score one for the good guys aka BIODADS!!
so, we finally got the answer to our modification request for the CS we are receiving for SS15 whom DH has full custody of and lives w us. and the results are....
CS is increased from $350 a month to $765!!!!!!!!!
apparently, BM is making about $75k a YEAR and so the support award should be over $800, although she gets a break for the overnites w him that she is supposed to have but does not exercise.
anywhoo...we are sooooo happy that BM is FINALLY paying what she deserves, although DH is less than pleased w himself that he settled for such a low amount for TWO kids all these years when he SHOULD have been and is entitled to much more. and hes been struggling trying to make ends meet...but at least its fixed now! thanks to me and my genius idea to request the modification!! (pats herself on the back ;))
so today is a happy day!!! biodad finally got his day in the court system!!!
- bellacita's blog
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like it when the BM pays
that is awesome news!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Thats a huge jump, even though I do understand what you mean. In the court system here in my state (Pa) we can file for another modification for "change of circumstances" if you believe you need more money. EX: Daycare costs, private school costs etc. So maybe somewhere down the road you can grab her again
I'm so happy for you!
Sooooo happy for you guys!!!
and with your baby coming now, that is a true blessing. Less stress on your backs. That is a huge difference in $$, what a difference it will make. Hugs girl! "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch
I personally think that
I personally think that amount of support for one child is outrageous. It simply does not cost that much to care for a child, no matter what the ncp makes.
thank u!!
yeah chel, we definitely need it now more than ever. i always said if we could wash what we pay BM2, it would help so much, and now we are getting more!
BM definitely deserves this. we were really short on funds from paycheck to paycheck for a bit and asked SS to get his hair cut while he was w his mom. she didnt bc her friend wasnt working aka she wouldnt be able to get it done for FREE and now we find out her salary is $75k a year! :jawdrop:
poor DH...he feels like such an idiot for being the nice guy and settling for such a low amount, not that he wants to bleed her dry but hes been struggling, u know? he shouldve done this mod years ago!
i still cant believe something actually went our way for once...almost feel like im jinxing myself...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
So happy for you, Bella!!!
This is terrific for you guys.

Too bad it doesn't happen more often.
But when "justice" finally does prevail- it's so nice to see
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"