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The Infuriating BM Strikes Again!

nengooseus's picture

When we last left our story (on Monday), BM had finally agreed to a therapist for SS 6.5. As a reminder, DH has been asking for him to participate in therapy since July 2015, when SS started to refuse visitation.

Today, DH was served with a motion to change visitation and order therapy for both SS and SD 11, because DH "refuses to allow either child to attend therapy with any of the professionals that the mother has suggested. (SS's) relationship with his sister is being impacted by the breakdown in relationship with his father."

She has requested to reduce DH's parenting time to EOWE (from 4 days to 2) and order "therapy by a therapist selected by the court or the children's guardian ad litem." Never mind that they don't have an ad litem at current, and we HATED the last one, but whatever.

I'm shaking, I'm so angry.

And honestly, I don't even care about visitation, other than the impact on DH, and I feel awful for even thinking it, but the money we're going to have to spend to deal with this bullsh*t! DH has been the one pushing for therapy for SS. She has refused every person he proposed up until this week, and has put it off and put it off, and put it off since July! But DH should have his parenting time reduced and be ordered to use a therapist he doesn't agree to because she says so?! I know life and court aren't fair, but this is a true perversion.


winter80's picture

Do you guys have documentation (emails, texts, phone recordings, etc.) showing that HE has been the one requesting for her to get the kid into therapy? If so, a lawyer should easily be able to show that this is all a giant manipulation tactic on her part, and that SHE has actually been the one refusing to let the kid go to therapy. Also, if you have plenty of documentation on your side then it probably doesn't matter WHO the therapist is- you will be able to show them who BM is and what she is about no matter who "chose" them. It is also a classic Cluster B personality sick defense, to project onto you her bad behavior.
Don't let it get to you. Proceed with grace, class, and plenty of evidence to back up why she is twisted. Most court officials are supposed to see a huge "red flag" when a child is refusing visitation- especially as your SS is only 6.5 years old. You would expect things like that more from older children, unless there is a huge amount of emotional abuse and PAS tactics at work.