She went fishing...came up with nothin' (Epilogue to "TA DAH" post)
Picture it. BM and a fishing pole. What she was fishing for I'm not quite sure. Either an argument or maybe a round of applause - who knows...
DH called BM last night to clarify medicine doses for SD6. Went thru them with her and then said "hopefully she'll feel a lot better by this weekend..." BM replied with "if not, YOU can take her since I've had her all week..."
DH just grinned and replied with "that would be great..." (His mind on the other hand was more along the lines of "you idiot, you said you wanted her and then insisted on keeping her and then wouldn't let me come get her when you started complaining about having her")....and around and around we go.
After DH vented what he would actually liked to have said, I told him that we should let SD6 choose. }:)
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She is....
an idiot. Enough said.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
What Disbelief said......
I love when what they try to do to hurt someone comes right back on them.
How frustrating!
But don't ya just wanna laugh?