Waiting for the police to call
my bf (boyfriend) has been divorced for 3 years separated for a year before that and the visitation with his 3 kids has been the same from the beginning every friday to saturday evening and alternating friday to sunday evening. The divorce papers never actually said friday to saturday just friday but the parenting agreement did specify times and days. Two weeks before easter bm decided she was going to get angry about something who knows what and the kids have to come home at 8 0'clock on friday bf doesn't even get them untill 6 we live 30 min. away he told her no she said she was calling the cops he told her to go ahead anyway long story short she did but not until midnight and she ended up not even leaving our house with the kids until 2:30 a.m. because bf called local police (who he had actually called earlier in the evening to give a heads up and to find out what we should do) bf told him bm doesn't have 7yr old ride in car seat so she had to drive back to town to wal-mart to get booster seat it was great. now she's saying she's calling tonight so we are waiting up instead of like last time having to get up. The crazy thing besides her is that she has a court date tuesday for contempt of court for picking the kids up last time although we don't know if it will stick because we found out the parenting agreement was never actually filed like it was supposed to have been. Poor bf is falling asleep on the couch only 26 minutes to go
- shellbell's blog
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Is this woman for real? :O
She put her kids through that??? Can CPS do anything about this 2:30am crap? That is not good for the kids what so ever.
You guys need to get something done about that agreement ASAP.
Keep us updated - and good luck!
she doesnt' seem to realize
she doesnt' seem to realize its really going to look bad on her when we go to court on tuesday although he isn't letting her have the kids this time so he will probably have to go to court but its a small price to pay for him to actually get to see his kids. ten minutes to go
Methinks she's gonna have some problems
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I believe the courts are getting fed up with parents using this type of thing to vent their petty differences. Hope they throw it at her (the book).
How did it go???
that's just too crazy
and believe me, with our BM, I'v seen crazy!! Does she even stop to think that she is digging a big hole for herself when you all go to court. She is actually "showing" everyone involved that she does not care about the skids welfare.....that she would rather play a game with your BF and you, and the skids are just another tool for her to use. This is abusive to them! You know, it's almost as if she is stalking you guys now....bring that up to the police, and in court. " A first marriage is like buying your first home, sometimes you just gotta start small"~ Me.
If it's written in the parenting plan
Then your BF should be ok!
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
Parenting plan was never
Parenting plan was never recorded at the court, so its not a legal document
I wonder what happened with this.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Oh no!
“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop
we got the call at about
we got the call at about 12:45 the policeman that called was really nice but when bf asked him what would happen if he said no about returning the kids cop told him he would get a notice to appear in court plus they would take the kids and he actually could be arrested. so he told him to go ahead and have her come and get them. The cop actually called him back and appologized and said he tried to talk her out of it but she was hell bent. bf called our local police so that when she got here they would be here just in case. we waited to even wake the kids up until she was here and until the cop was too. as she was getting in the car i told bf to tell her "see you on tuesday" he said "see you next tuesday" the bad thing i didn't realize it until we were back in bed that thats what he actually said. anyway i'm hoping like hell something happens to her she is so selfish and deluted she has definately lost her mind and we are all tired of this crap.
Aww.. Shell
Can you get the cops to document it, so you have something to show the courts on Tuesday?
I cannot believe she'd actually pull a stunt like that again, so close to her court date. You guys need to that that parenting order entered ASAP! Call your lawyer first thing Monday and get it done on an emergent basis.
Your DH actually said "see you next Tuesday"?? hahaha... Besides the fact that she has court that day, did you explain the acronym to him?
they only make a note of
they only make a note of incidents like this they don't actually file reports. The parenting agreement was never filed although it was supposed to have been bf's lawyer said it should be enough to hold her in contempt but i'm not holding my breath. another thing that looks really bad on her is that after she comes and gets the kids and makes a big deal out of it all day today and overnight tonight bf is at a camp out with his 11 yr old but she isn't complaining about that. Bf didn't even think about what he said at the time but earlier that night i had read him some of the posts so i think it was in his subconsious