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Retarded at the Recital

disgusted's picture

StepBrats band recital is tomorrow night at her middle school (approximatley a 1 hour drive each way from our house). Now, Her and DH have known about this band recital for over two weeks. They have both also known that she must have a nice pair of black pants, black shoes, and a white shirt for said recital. Last weekend DH was going to take Step Brat to the PX (military department store about an hour away) to get her said clothing. Step Brat came down staires and said she had the pants and white shirt already so he just took her to get the black shoes...

She came home with a pair of dressy $30.00 sketchers and all she did was complain that she didn't like them blah blah blah..(I was thinking to bad step brat! Your in Bum F-ed Bavaria Germany and they don't have a large selection at our military PX...Boo Hoo Hoo...Snotty brat!!) Actually, they were really nice sketchers and very cute but they didn't look "rocker" enough for her (eye roll). I didn't say anything to her because DH did the foot work of taking her and I felt he is the one who needed to address her lack of gratitude and snottiness..Needless to say he didn't but no sweat of my back.

7:30 pm tonight DH presents the step brat in front of me in said white shirt that is way to small...My problem??? NOPE...They both should have made sure it fit awhile back. So, against my better judgement, I offer to see what I have in my closet by means of a white shirt that step brat could borrow for the recital. So I pull out a shirt and take it to her in her room and she tries it on and here comes the pouty, ingratful, snottiness again..She says, "I look retarded" (pout pout pout, not a thank you or any semblence of gratitude). So I keep on my pocker face/voice and politly tell her to take off the shirt. I left her room, put it back in my closet, and silently handed her and DH's problem back to THEM. I then go back about the business I was tending to before hand.

She comes to me a few minutes later and looks all shocked and says, "Do you have other white shirts?" I said.."Yep"...She says "Can I try them on?"..I said, "Nope". She says, "But what am I going wear tomorrow night?"...I said, " Hopefully something that won't make you look retarded". I then turned and walked away.

I bite my tongue and handeled it calmly, politly and matter of factly and it wasn't easy to do. But, I must admit that I love (and yes do gloat a bit to myself) to had her crap right back to her. I come here to vent so the truth is that I think it would do this spoiled, snotty, ingratful brat a world of good to see how her two sisters from BM have lived..In cars outside of drug rehabs and homeless shelters until the state took them both away from BM...ect...This ingratful little snot doesn't know how good she has it all due to the fact that DH is her biological father (unlike her sisters)...If it wasn't for me and dh this little snot would be in a foster home somewhere!!

I can't stand how ungratful she is over everything....A week in a car with her BM might teach her a thing or two!! Geeeezzzzeeee!


bellacita's picture

i dont know if its in the air today or what but i think all of us could use a big ol cocktail!! that was hilarious!! good for u putting her in her place...if not appreciated, then why bother!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Sarah101's picture

I predict some behavior modification with SD going forward. That's exactly what you did. You never signed a contract that said you had to take her "ungrateful act" crap. So politely, with grace and dignity, throw it back at her when she dishes it out.

Nice job!!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

you handled that in such a classy way! Just another spoiled kid, thinking its (the world) all about her.

Sasha's picture

You deserve two snaps *snap snap* and a woot woot!

Good one. Just wished I could have seen the look on her face!

melis070179's picture

"Hopefully something that won't make you look retarded"...thats freakin hilarious! Good job!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

melis070179's picture

So how did the recital go? What did your SD end up wearing?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"