Sports Events
My daughter and ss are on the same same 2 sport teams for years, Ive had to handle seeing BM her H, and all her ditzy friends, three times a week.
Giving us HELL is this BM hobby. Now she has become good friends with coaches wives. One year they had the end of year party at BM house. GUess who was not invited? and my daughter is on the team? that is just another story how manipulative she is.
Last night went to soccer game, My daughter gets nervous when BM husband screams out directions, not only is he loud , his voice carries and its aggressive. I emailed them and asked them not to call our her name So last night they were all laughing that they have to give hand signs to my D.
I thought the vein in my neck was going to pop. I refuse to start anything at a sports event. I wont lower myself in front of the kids.
THe coach is fine, his ditzy wife is friends with BM..and is just as crude as BM. She once introduced my H to another person as the stepdad, then laughed and giggled oops oh it the DAD..haha.
My ss and daughter are the same age, and LUV playing together plus if I split them I will have to be running around double. I dont want to be petty and the kids will be miserrable if they are not together.They talk about their teams all the time so splitting them us is out.
I usually try to ignore them, but three or four times a week my blood pressure sky rockets. HELP, I dont think I can take much more of seeing these people
- Never Ending's blog
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wow, that is a tough one
wow, that is a tough one
All I can say is don't let her see when she gets to you...its what she wants. Does your SS see her behavior? Maybe you should make a comment to her about the example she is setting for her son & what an ass she's making herself look like! But just try to ignore her...look right through the people that are behaving this way. Show up looking great, show you're happy & pretend they don't exist. Its not going to be fun for her if she thinks it doesn't bother you!
Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Can BD switch? Carpool with other parents?
Or can they be on different teams. I know it's a pain to split them up, but if they were BS's and different ages/genders this would be the case anyway. I think if your daughter is stressed about it, that would be my advice.
I know it sucks to run kids to multiple teams and our summers are shot. We have to do it all the time because we have four kids 3-14. I have learned to ask other parents with only children to help. They will often carpool with us where we do all the dropping off or picking up, and they do the opposite.
As far as the befriending everyone, I did that myself at SD's old school. Partly because I'm friendly, but also because BM is UNfriendly, and with our custody case I knew I had to make a good impression with the staff.
As far as my ex and his W, we are unique and lucky. My exH and my H both have coached the boys and SD TOGETHER on a Y team. Ironically, the first year DH and I signed my sons up for the Y team. DH noticed the first practice that the coach didn't know how to coach the kids. DH mentioned he had coached before and the coach asked him to help. Then my exH came to a practice that DH wasn't at, noticed the same thing, talked to the coach as well. BUT before accepting to help out, my EX H called to ask if DH would mind if he co-coached as well because he didn't want to step on DH's toes doing something to bond with my sons. My and EXH's own kids! Now THAT's considerate. Rare. Weird to many, but makes me proud and happy.
Once we got custody of SD, we could sign SD up for sports without BM interfering. So the next year, my DH and my exH decided just to sign up to coach their own team, with all of our kids on it. BM never comes to anything for SD now and if an event falls on her night, she only picks SD up after the event outside because DH goes to all home games. DH brings BD (almost 3!) sometimes, but I don't attend. I stopped to see if that would help BM feel better and come, but I think even seeing DH was too much for that crazy woman. And seeing BD? It's like the M and M's Christmas commercial, where Santa and the red M and M bump into each other, simultaneously yell, "HE DOES EXIST!" and faint. That's how much BM wants to forget about me, BD etc. I still don't go because of all the crap SD has pulled, and she doesn't even appreciate that DH goes.
But if BM went one time it would be like SD won the lottery.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
WOW that sucks
SS used to play baseball when he was 6, and I survived on Xanax. That is no longer a viable option b/c I'm not drugging myself up since I have a child of my own to look after. BM was a lot easier to deal with when DH was just my boyfriend and I wasn't a mom myself. I couldn't do it now (and luckily SS doesn't play anymore), so props to you for putting up with it as long as you have. I have absolutely zero advice for you b/c that is just the suckiest thing ever. BM was the Team Mom and junk that one horrible year. Ohhhh it was awful.
Fake it til you make it!
I feel ya!
My son and ss were never on the same sports teams due to age differences BUT I had the bright idea of allowing BM to use our home address to register for school as the school in our district had a better rep than his assigned school. BIG MISTAKE! Luckily it only lasted a year as my son moved on to middle school. I dreaded school functions and pick up and drop off times having to see her. I don't know what advice to offer you but I can certainly relate to your situation somewhat! I hope it gets much better for you! At least you've taken the high road! Be proud!