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BM picked up EARLY files violation paperwork

Miss.Out.Of.Line's picture

I cannot believe this woman!!!! As I said before, in my previous post, DH and BM's current PT schedule is old and not convenient for DH as he has a new job. We have a court date set to hopefully get that modified. 2 weeks ago DH asked if BM could pick up 3 hours early. Her current hubby picks up SD. We get paperwork today that DH violated the court order. Now, yes, I get there is a specified time and location set in the CO...but who complains about getting their child early? This has been going on for years and there was never a complaint until now. I swear she has to try and make everyone miserable for herself to be happy. Sorry, just had to vent.

step off already's picture

Sounds like our BM. She would file crap all the time - but she never filed requesting more time with SS. It was like, she just enjoyed fighting and seemed to have nothing better to do.

good luck. I know it's exhausting.

Miss.Out.Of.Line's picture

DH is asking for week on/week off, exchange on Sunday evenings. BM says no. That it is not healthy for a child to go a week without seeing her mother. Um, yeah, okay. SHE cannot be without her daughter. She visits her at school every day when SD is here with us. BM wants an hour and a half after school one day until school is out and then 3-4 hours once a week during the summer. DH says no. The last time they went to court the judge asked if they wanted to modify yhe current PTO because it was so complex. That was before DH's new job. Now that it is inconvenient for DH she is sticking to the order. I have never hated someone so much. Why dont they see it is the child that suffers!