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Tell me what you ladies think BM is up to???

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Yesterday BM calls BF to tell him that she found some pictures of him and his daughter and that his daughter was going to keep some but did he want the rest. And hes sitting there telling her yeah sure that fine no problem... Now this is my issue.... Why is she calling almost 2 years after me and him have already been together to tell him about pictures? When him and her broke up they both moved out of the house that they had shared for about 10 years. she just recently moved back in and I think memories are coming back... I feel that instead of telling her yeah sure fine.

Should I try and understand????

Itwillgetbetter's picture

That the reason why BF treats my son different from his daughter is because he was so used to it just being his daughter and now he has to adjust because my son is in the picture. I mean its been a year and a half isnt this enough time to see that the kids need to be treated fairly? For example we just got a new car and nothing can be left in the car not my sons bookbag or sweater... But the other day that we picked up his daughter her sweater was left in the car. the next morning when we were getting ready to take my son to school BF said oh my daughter left her sweater!!

This makes my stomach hurt!!! Please some advice

Itwillgetbetter's picture

ok here I am sending in papers for an upward modification so that I can get more money from BD for my son. Now BD has only been paying 200$ for the past 5 years.So I think that its long overdue my son is 9 and becoming more expensive. But BF wants to buy his 9year old daughter a 200$ phone for her birthday.. But my phone doesnt even work properly and the screen goes blank when i try to press a number. Is there something wrong with this picture? I told bf why does he want to get her another phone when she doesnt even take care of the one that she has.

Email from BM!!!!!!!

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This is an email from BM to BF. Now the part that im pissed about is again their daughter is 9 and can speak for herself so all these Instructions of washing sheets. What does she think we are STUPID??? Not only that at the end she puts she doesnt know where she got it from!!! Not my son cause he is away on vacation in NEW YORK!! I cant stand her ASS.

SD went home early!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Ok I have a son and BF has a daughter both age 9. Well my son went to visit his father in New york for the holidays so he was not around this weekend that we had SD. Well SD im guessing was extremly bored. Either that or shes extremely spoiled and shes used to being taken out every weekend or always having someone to play with. She got gifts from us for Xmas that she could of played with but im guessing that was not good enough for her. Well she called BM and asked her if she could come get her and BM im sure with a huge smile on her face said sure.

Doesnt pertain to stepchildren but I have a Question for all!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

I need to know if you ladies find this disrespectful?? We were In BF's brothers house for Xmas Eve and we were sitting at the table playing cards. Well Bf's sister in law said something that I found funny and most of the time it is funny. But BF doesnt like his sister in law too much. He has a different view than I do about her. Well anyway I laughed at a joke that she made and he said in front of her and his brother, with the most serious face "why do i have to laugh at everything she does"? I looked at him and told him why is it not funny because it was towards you?

Question for all!!!!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Ok SD needs braces that will cost about $4500.00 to $6000.00. BF pays for the premium of the insurance he pays $545.00 of child support every month! And his insurance pays for $1500.00 towards the braces... Should he still pay some of the braces? or should BM pay for the difference? BM has been the biggest Beotch when it comes to the child support part.

Was this wrong?

Itwillgetbetter's picture

Im begining to feel that Im going crazy and just looking at every little thing. But I know that its wrong and for some reason I cant say something to SD when the situation happened. We went out to eat this weekend and we were sitting down on some seats in the restaurant. It was me SD, My son and BF. We were in the the waiting area and SD layed out on the long seat she was sitting at and BF yelled at her and told her to sit up! She looked at him and put her finger over her mouth and told him SHHHHHHHHHHH. OMG WTF!!!!!! Sorry i needed to let that out.

Tell me what you guys think???

Itwillgetbetter's picture

BM sends a picture with SD yesterday. One that she took at a sweet sixteen and BM wrote at the bottom of the picture Love (SD's NAME) and Love (BM's Name) should I take this as BM is trying to be a funny bitch or piss me off??? I mean why the hell would anyone want to love her? It was only a picture of SD, BM was not in it. maybe if she was in it i could try and understand the love part. But WTF????

He finally admitted!!!

Itwillgetbetter's picture

So BF finally said to me that when he looks back now and sees how much time BM spent at work and how he was doing everything from cleaning and cooking and helping his daughter with her homework. NOW he knows the BM was cheating on him because she is pregnant with her BOSSES BABY! And he says that it bothers him because he was looking like a fool for so long... I understand why it would bother him but the only reason why hes putting serious thought into now is because BM is prego.
