Could this be child abuse?
Just found out HD's ex just hacked off about 5" of SD's hair. This isn't the first time this has happened. I haven't seen it yet or spoke to SD about it. But I was wondering if you would consider it child abuse if it was not what the child wanted and was a horrible choppy haircut that BM did nothing to fix? Last time BM did this SD was 3 and it looked like it was cut with a steak knife. Seriously, people would ask her while she was with us if she had cut her own hair!! Ofcorse she hadn't because she knows better and those kind of comments absolutely crushed SD. I tried to get HD to take her to get it fixed but he didn't want to start a bigger fight with BM and we only had her for a few hours at a time during that time of her life. (that's another story) Anyway, Im not a beautician but was raised by one and did what I could to straighten out the cut. BM noticed the new cut that I had put on SD and had SD tell me like a little parrot that her mom wanted me to stop cutting her hair. I told her I would stop when her mom would get a good cut put on her hair. Finally the last few hair cuts have been good. So good that I haven't even tried to put scissors to her hair. Then this week I was sent a picture of my SD from a mutual friend on facebook. BM cut SD's mid-back length hair up to just below her ears!! I not only got this picture from one mutual friend, but 5! All 5 people were like "OMG she f***ing hacked her hair off!! WTH!!" I even had a very good mutual friend (that is really close to BM) call me last night to forewarn me that BM had cut SD's hair and that it was a bad hair cut.
I know BM is a lazy ass that is looking for the easiest haircut possible so that she doesn't have to do anything but pull a comb threw it, but I personally consider it child abuse if it is a bad choppy haircut and you don't care enough to go get it fixed. If your going to put the easy hair cut on your kid, atleast make it a nice cut not one she will be ridiculed for. SD is in school now, who knows how much she is being teased. Her wardrobe with BM is bad enough without looking all choppy haired.
Could this be child
Could this be child abuse?
You are kidding right? lol. Just curious who you think you are to say when and how BM can cut her DD's hair? Maybe I missed some back story here. Like you adopted the kid or something.
this this
this this this^^^^^^^^^^^^^....FFS.......
Yeah... This is irritating,
Yeah... This is irritating, sure. But Child Abuse??? not even close....
my thoughts exactly!!!
my thoughts exactly!!!
I think I would prefer a bad
I think I would prefer a bad choppy short haircut to an SD coming around with dirty, tangled and un-kept hair that ends up being traumatic for her when you try to brush it out/detangle it. If the BM is lazy, the SD is probably better off until she is old enough to do this on her own.
As for weather or not it's child abuse... no.
As a BM myself, I have to say that this is a ridiculous post. I would be completely offended if someone tried to argue abuse because they didn't like my decision as my child's mother on something as trivial as a haircut. Sheeesh! Please don't waste any of your city/state's time and resources because you think you have better style than the BM.
BM sounds lazy and annoying
BM sounds lazy and annoying and obviously doesn't care if her daughter's hair looks like sh*t but it's by no means child abuse.
I know BM is a lazy ass that
I know BM is a lazy ass that is looking for the easiest haircut possible so that she doesn't have to do anything but pull a comb threw it,
If that is the definition of a lazy BM then I guess I am too! My DD's hair was always short when she was little. I thought it was more important to teach her how to wash and comb out her hair than to worry about looks at the time.
You haven't even seen the cut yet - Go take a deep breath. It is just hair.
My BM would brush my hair
My BM would brush my hair VERY WELL when she was pissed, which was most of the time. She would pull clumps of my hair out with her brush. I think that's more abusive than a bad haircut (my mom got sick of "chasing me around" to brush my hair so she chopped it off to ear length and I got teased and bullied unmercifully by my classmates when I was in 2nd grade). But I still wouldn't consider THAT abusive. Not like REAL hell abused children go through.
I totally get what you are
I totally get what you are saying!
Good for you for not crying
Good for you for not crying in front of her. When BM gave SD then 5 a perm and half her hair was falling off when I washed her hair I couldn't hold back the tears. It was coming out in clumps. I had to leave the room I know she saw me cry. Called the BM and let her know what was going on and asked what I should do. BM said I was exagerating so I put all her fallen hair into a bag and mailed it to her.
BM decided to chop my SD's
BM decided to chop my SD's hair short right after an Xmas where I had gotten her a kit for her long, gorgeous hair that had all sorts of hair ties, combs, brushes, everything. Jealous much, BM??
Agreed. I get that your
Agreed. I get that your upset, I even get why - you love this child and want her to be happy and look her best. That's to your credit. But no, not even CLOSE to abuse. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that 1) you love her, but she has a mom and 2) hair grows.
Also, for what it's worth, you might try to NOT judge BM's parenting skills. (Soooooo hard, believe me I know!) It'll make YOUR life so much easier if you don't get tangled up in knots over every parenting decision she makes that you would have done differently if it were your child. As long as she's not hurting SD (and this really doesn't), let it go.
If cutting a kid's hair is
If cutting a kid's hair is child abuse, then making kids eat vegetables, brush their teeth, take baths, go to bed at a decent as well.
lol...I know
lol...I know right!!!!...damn, I abuse my Bios ALL.THE.TIME...... :?
*lol* Actually, if giving a
I'm just curious, but why
I'm just curious, but why couldn't her father take her to get her hair cut, if it was that difficult? Like, a lot of the posts on this particular topic say stuff about how the BM can have their child's hair how they want it, etc. Why couldn't the dad take their child out for a hair cut?
Thank You,
FYI: I don't give 2 craps
FYI: I don't give 2 craps what my SD's hair looks like. Not my concern.