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BM is ignoring the our family wizard request!

AmIWicked's picture

Not rejecting, ignoring.

I can't believe she is that stupid! A rejection is better in the judges eyes than just flat out treating it like it's not there...

The site documents this ALL for us. This is just another thing to show the judge.

QuailCreek's picture

I used to use Family Wizard. It was annoying but it does serve a purpose. Your DH needs to send her text FW reminder. That way she can't claim ignorance thus hanging her own neck.

Orange County Ca's picture

Some people simply have to learn the hard way. When you have sufficient proof take it to the judge ask for criminal contempt of court. If you would rather not push it that far yet a letter from the attorney making the threat may keep her in line and that's what I'd recommend doing first.

QuailCreek's picture

Most judges aren't going to care if she "forgot" to check the FW schedule or her email was down or number of excuses she can come up with in a moment. A friendly reminder could be documentation if it becomes a real issue.

SMof2Girls's picture

Agree that he shouldn't text her .. but I think a very generic email reminder would suffice. If you can't get a "read receipt" confirmation, print a copy and send it certified mail. We've done this with BM and it eliminates her "I forgot" or "I never got the email" defense.

DH does not text BM. Ever.