for how many of u is this familiar???
skid does something, or doesnt do something, and DH does nothing to correct it. so u say something to DH and instead of him taking the issue up w skid, U AND DH start fighting about it???
well i, for one, am flippin sick of it!
DH has full custody of SS15 and he lives w us full time, which is fine. the kid is basically a great kid and he and i get along great. but hes also a teen and so hes a bit thick at times. do u knwo how many times hes been asked to wash out the sink after doing dishes (whcih really constitutes rinsing them off and loading the washer)? how many times hes been asked to wipe the table off after eating breakfast? seems like simple requests rite? well for some reason, SS cant get it and needs to be reminded EVERY OTHER DAY. which supposedly, is normal for a teen boy. fine. what is NOT normal, is DH getting mad at ME bc HE has to remind him.
i dont even remember how it started yesterday on the drive home but i said to DH to please tell SS once again to wipe off the table after eating. and the boxes that have been sitting in the kitchen for 2 days? can u please tell him to take them out to the recycle bin? DH says i did, i will tell him again. and i said, "u know DH, maybe if he ever had consequences for his actions (or non-actions) he would obey u better. i dont understand why its so hard for him to do these simple things and why he has to be told EVERY OTHER DAY ABOUT THEM."
DH: i know bella, youre rite. (in a agitated tone)
ME: see DH, this is the problem...u know im rite, yet u refuse to do anything about it. so it keeps happening. and i have to keep reminding u. and then u get mad at ME, and we end up arguing.
and then of course, said argument ensued.
the thing is, i dont like being the heavy bc since DH isnt, i dont want it coming from me. i would reprimand more if DH did and it seemed like we were on the same page. so usually, i end up telling DH to tell SS to do so and so. and its such a waste of time. and energy. maybe i should just start telling SS on my own more and to hell w what he thinks! DH doesnt guilt parent in the classic sense, hes just a pushover and very non-confrontational. so thats not the issue.
i just dont get why when i bring this stuff to DHs attention, WE end up fighting about it. if he knows im rite, why doesnt he keep on SS and make him accountable for these things??
i guess maybe i should be thankful that at least SS isnt a SM hating teen...:(
- bellacita's blog
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is just rerouting all his frustrations caused by his son towards you. Why he can't just use that energy on SS rather than you... we'll never know... but I've been there, chica. I would just start telling SS yourself... and if he doesn't listen... YOU punish him. It's your house... he needs to follow your rules.
If DH isn't going to do it... that leaves you with no other choice. I would tell him that too if DH starts to jump on you for disciplining SS!
that is exactly what happens at our house. I get tired of being the heavy because ss gets it in for me. If Dh corrects ss, ss doesn't get it in for Dh because he's dad, ya know. If I correct ss, I'm the evil bi@$tch. So I tell Dh that he needs to correct certain behaviors and Dh actually accuses me of tattling on ss. Excuse me!!! Grrrr!
By the way, your ss sounds exactly like mine. It's so frustrating to have to tell someone something over and over and over again when it is something so simple.
Are you living my life or what????? That is EXACTLY what happens at my house! AND when she doesn't get her way she texts her mother and all of a sudden "My mom had plans for me to do xxxx so I'm going there." I get migraines trying to figure it out sometimes!!!!!
I live this everyday!
Read-"Well the Weekend went like this"
We have had SS full time for 2 years now-since DAY one he has been told to shower every second day, pick up after himself in the common areas and REMINDED EVERY NIGHT OF his bedtime/curfews
I am chasing DH to get his son with the program-swear they are having a bet on when I will crack!
I am thankful SS16 is not into drugs/women/booze/rock and roll/gangs/bad boy behavior-
I am not SS favourite person as I have a very good memory unlike his doting father who turns a blind eye to bad behavior and conveniently "forgets" things
Like yours, SS16 has had NO consequences for bad behavior -
SS'S favourite tactics are:
Learned Helplessness
Playing Dumb
Pity Party
Passive Aggression
Dad falls for them everytime
This is the only issue DH and I disagree on-we don't argue other than about this.
GEE I wonder what is the solution is huh :?
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
The same!
Those are my ss13's tactics too.
Same thing here, EXCEPT
I hear ya, girls. The SAME thing happens here, too. But believe me, it's not a SKid issue...
it's just a KID issue.
My BS15, could be your SS, Bella! I could tell him 100 times a day about his chores. He's no dummy- he KNOWS what is expected of him. He's just LAZY.
The bottom line, is how I, as his PARENT, respond to him. And that is...I remind him...once. And then, if he doesn't do it, and I come back and if it's STILL not done...then he's conseqenced, as followed:
ME: "BS15, please come here."
BS15: "Wha?"
ME: "I want you to look in the laundry room.
You still did not take your clothes up to your room from when I asked you over 30 minutes ago. Now you can bring me your IPod and place it on the counter (his BELOVED electronic). You have lost it for 24hrs. Thank you. And then you can get the vacuum cleaner and sweep the living room. Immediately. Thank you."
No fuss. No muss.
The problem is, that this same scenario NEVER HAPPENS for SDs. NEVER. EVER.
There are no consequences for their laziness. SD16 has a PILE of wet, moldy towels in her room stacked to knee level. There's empty food containers strewn all around. Empty water bottles everywhere. Six full baskets of dirty clothes throughout her room, her bathroom and the hallway (thankfully her room in down in the finished basement so I don't have to look at it).
But in her "joke" of a "kid contract" her room is supposed to be clean each week. And wash is supposed to be done on a consistent basis...or there's CONSEQUENCES.
Yeah, sure. What are "those"????
And it's the glaring double-standard that just KILLS me.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
that's at the heart of it, if there are no consequences, a rule is absolutely meaningless. I included a list of them in our "family agreement" It starts with revoking allowance, based on how little of said chores are done, and gets more and more severe depending on which rules are broken and the frequency of rules being broken. 5teens your husband should just hire a maid for SDs and get it over with. I was regaling FH with some of your stories, and believe me, it's not just a woman thing to think this type of parenting is ridiculous, he didn't even believe some of the things I told him (as we drove around in his 1999 Honda CRV that he will be making payments on for the next 3 yrs!)
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Double Standard
Drives me crazy as well
SS16 has a Joke of a kid contract-I just went through it with DH on the weekend-
I was a little (OK) a lot sarcastic as I read it out loud to him and prefaced each one with
"And the Last Time This Happened Was.."
He pouted all weekend and was mad at me...
I once disengaged re the shower thing-for about two weeks
You all can guess what happened.....
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Do I !!!!!
Ok, but first yes you should be thankful about the not hating SM part. Trust me on that one.
But I will say, as a mom of two full fledged teens, one tween, and a just 3 yo, an equal mixture of boys and girls, AND the wife of one DH, caregiver of one crazy terrier and one fabulous cat that it is not just teen boys.
EVERYONE in my house needs reminded to clean up after themselves except three of us-
Myself, BD 3, and
I am constantly wiping up, rinsing off or re-rinsing, picking up, hanging up, putting away all of their crap.
Now MY DH has no problem with reminding the kids, especially MINE for some reason, to clean up after themselves. And I have learned that I have to stop myself from incessantly telling him to tell "your daughter" to wipe off, clean up, rinse, load, etc and just mention it to her myself. Because though he doesn't mind telling her, it gets to him after a while, then it causes an argument between them, where as if I just told her to do it she usually will, sometimes say sorry in a sincere way, sometimes mutter GOD or GOSH under her breath and sigh at my over anal under enlightened SMness. So now I handle most of it, and reserve the reminders for DH that are bigger, so he knows when she does something risky, really disrespectful, etc.
But one huge pet peeve of mine is how no one but me can take recycling, rinse it out, break it down and put it in the garage. Sometimes, if I'm not in the room they try to just throw it away because it's easier, OR they will take all but a few drops of the milk so they can put it back in the fridge, or all but a few crumbs of chips or crackers so they can put the bag/box back in the pantry practically empty. If I'm in the room when they use the last of something, they set it on the counter or in the sinking, while telling me, "I know- I'm gonna take that out LATER" to which I shoot a look of "yeah right" in their direction and ask,"How much later?" And the typical response is "as soon as I'm done eating." SD tries to say she'll do it later, then I give the look, then she yells, "I ALWAYS DO!" To which I tell her "Remember two days ago when we had this same conversation?" And she says, "Last time I forgot!" At which point we either spiral down hill into argument and I stomp around and do it myself, or I smile a knowing smile, say, "Ok SD...I'll remind you of this conversation later when it's still sitting there" to which she ALWAYS responds, "You DO THAT." in a rude tone.
Alas...then she is sheepishly remorseful two hours later when I call her down to take her recycling out. Or she isn't and is peeved because I'm interrupting her fun activity to do something she thinks is anal, or my job because I am the stay at home maid to all.
Recently I started conducting experiments as to how long it takes for anyone else to bother thinking that trash or recycling belongs in the trash or recycling instead of the sink or the counter. I start out genuinely hopeful that I will get a glimpse into my family's idea of what "later" is, or if they will ever even notice something in their way in the sink the next time they want to leave the empty milk jug there for me to take care of. I wait until it is DAYS later then give up, grab the items that have accumulated in the sink and on the counter, and all the while ranting I take them out, then vent to...
Well the DOG I guess, who periodically wags her tail or cowers in terror while trying to figure out what she did that involved a milk jug that is making me so mad at her.
Last night Bella....last night my dear DH had a bowl of cereal. He used the last of the milk. He used the last of the cereal. He turned to me and said, "Don't worry honey. You know I will take those out later. I always do."
They are still sitting there this morning.
The puppy was cowering this morning at the site of them.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
It IS just a kid thing!
I told my BS11 just this weekend that I have told him to brush his teeth approximately 7,300 times - twice a day, 365 days a year, for the 10 years that he's had teeth. I told him I was going to get those tablets from the dentist that turn your teeth green and make him eat one every morning before school. Then he could either brush his teeth like a good boy, or take his camel breath, yuck mouth to school and let everyone make fun of him. The difference is (and you're right 5teens) that my son knows I'll do it. SD8 just looks at me and giggles like I think she's cute.
thanks girls
i know its just a kid thing. the problem is, DH and i fight over it ALOT. i think things should be handled like 5teens illustrated above. and ive said that very same thing to DH. who agrees. then later does nothing
so who am i to take away SS's cell (or whatever) when DH doesnt even do it? im lucky to have a skid who likes me, and i dont wanna ruin that. i just wish DH would grow some balls!
im so sick of hearing, "youre absolutely rite, babe. youve made ur point."
really?? then how come the sink is still dirty??
and for me, if i do say something to SS, it will likely include "why do we have to tell u this every flippin day???" so neesh geet.
like dawn said, its so frustrating when its something so simple.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I feel (obvious from my rant about this topic above)
That we are the only ones who seem to care about the house being decent. And I don't mean I have the kind of house where you'd drop a bite of food on the kitchen floor and know you could pick it back up and eat it (though my kids seem to think this is true- once again they could care less about getting sick).
My house is ok, usually straightened, sometimes a disaster if I am ill or preoccupied with a project like painting a room all by myself, or organizing the basement (all by myself.) My reward for making the rec room usable while we wait for my ExH to get the ceiling done in it, was the kids trashing the rest of the house because I wasn't walking through telling them to clean up after themselves. I walk up after an exhausting 3 or 4 hours (the sweeper died and I had to repair it from sweeping up a nail so I was down there FOREVER) to find a tornado swept through every other room in the house.
Then I go off. I feel that kids could care less about showing their mom they care. If you care about the dishes getting clean, or the trash not piling up, then you care about something that is so stupid to them.
It's funny occasionally when DH is home for a day and does pitch in a little on picking up. Then the kids leave something lay around and he is beside himself. I always like to smile and say, "Welcome to my world."
No one else cares about what we care about. That's how I feel anyway. If they don't care about it, then it's stupid.
Maybe you should tell DH how much you don't care about certain things he likes you to do, that maybe don't do so much for you but REALLY do for HIM. So following kid/DH logic, if you don't like to DO them then they are stupid and you don't HAVE to!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
wink wink nudge nudge
gotcha sita! too funny! im sure he would get the point though...and fast!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Say NO MORE!!!
Oh how I miss the days when I could get tipsy and enjoy some Monty Python humor.
how true!
i always use the "well, u say u want my help w UR kids, but when i offer my help, we end up fighting. u say u value me as a partner, and want me to co-parent, but im met w resistance and annoyance. so now u are on ur own."
that usually gets him to pull his head out of his ass for a day or two...
so maybe i do need tougher tactics.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Bella - it is all teenagers girlie! But still!
Okay - this problem is one of the most common fights between parents - without there even be a stepparent in the mix. One is always on the kids ass to do what they are supposed to do and the other parent doesn't want to be the bad guy - in this case your dh. I bet your dh is just EXHAUSTED from telling him and then when you "gently" remind him or make a suggestion he then starts taking out his frustrations on you cuz he can't get his kid to do anything after asking a zillion times. BUT he is not following up with consequences so the same pattern continues. Then here is good ole Bella like hey well maybe it will work if you give the kid some sort of "consequences" for his behavior and your DH is pissed because now he looks like he can't parent his child (which we all can see in this area is true - hello). If I was you girl I would talk to your DH and tell him that you should both start telling SS together to do certain things and that you are BOTH sick of him not doing his chores/picking up after himself, etc., and if he doesn't get his act together there will be consequences - and name a few. Tell him look you are not a little baby you have two arms and two legs pick up after yourself. Then you should also start telling him on your own as well but you have to tell your DH that if SS goes to him and whines about it he has to back you up. I was a single parent with a teenager and they are just damn lazy. I used to have to practically beg my son to do anything and he would always "forget" and I would be pissed and it was just a vicious circle but when I started restricting his time out with friends and he lost his playstation a few times they sure get to cleaning quick - when it interferes with THEIR TIME. Good luck chica.
too funny ema
and too true.
thats EXACTLY WHY DH says he gets agitated. not at me, but that he has to tell him AGAIN.
not following up w the consequences....well, he will for a hot minute. and then as soon as SS starts getting better, he relaxes the consequences. and the vicious cycle starts all over again.
*sigh* im exhausted. and i dont even have my own kids yet.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I'm exhausted just reading about all these lazy ass kids. When I was little we all had chores! We didn't get allowance! We as a member of the family all did our share! Paid for chores! Inconceivable! I was talking to my sister the other night about her 3 lazy ass kids and we both said at the same time instead of trying to be so nice we should have been MEANER like our mom and dad. We thought when we were kids they were soooo mean but now we love the fact that are parents were strict because we have turned out to be such great adults - hahahahahaha! Well at least you only have a couple of more years to go with SS around then when you have your own kids you will have a break for awhile til they are teenagers!
Yep, back to your statement from before
Wasn't it Bella that said "I overreact because you underreact". Except in this case you really aren't overreacting - DH just perceives it that way.
Yeah, I have to deal with that from both my BD and SD. My SD I think has anxety issues. I have never seen a child rearrange her room and personal items like this kid does. She has been back with us now this time about a month and has already rearranged her furniture three times. She constantly redoes her clothes. She spends hours and she has everything just perfect and I will walk by and she has everything back down in the floor a day later, out of her closet and then it starts all over again. DH is always on her ass about it. But does he make her stop doing it? No. I don't get this behavior. You would have to be there to see it. It's almost as if she's never happy or satisfied. Always needing new hangars, always needs cubes, boxes, bins only to grow disatisfied and redo. Now the extra hangers she needed have spilled over into my laundry room because she is redoing again. The shoe caddy she thought she needed DH is using now. I don't know - is there a name for this behavior? Right now, everything is out of her closet, all over the place.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
yep harley, that was me
i can take credit for that amazing little nugget of wisdom
so true though
DH always thinks im overreacting or getting worked up. even when im not.
i cant imagine how difficult it is for u dealing w SD, and DH for that matter. people who have real mental illnesses...i dont know how u do it. u ladies have such strength. kudos my dear.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
We are all Sparents. Of course it is familiar.
We have all struggled with some degree of what you ask. Some more than others but we have all experienced it.
And ......... I feel safe in saying it aggravates 100% of Sparents.
Best regards,
Ugh, I deal with it everyday.
Except in my house, dh only notices if bd does and not the skids. It drives me crazy.