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2Bloved's picture

BF proposed in front of friends and family during his birthday dinner Friday night. He had a whole speech planned out, was shaking, sweating. I was oblivious to the whole thing, busy cutting his birthday cake and sorting the bill out. OSD told my little sister, so she was prepared to record the whole thing. His friends knew, the kids knew, my family knew. I have never been so surprised in my life. I always thought that I would know, I would sense it. I am not a very public have him doing it in such a public place in front of so many people, family, friends, and strangers, really shocked me. I didn't react the way he wanted, I didn't feel comfortable reacting the way I would have if we were alone. BF was disappointed, but so was I. He can't do it over again, and I can't take back my initial reaction. But after the first initial stunned moment, the only thought running thru my head was "This man is now my fiance...I'm engaged...I'm engaged..."

What's funny now is I'm surprised I didn't see the signs. His shaking, his being so nervous, his moving the chair away, everyone staring, the cameras ready, his talk with the kids before, THE RING BOX IN HIS POCKET.

In hindsight, it was beautiful. He demonstrated his love for me in front of all those we care about. And I have my proposal on camera, where I can play it over again to absorb everything I was too busy to notice. I have pictures of him on his knee, him putting the ring on my finger, our first kiss as an engaged couple. He really put himself out there. The ring is gorgeous. I have always wanted a three stone diamond in a white gold setting.

We turned the page. It is now time for a whole new chapter in our lives.


Endora's picture

Congratulations!!! Now for wedding date and plans!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

2Bloved's picture

He wants a wedding now, I'm settled in for a long engagement. But we've discussed the things we want. I'm leaning towards a destination wedding/honeymoon just the two of us, then a big reception back in the states for everyone. I've said I never wanted to get married again, but he has been wearing me down.

2Bloved's picture

Things have actually been going great!! The kids were excited, and wants to go with us on our honeymoon!! Mustang, the ring is beautiful!! He really listened to me about that, at least. I've always said that I don't want too big of a ring, b/c I have really slender fingers, and I don't want it to be too gaudy. It's 1 ct, the cut, color and clarity is amazing. I have to get it sized still. He got a 7, and I'm barely a 5.

It's just so amazing that I found someone who loves me the way I want to be loved, even if he has an EW I have to deal with. She could be worse too. But after the hurt that my exH put me thru, the shattering of my self-esteem, the blow to my self-confidence, I feel worthy again. I no longer feel like less of a person, someone who deserves to be treated like crap, who doesn't deserve to be treated like a human being. I feel like everything I went thru with my ex was worth it, b/c it lead my fiance and I to be together. Bless the Broken Road.

melis070179's picture

God Blessed the Broken Road was my wedding song!Its very fitting! Congrats Smile

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

2Bloved's picture

We've been joking for a while about what song we will play at our wedding. Blessed the Broken Road is one of them. She's Everything- Brad Paisley. Once in a Lifetime- Keith Urban. The World, We Danced- also Paisley. On a lighter note- I'm Gonna Miss Her and I'm Still a Guy- Brad Paisley.

Good Morning Beautiful- Steve Holy
I Will- Jimmy Wayne
I can't decide!!!

Once again, if I had been paying attention, I would have remembered that he started this discussion in the car last week also, and made me a list then.

The Principlist's picture

That is wonderful news. Yea that would throw you off and it was perfect. You were too busy planning and thinking about him and his bday party that you didn't suspect that he would propose nor could you see the signs. How sweet of him! Enjoy and Congrats again.

Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P

Gestalt's picture

Happy wedding planning!

"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

Tara12's picture

I was so happy to come on the site today and read such wonderful news. Congratulations to you and I hope you have a wedding just the way that you want it!!! Absolutely beautiful!

Serena's picture

I'm very happy for you! That is great.

You said "I feel like everything I went thru with my ex was worth it, b/c it led my fiance and I to be together. Bless the Broken Road." As many problems as DH and I have (and they are numerous), I always think back to my first marriage and how he made me feel like an afterthought in his life. Being with someone that treats you as an equal has been a huge change for me. That's what is keeping me in this marriage. It sounds like you have someone that really treats you well and I'm sure you deserve that!


BridgingTheGap's picture

I'm so happy for you. You deserve to be happy. It was sweet of him to use his birthday party as a way to gather around the friends/family for the moment. I guess I'm like you in the sense that I want a more private proposal (should the day ever come for me and BF) but I'm glad your proposal had an element of surprise Smile

Once again, congratulations! I hope you have fun with the wedding planning

Most Evil's picture

Congratulations honey!! Don't worry about your reaction I am sure you were shocked! This is such happy news, thanks for sharing!! p.s. ring! sounds beyootiful!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin