name) should I take this as BM is trying to be a funny bitch or piss me off??? I mean why the hell would anyone want to love her? It was only a picture of SD, BM was not in it. maybe if she was in it i could try and understand the love part. But WTF????
- Itwillgetbetter's blog
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Don't even TRY to figure her out
your brain will explode in the process!
Your question was- "should I take this as BM is trying to be a funny bitch or piss me off???"
And the answer is, possibly ALL of the above! You really can't rationalize an irrational mind, so don't even try. Just chalk it up to 'another crazy event in the life of BM'. Laugh, and move on with your day.
If my DH and I tried to figure out why his nutty ex did ALL the crazy things SHE did day in and day out, we'd be the ones who would be committed! So instead, we just LAUGH!
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
How do you write on a
How do you write on a picture? Was it a poloroid or something? Could you cut the bottom off where she wrote?
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Its one of those Xmas
Its one of those Xmas greeting pictures that says merry christams on the side and she wrote it there with some kind of gold marker. I tried to take it of with my nail but that didnt work. I mean its a really nice picture I just dont know why she added LOVE (HER NAME)
bc she wants to remind u AND him
that SHE came first and gave birth to the kid. plain and simple. shes an ass and pathetic so dont waste any more time on it!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I sooo wanted to reply to your post
that is EXACTLY what the bm tries to do with me...I swear she's constantly trying to poke the beehive. It's like their sad little lives have no meaning unless they're tormenting us.
What I do is find creative, passive-aggressive ways to get back at her...Ok, that's not exactly healthy, but you know what, nobody is perfect and I'm sick of being "the bigger person". If I get any bigger I won't be able to fit in the house anymore.
I would get a frame with a matt board or have a matt cut for it that covers up the writing. Matt board is your friend.LOL
However bm meant it, you have the right to send a message that you will not be tormented or manipulated. That's where I'm at now and I'm not backing down.
(Sorry...I had to edit my first post...I misread your post and so my reply was more about the bm being in the pic, which she isn't, so oops my bad)
i hate pics
its not the pic, its what these idiots write.
last Valentines day, BM gave DH a pic of SD...fine. very nice. too bad she looked like an idiot w the way she was dressed but i disgress. she wrote on the back "to dad, the first and greatest love of my life" WTF????????? that is not a way that u refer to ur parents and its not appropriate AT ALL. she was just trying to get her digs into me. when he saw the back he laughed at what an idiot she is. i think he threw the pic away or gave it back to her and said i know what youre doing and u better knock it off. he also said no more pics...i will take her on my own.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I'm actually surprised that she didn't include herself (BM) in
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
the photo! Yeah, she's trying to get at ya. Wonder how much time she spent cooking this idea up
What can I do to her to make
What can I do to her to make her feel what I do? Any suggestions?
send her a xmas card
and sign it LOVE, ITGB and DH
if that doesnt get her, nothing will!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Nothing. Really. NOTHING
I'm telling you, in all seriousness, IWGB, I KNOW how much you would just LOVE to retaliate. OR pick up the phone and call her. Or do something to make yourself feel better about the situation.
But the fact of the matter is, that if you do ANYTHING to let HER KNOW that she 'got to you'...she's going to get worse.
The best thing you can do is...nothing. Really- laugh at the ridiculousness that she is. I mean, how immature was it for her to do that? How old is she? Does she have NO LIFE?
Is this ALL she has to do with her time?????
I would think you have better things to do with YOURS. Like take care of your family. Work. Have fun with your friends. Have a "real" life.
Do those things and "F" her. And the "F" means "forget" about her.
She just ridiculous. And not worth your time. YOU are better than that.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
yeah IWGB shes rite
i mean, i think a harmless little card is a great idea BUT yeah, u dont want her to know u got to her. and like 5teens and i said before...laugh at how pathetic she is!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
You're very good at this!!!
God, i wish i had you around the house. I hate living the step-bio parent wars. I don't know how you're able to keep sane and act rationally when you're being pushed and prodded.
You rule 5teens!!!!
Oh- Lil, I'm NO SAINT!
And when our Fruit Loop BM pulls this kind of crap (on pretty much a daily basis!) I definitely DO react. But to my DH. Or to my friends and family. Or here on ST.
But do I ever let BM know that SHE'S gotten to me? Nope. And I am actually getting much better, after all these years, at laughing at her. Because it is pretty funny how utterly ridiculous, petty, immature, envious, and selfish she is.
Why get angry? I know she's going to pull something stupid or nasty or vindictive or outrageous. After all, she's alive today, so it's always a possibility. So why, when it happens, am I even surprised?
When I look at it that way, it saves me, and my DH, a lot of grief!
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
What you do is take a great
What you do is take a great picture of you and DH very suggestively looking and holding one another. Send her the picture signed, DH and the only one that counts!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Just cut the photo out of the card, and frame it!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Thereby destroying the "love" words from BM! At least then yu won't have to deal with the "message" every day, and still have a nice pic of SD.
I'd be so tempted to have a photo taken of yu, DH & SD together-all hugs and smiles-and send it to her in an Exmas card. But probably better not go there-it'll just fuel the fire. But still, I'd be soooo tempted :evil:
I was thinking of going to
I was thinking of going to sears and doing a familt portrait with BF my son SD and I. and just giving a pic to SD so she can show BM what do you guys think? Too harsh?
Nope. Think it's a lovely idea. That way SD can have a pic of
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
her family in her room at BM's! Just remember, you'll probably be adding fuel to her fire!
That's what we did last year!
Sears Christmas cards! DH sent one to SD - addressed to her and all, and wrote, "Love, Dad and Miss Trish"
I'm pretty sure it hit the trash pretty quickly. SD has pictures of herself and her dad anyway, so I'm okay with it. I'm looking forward to BM seeing me in person anyway. Yeah, it's poking the bear, but it's only once every two years. And I swear, I'm not saying a word to provoke her.