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BM 3 years on still not over it, despite having her own relationship? advice to help me calm down please :)

abcmum's picture and my Oh have recently had a baby.
I had a rocky time when i was pregnant me and OH decided to spend sometime apart as we were arguing a lot (quite a lot to do with BM). Anyway we got back together the past 3/4 month and we are where we want to be..
Anyway..BM actually beleived at some point despite having moved in with her new boyfriend that because me and OH had split for a time that she would just get back with him and move like wtf?
She sends random texts to my OH all the time saying why would he never get back with her when she asked a few months after they first split. She sends msgs about me calling me all kinds of names...
I think some of it has to do with the fact her boyfriend wont have kids with her as he already has children and has said that shes a rubbish mum..drinks too much ect. They have had quite a bad relationship since they moved in together...

But it has been 3 years..why cant this woman move on? I have a baby with her ex shes with someone...move on...i sometimes think what on earth would her boyfriend think if he knew what she sends my OH.
It is really bothering me that she wont just move on and leave us alone. The only discussion needed is regarding their son which is obviously totally fine.

Am I being stupid letting this bother me? Im just tired of it all now..i thought by now she would have got over it and would just get on with her own life but she cant leave it...


abcmum's picture

Thankgod its not just me
Their son came back saying 'one day mummy says she will live here with daddy again'

its just crazy, what kind of mother says that to their child?

must be jealousy, simple as..

thank you Smile

sbm014's picture

I've posted before my BM still wears the clothes SO left behind. She plays the happy family card anytime I am not around. She tells SS4 that she still loves daddy and that it isn't fair. She will wear clothes with his last name on it and say Ms. ----- to people even when she flip flood since her older son has a different last name. Mind you SO and I don't have a child yet but she is still obsessed. She will still randomly bring up to him how much she loves him, and why does he want me and not her - but then will follow up asking him not to tell me or delete her text. She is insane....I don't think some BMs will ever move on.

abcmum's picture

I agree ive told him he needs to tell her not to say things that she does..he just flows on with the ridculous argument with her. Plain annoying!
I do want to add i have a child from a previous relatinship, i would like nothing more than my ex to find happiness with someone and create a nice 'family'. I would be like- congratulations and buy the baby a present and encourage my child to be a good sibling. And explain how important family is. There would have been a time i was bothered but we have been split for over 4 years and i can honestly say ive been over it for 3 and half of those years...i moved on and created the life i want and deserve.

I guess you judge people by your own experiences... guess i need to accept that there are crazy ass people out there who have sad meaningless miserable lives. Just pisses me off when i feel they mae it my problem.

thanks for your replies- nice to know im not on my own on this.

silver ring's picture

Some BMs are insecure individuals and can't accept the fact that their ex-spouses are doing a better job in a relationship with someone else. And make a big and unnecessary drama out of it.

giveitago's picture

It's just how the BMs are I guess...They do not really want their ex back but they do not want anyone else to have him iether...bipolar morons is what BM stands for...right?
I just laugh when I hear stuff like that from the SKids, especially SD. It used to really bother me, it was occurring at such random times and I really was not even thinking about anything of that nature. I resented those thoughts being put in my mind, to be honest. DH and I know that we are going to be together until death us do part so what the hell is the stupid woman thinking about? It's her insanity and I am not going to take any part of it. We just laugh now when she pulls crap.
DH and I agreed that now the SKids are of age we do not have to discuss anything with BM, no pick ups, CS...NOTHING! It bothers her but we don't care.

oldone's picture

How big of a moron do you have to be to want an ex back who DOES NOT WANT YOU?

Really. I have an ex from decades ago that still calls (been a couple of years now) and tells me how much he still loves me. me - I can't even remember that I ever loved him.

christinen's picture

You are not alone!! These BMs are nuts! My DH and I have been together 3 years and BM has calmed down a lot from the way she was when she first found out about me, but she has not completely stopped with the craziness, drama, and bs. She just recently told DH he doesn't care about SD anymore since he's with me now.. ummm I am nothing new, I've been around for 3 years lol & DH has SD more than BM does.. so it's all her talking, no truth to it whatsoever.. Last week, I forget what we were talking about but SD5 says "mommy will beat you up." I was like no.. that's not going to happen lol. I don't know how to repond to these wackos anymore! But at least know you aren't alone!

abcmum's picture

Thank you individually for your responses. I can't tell you how crazy this had been sending me. It is these BM's nature I guess and it's something that's probably not going to go away any time soon... Although I am going to work on my positive thinking. This weekend will be interesting with SS .. Hopefully BM hadn't sent any threats of me getting beat up... How awful. I kinda wish she had the balls to say some of the stuff she does to my face. Pisses me off u can't say anything back to her... But I have to be bigger and better.. Piss her off even more haha. I will just carry on in my life with my family and be happy. She can send what messages she wants to my other half.. Not going to change anything... We all know what she is and the fact is he doesn't want to be with her... I'm going to choose to feel sorry for the loser ... No class... No strength... Just a waste of energy. For a nearly 31 year old woman she acts like a stroppy teen...