can i whine for a moment??
it always seems like anytime we think anything good is gonna happen, it doesnt and we are disappointed we just cant catch a break.
DH gets CS from BM#1 for SS15 who we have custody of. In the original court order, he agreed, like a nice man who wasnt trying to bleed the ex dry unlike BM#2, to $350 a month for 2 kids (SS20 has since moved out). We thought, hey its been years since they were divorced and shes been getting off easy for awhile, so being over 3 years, lets put in for a modification to review. DH knows she makes AT LEAST the same as him and so by calculation, should be getting at least $100 more a month. AT LEAST. hes guessing she makes more than him now.
so we put in for the review. shortly after, receive a letter saying we will be getting $160 a month IN ADDITION TO what we already get. we're thinking GREAT!!! something actually went our way. not so fast, chica!
first, they send him a visa-type card and a letter saying $80 was deposited (BM gets paid every other week). This goes on for a couple weeks and we get this deposit on the card in addition to the regular CS check we get from her employer. im thinking, hey this is kinda weird getting CS from 2 sources but whatever, we'll take it.
while we were away visiting my family in PA (wish i could go back ALREADY), he received a letter saying that there was a discrepancy and the issue is being reviewed. so DH calls. she said basically someone from the CS dept noticed the difference and was asking about it. she told him that he wouldnt be getting the extra $160 a month until this was reviewed and that we would be getting a letter. once it was reviewed, and the cs amount changed, DH would get arrears from the time he signs for the registered letter. BUT the original CS check from her employer wouldnt stop.
WELL IT DID. havent received one in a couple weeks so DH calls her employer and they say that they recived a court order saying the amount was changed to $160 a month. Dh said no thats in addition. they said no, thats not what it said, but we will call HR and in the meantime, DH is to contact the CS people at the state. in the meantime, today we get an $80 deposit on the card. WTF.
the thing is, and as all u CPs know, we just cant afford to not be getting that original $350 until this all gets sorted out. AND leave it to our luck, when it all does get straitened out, we will probably be getting LESS than we were before. bc thats just how it goes for us. try to do something to help us out, something FAIR AND JUST, and we'll probably end up getting bit in the ass instead.
and my car overheated yesterday on the way to work. god knows how much THAT will cost. we cant afford it anyway, thanks to no CS check. looks like we'll be $350 SHORT this month. AND now i cant go see Stepwitch for her bday and buy her a drink AND the crazy SIL is already asking if they can come over saturday to give SD her xmas gift. bc it wasnt good enough to give it to US to give to her, they have to see her themselves. it was okay when they didnt see SSs to give them THEIR gifts, but not SD. guess they have to see the look on her face when this 3 yr old unwraps a play LAPTOP and has no freakin clue what to do w it. i suggested saving it for 2 yrs until she may actually be able to use it...;)
i know its all trivial compared to what alot of y'all are going thru rite now but DAMN. just isnt my week. and its only tuesday
- bellacita's blog
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Girl, this isn't a trivial matter at all!
CSE is messing with your finances! I don't envy people that have to deal with them. I've never heard much good about it. When I read stuff like this, it makes me glad that no child support changes hand in our situation. Each party is supposed to support the child 50/50. When the child is in hercare, the finances fall upon her and vice versa. I wish everyone could have the situation that we do; it would save a lot of headaches, in my opinion.
It's a crappy situation, but you always have us to vent to!
thanks brook
i just meant, at least my DH isnt a dickhead who treats his daughter like his wife or abuses me. and i dont have skids treating me like crap. and BM#2 has calmed down (for NOW) so sometimes i feel like i really have no rite to complain!
in our case, BM doesnt take SS regularly for visitation. shes supposed to have him EOW but has never taken him then. only recently has she started taking him a wkend here or there, BUT its still not regular OR scheduled. so she contributes basically NOTHING to him. okay, so she did buy him xmas gifts and take him while we were on vacay and he was off school, but im sure it will stop soon. its nothing we, or SS can ever count on.
thanks for the kind words and support
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I feel the same way at times.
There are so many on here that have way more serious situations to deal with than I do. For now, things with BM are running smoothly and everyone is getting along, which has been weird for me to adjust to. I guess I had been in defensive mode for so long that I didn't realize what normal was! So yeah, considering the way things are going for us as well, I don't feel like I have the right either!
But even when you feel like the situation doesn't warrant enough to vent about, it does. It's important to you. I know what it's like to have to stress about finances, and where are you going to get the money to pay this bill or buy food. That does warrant a vent or two!!
thanks for the validation! not like i needed it though since that didnt stop me from posting anyway!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
oh bella.....
that sucks! Hopefully it will get resolved soon! Maybe you can visit SW on the 16th? Maybe I will go too.....I have to work Sat, or I would've gone too!
i cant go next wkend
but the following wkend might work. hopefully it will all work out and we can both visit our dear friend (and meet each other!) soon.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I cant go then either....
work EOSaturday, so.....maybe the 30th?
whine away!!!!
I'm sorry Bella! try not to get too down, I seriously doubt it will be modified the way it is now permanently, some clerical person just made a mistake. I know that doesn't help in the mean time though...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Hey NS...
how are things goin?