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BM moving in with MIL... Weird?

sunbeam0901's picture

BM is facing her second eviction in less than 6 months. She was evicted in May from apt. #1 and is facing eviction from apt. #2. She has no money & her family has exhausted all of their resources helping her with her eviction from apt #1. Her game plan? She & skids are moving in with my DH's mother & step-father. Yes. BM is planning to live with her EX-MIL! :jawdrop: Granted, we haven't spoken to DH's family in 3+ years because they ultimately chose to side with BM over DH, but still... Am I the only one that thinks its fcuking insane that my in-laws are moving BM into their home?!

Want my life back's picture

That would be like my ex husband moving in with my parent's- no way. I know DH would feel betrayed by that and so would I. It just further demonstrates the loyalties that in-laws show without any regard to everyone. You will have to accept it but not like it as it doesn't matter how you feel about it- the proof is in the pudding. When they get old and crusty and can't look after themselves, I wonder if she will look after them- don't think so. And dare they seek you and DH out to help- no fcuking way book them a one way ticket to a nursing home on the other side of the country- karma- some people don't look past their nose to see the bigger picture.

katandrich's picture

Oh My God. No words can describe how I would feel about this but it's funny about family. Lets see how long it lasts there.

Rags's picture

Having the G-kids move in with Grandma is one thing. Having an X move in with your own parents is something else entirely.

My default position on this is No WAY!!!!! If my mother had let my XW move in (even if my XW and I had spawned during our marriage) I would let my mother know that she had made her choice and her choice was to end her relationship with me.

If an X can not support the kids with her own income and what the NCP provides in CS then that X has no business with custody and for damned sure the XMIL should not be enabling the X's continued manipulations and failure as a parent.

Fortunately, none of this applies to my life.

Just my thoughts of course OD.

I hope all is well with you and yours.

Best regards,

sunbeam0901's picture

BM has no business having custody of SS8 but is too selfish to admit that she can't provide what he needs. She has an unnatural attachment to this brat which hinders her ability to make a sound judgment call on his well-being. We've told her to let us have custody of him so that he has basic necessities like a roof over his head, electricity, and food, but she refuses. Sadly, aside from her attachment, I think the main reason she refuses is because she would have to give up that "free" money she gets from DH each month for CS. Older skids have always been nothing more than dollar signs to her. She never calls SS16, who lives w/ us. He always has to call her.

sunbeam0901's picture

BM has been bleeding BOTH families bone. effing. dry. since the divorce. She expects everyone else to fix her mistakes & pay her bills. She's nearly 40 years old and still can't manage to pay her own damn bills. I have no doubt that MIL & FIL are going to live to regret the decision to move her into their home. Last I heard, their financial situation wasn't all that great & FIL's health is terrible. Adding 3 extra mouths to feed, more people = higher water usage = higher bill, same with electricity, plus all the noise & chaos... I wouldn't be surprised if either a)FIL keels over from a stress-induced heart attack from BM & skids new residency (he's already had one attack, and has had open heart surgery) or b)MIL & FIL divorce over BM & skids invading their home.

I only wish I could be a fly on the wall...

sunbeam0901's picture

I forgot to mention that skids are SD19 & SS8. SS16 lives with us full time. SD19 is perfectly capable of getting a job & helping BM pay bills but chooses not to. Its so much easier to just get high & hang out on BM's nasty crusty couch all day.

I should also note that DH's CS payment is the same amount as BM's rent, so there is no reason she shouldn't have been able to make her rent payments. She works full-time at a daycare center so she doesn't necessarily rake in the big bucks, but still seems like it would be easy to avoid eviction in this case. She doesn't have a car payment, only has state min. insurance, basic utilities, & food to pay for. We pay for clothes, shoes, etc that SS8 needs.

We don't speak to DH's family & this is only a meager portion of the reasons why: 3+ years ago we went to MIL's house to prepare for a family b-day party for BS & SS who have bdays a week apart. The party screeched to a halt when we arrived & found BM just hanging out in MIL's house - in one of the bedrooms, no less - when NO ONE ELSE was there. MIL & FIL were both gone. WTF?! At the time, BM had a bogus restraining order against DH (another drama story for another post), which MIL & FIL were aware of. When DH called MIL, she could find nothing wrong with the situation & told DH he was overreacting. He responded by telling MIL that she could have BM (whom she had HATED throughout their entire marriage)and that she had made her choice (BM). He hasn't spoken to his mother since & we have not allowed her to have contact with my 3 bios (another story that I will have to share to explain).

Honestly, I can't help but chuckle at the situation. MIL & FIL are NEAT FREAKS. Their house must be spotless, with everything in its place at all times. BM & SD are SLOBS. They are going to DESTROY their house. Plus, they are NEVER going to be able to get them out of there! Even if BM did manage to save up some $$ for another apt, can you imagine how hard it is going to be to find someone willing to rent to you when you've had TWO evictions in less than half a year?!

Karma is high-fiving these fcukers... in the face, with a brick.

Thatonegirl's picture

SS's BM moved into MIL's house last year.
I found out before SO by going over the house to drop something off and there she was on the couch hanging out. Needless to say SO was livid. MIL claimed she just wanted the best for her grandson, but at that time BM was withholding visitation, and SO hadn't seen his son for months. He took it as a slap to the face. When he confronted his mom about it she told BM she needed to leave. However BM cried boo hoo that SO wasn't paying child support and she couldn't afford her car payment. It was $500 and MIL gave it to her. MIL still hasn't seen any money from it, and BM was lying about not receiving any CS. SO still doesn't know about the money that MIL gave BM.
It's a weird situation. I would disown my mother if she let my ExH move into my house, but that would never happen. At least you don't have to talk to the in laws. I guess it's just like them moving into anyone's house.

sunbeam0901's picture

The IL's despised BM throughout their entire marriage. They met when they were teens, got pregnant, split up, got pregnant again, got married, got pregnant again... They were together off and on for 15 or so years so DH's family knows her well. DH's entire family despised her. They would sit around the table at family functions & talk about how much they hated her & how glad they were that DH had finally gotten her out of his life. MIL once told me that she didn't think SD19 was even DH's kid and that she wished BM had aborted her so she (BM) wouldn't be in any of their lives. :jawdrop:

This is why its so weird to me.

MorningFlower's picture

But this what is happening right now. 

Bm's family can't stand the skids and they asked mil to take her in. They're horrible people. They moved in with mil yesterday, and just for fun, mil picked an apartment that's really close by. Isn't that nice?

readingandlearning's picture

In laws are trouble and have been the cause of many divorces and failed relationships . Mother in laws are always talking badly about someone, causing problems, spreading gossip, being invasive, overstepping their boundaries, etc. Who would want to be around that? No one.