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The Christmas Prep Has Begun

SouthernBelle1908's picture

SD12 has begun prepping DH for Christmas.

"You don't spend enough time with you"

"You are over there parenting you and SouthernBelle's perfect biokid and I always feel like the imperfect kid"

"I need to spend more time with you, come pick me up!"

This is after nearly a YEAR of spending only 2 weekends with us. This happens every flipping year before Christmas. It annoys the crap out of me. Last year, I was nice and bought her a really nice, thoughtful gift. This year, she's getting a gift card. I can't be bothered to spend my energy on a kid who acts like I don't exist.

Do your skids doing the same? What do you normally do for a skid who can't be bothered but you feel obligated to buy a gift in order to keep the peace?

SouthernBelle1908's picture

I wish I could do that and not look like uber-witch. I'm already Lady Tremaine in his eyes. It doesn't help that her newfound interest in being with him has him believing that she and I are going to be best friends soon., dear.

Last year, she was instructed to NOT buy a gift card for us and do something thoughtful. She bought us a gift card to a baby store.

KittyKatMomma's picture

we go through this with his SD15 (not my DD but BM's DD from a previous relationship-my DH is the only one of BM's toys that stuck around in SD's life)

it's sickening the way she acts however DH has learned early on what her deal was.
she tries to spend the whole weekend every weekend here with us from the first weekend of November straight up until Christmas then she gets her goodies and stops visiting until.....April-her birthday.

3yrs ago DH told her "you're getting a gift-i dont care if its something you want or hate-but this is what you're getting. Love it or leave it"

he gave her a brand new fresh $100 bill
which BM stole from her (along with the rest of her Christmas cash/gift cards) to buy her latest boyfriend yet another junker pickup truck (bm has 3 kids by 3 men and did this to all 3 kids claiming it was for "the house bills")

SD15 also tries this with her ex SF-baby daddy #3 however his new wife has been putting her foot down to SD15 coming to visit.

SouthernBelle1908's picture

How did your H figure it out?

Mine is still in La La Land. This is the 3rd year in the row of the same behavior and his rose colored lenses are getting even rosier.

KittyKatMomma's picture

Because he heard her say she only comes around during certain times of the year to get her goodies.
Like for certain holidays we go all out with our families.....we do big birthday bashes...and spoil at Christmas.

And DH heard SD say it wasn't fair that DD12 and SS10got the spoils of DH and I and she didn't get as much.

Well let me explain-DD only has me-her bio dad isn't in her life nor is bio dad's family. And my family quite sucks. DH does spoil DD but I don't expect him to do anything for her same with me and SS10.

This is the same SD15 who had a crying fit just a few weeks ago because DH won a $100 gift card for a Halloween costume...and he gave it to me to use for Christmas presents....she wanted it to take her gf's out for pizza. (just an example)

So DH told her "Technically you're not my daughter-I don't have to do anything for you-I do for you because I choose to-you want to take advantage or try to take from your brother and stepsister-and that's just wrong-therefore you won't get what you want-you'll get what I think you deserve"

She's always been "grabby" she learned from BM who's the same way. GOD FORBID if anybody in BM's family has some good luck in getting a new, coming into money-because there's BM with her hand out.

The same BM who tried to file in court to get a piece of my daughter's trust fund when my grandmother died and left DD12 $75k....the same Bm who went off on FB because DH won a $20 deep fryer in a raffle and wouldn't give it to her! Bm's own sister got a well deserved promotion and to celebrate BM's BIL took the sister to the Virgin Islands for 2 weeks (took the kids too)
BM cried it wasn't fair the sister got to go and BM was stuck at home with all her kids.....

So SD is the same way-she gets pissed if I get CS for DD because I won't give her any money to spend. Fucking petty.

And DH told SD and BM if SD doesn't start acting grateful and appreciative pretty soon she'll be banned from coming to our house because we're getting tired of her behavior as well.

sammigirl's picture

I gave that duty to DH 3 years ago; he does whatever. Not my worry any more!

Maxwell09's picture

If the kid is going to hate you anyway...get her nothing. Now I know you'll try to convince yourself that getting her nothing will make you look like a horrible person to every who finds out but I'm sure she's already telling them you're horrible anyway so don't bother. Or get her PJs and socks or one of those bath sets from the local store.

SouthernBelle1908's picture

I'm sure she is. H told me how she can't believe that I won't let her be in a room with DD alone and I'm so mean to her. He just sucks it all up. I'm sure he's not the only one she tells horrible things about me.

I'm just trying to avoid a blowup with H. Honestly, I don't care if she doesn't like me.

SouthernBelle1908's picture

She has been caught being violent against a sibling as well as other kids that spend time with my family.

There is also some abuse that occurred in which she started victimizing others.

Rags's picture

I am a proponant of the you get in relation to the investment you make kinda gift giving. If someone makes no effort.... they get no gift. Period... Dot.

Acratopotes's picture

Ignore SD - don't get her anything lol..... that's what I do...

Aergia is suddenly very friendly towards me, I still ignore her, smile and say yes or no... she probably does not want to have a repeat of her birthday, I did not even acknowledge her... that's what you get for ignoring me for a year you little snot... you get the wonderful gift of nothing!!!