Dazed, confused and that's only the start
First, I want to say that I'm so grateful to have found this site. I've read posts that have something in common with my own, but this is really a strange tale and I don't know what to do. Or maybe I do, and just need to see it in black and white. This could be long, and I apologise!! I have been with my man for almost 5 years and living in a common law relationship with him for a little over 2 years. I have 2 adult children, ages 27 and 23, and he also has 2, ages 29 and 21. He has been divorced for 15 years, his ex took their youngest (a girl) and moved back overseas when she was 4. That is where they live, and my SO raised their son by himself here. He is a great dad, and the thing I fell in love with first was that he always called his daughter every Sunday morning, and spent regular one on one time with his son. When he invited me 3 years ago to accompany him overseas to meet his daughter, I said sure, despite my initial misgivings about meeting his ex. This should have been a huge red flag, but while he visited with them every evening, I was back in the hotel room, killing time. Our daytime outings included both of them. Fast forward to last year,when they came to visit. My SO jumped through hoops to make this happen, and since neither could afford to pay for their travel he paid their airfare, and arranged travel documents. MY SO's son and his GF arranged for a "family" vacation, and I was included. Sort of. And the ex's sister and her son were brought in as a surprise for my SO's ex. My SO brought up a few times that if I didn't want to go, he would understand, that his ex could be difficult, and that she and her sister could be mean when they got together. So after some thinking, I cancelled my vacation, hurt and resentful. He was annoyed that I did that, and said he wanted me to go, blah blah blah. So, I relented. I went, and ended up having one of the WORST weeks of my life, Without going into a play by play of the entire week, I was not included in things, his ex and her sister made mean comments when they thought I wasn't around (or maybe they did know), I was the brunt of jokes and they would mock me in their own language, because the only ones to understand were my SO's children and their cousin. My SO was really distant, and was very careful to not show any affection or to touch me when his ex was around. Needless to say, when the week was over, I was never so glad to be home. Although I was home alone every night while he was at his son's house visiting with "the family". We had been asked to have his ex and their daughter over for dinner one night, so we had planned it in advance, and I checked in when i was leaving work to see if I needed to pick anything up.To which he replied that it was ok, dinner was ready and they were just about to eat. So, I got home, and there are the 3 of them at the dining room table as if it is a normal evening for them. I had been getting vibes from day 1 that she had an agenda when she came over, and the more time they spent together, and the more things that they did "as a family", and the ridiculous amounts of family photos that were taken, I was ready to walk away. Am I wrong to think that their family unit dissolved the day that the ink dried on their divorce documents? His rationale is that he likes to see his kids spending time together, that it's nice to do things as a family that they missed out on. I disagree. I am also divorced. Although my ex and I are cordial, there are no vacations together, there are no family photos, that family unit doesn't exist anymore. We didn't take vacations together when our children were young, does that mean we should do it now too? As if. The last night they were here last year, it was decided to meet at a pub (ex, SD, SS, SS-GF, SO and me) to have a drink and listen to some local music. I had been very cool with SO as I was trying to get my head around 3 weeks of BS, and I let it all out before they arrived. How I was feeling, how he was making me feel, didn't he see what the ex was up to, what the heck was going on and why the disrespect towards me? He confessed that he didn't want to upset his ex by being too close to me or touching me, she was unpredictable and he didn't know how she would react. Excuse me? Which woman are you with? Anyway, when the others arrived, she swooped into the pub with a smile on her face until she saw me there, cozied up to my SO. Then she spoke to nobody for the evening, and the anger coming from her was clearly visible. They left the next day, and I was really hoping for a few years before they came back. Wrong. SS and GF had a baby, and they decided to get married this summer. So, ex and SD came over for another 3 weeks. When I found out they were coming, I booked a week long trip with one of my besties, and had a weekend at the cottage with agroup of my other besties. I planned every spare evening and weekend so that I wouldn't be alone again while SO was out having "family time". I saw the SD briefly at the wedding, didn't acknowledge the ex, which is not like me, and we had SD here for dinner one night. I told SO that I would love to have his daughter visit, and his son and daughter could come over anytime, but the ex is not welcome in my home. So, he spent all his evenings at his son's house, and days off were spent with (you guessed it) his ex, their son, son's wife, daughter. The icing on the cake for me was all the family photos at the wedding reception- the one in front of me was of the 4 of them from last summer. They left last Saturday, and SO and I had a long talk that evening. We have not had vacation together since a short trip we took in 2017. We had planned some things this year, but he changed his mind and took vacation when they were going to be here instead. I understand he wants to spend time with his daughter, and I don't want to take him away from her. She could have joined us on a shortened vacation, but according to him she and her mother do everything together and if the daughter went then her mother would too. Uh, no way. I also asked why he and his daughter or he and his kids couldn't have some time just for them , but again where the daughter goes, the mother goes. My question is this: do I suck it up, and keep going down this path, or is it time to cut my losses and move into my own home again? Why do adult children insist on pushing their divorced parents together? My SO did confess a few months ago that he never really recovered from his divorce, which sent me into a bit of a tailspin. SS and GF have a beautiful baby boy, and I love him to pieces. SO reminds me that I'm not his real grandmother, that one day I'll have my own grandchildren, blah blah blah. I missed seeing him this past month. But since i'm not the real Nana, I don't count. He says I'm part of the family, but I'm really not feeling it. I'm feeling pretty confused, very resentful, and hurt. There are a lot of other things that went down last year and this year that I haven't mentioned, but you get the idea. HELP!!!!! I need direction. Thanks for reading this, and sorry it's so long.
He's not divorced.
He is still actively involved in a marriage with this woman, the children they had together, and her immediate family. He even said as much to you - that he's not "recovered" from the divorce. Of course not, because he's still married in his heart and mind. (Despite whatever legal document they may have signed - if they even did. There may be a chance he's still legally married, too!)
Cut your losses and move back in to your own home. I'd rather spend the rest of my life alone than spend it with a man who treats me as a "runner up" to his real prom queen - his ex wife.
You will always be on the outside looking in at this scenario.
This scenario happens so
This scenario happens so often - people want to have their cake and eat it too. Getting divorced doesn't mean all your problems are magically solved; there is downsides and negative aspects to getting divorced when you have kids. Not getting vacations altogether as a family is one of them.
He might pull his head out of his behind with time (probably when the ex gets a new partner and she does what he won't), but it doesnt sound like hes even gotten a start on the path he needs to be on to move on to a new relationship. Let him go and find a better option.
My DW has same issue with her Ex
My DW talks to her ex all the time and says since they have a BioD together, who I have raised since she was 6 months old, she needs to be nice to him for SD sake. Hell she even spent a weekend with him a few yrs back with all them together in another state. She tells me I need to be nice to him, even after he called me a Pedophile in a text to my cell which she gave him the number. I have never been so mistreated in my life, and I provide all the health insurance through my job for these people. I am trapped due to our incurred debt, But I encourge you to run, you deserve better. I could go on and on about this ex loser, but I would be typing forever. Please feel free to read my other posts about my situation on this site.
thanks everyone. My head has known the answer that my heart didn’t want to acknowledge. Seeing it in front of me, and seeing your responses has really hit me.
To put it bluntly, he is
To put it bluntly, he is still in love with the idea of his XW and what she represents - the completion of his family. You are likely the representation of all the "good" things he wishes she was, and you're more fun than his hand and a Playboy.
Cut your losses. As you know, if he were actually divorced, he'd have told his DD long ago that she's welcome but Mommy Dearest is not. He still loves his ex, but she isn't good enough for him. You're good enough for him, but you're not his ex. He'll keep you so long as you fill the void left by the ex, but when he can have her, he'll take her over you every time.
I am so very sorry.
thank you. Once upon a time he told me the type of woman he was attracted to- tall, leggy, blonde. He liked ankle bracelets, ponytails and the colour yellow. She is tall, leggy, bottle blonde, wears ankle bracelets and a ponytail. And a lot of yellow. I am short, brunette, I work out , wear purple. Lol. Oh, the writing is on the wall
Ouch. This guy is cruel.
Ouch. This guy is cruel.
Historically I have a type.
Tall, slender, small chested, slender hipped, blue eyed, blonde. I dated that type for years. I have always dated across the spectrum though. My XW was a typical Rags girl only brunette.
My bride is not exactly the typical Rags girl. Though when I asked my parents what they thought of her after I first introduced them my dad referred to her as "typical (Rags) girl only this one has boobs." My dad is my bride's biggest fan. They have a great relationship. DW and my mom are BFFs.
The love of my life is not my usual type. She is tall (5'10"), brunette, chesty, hourglass figured, browned eyed and.... stunningly statuesque.
Even when not to type, love can happen.
I am blessed that I did not type caste my mate. I would have missed incredible.
I'm with the others - find
I'm with the others - find someone who wants to be with YOU and only you.
'...according to him she and
'...according to him she and her mother do everything together and if the daughter went then her mother would too...'
Acceptable for him, BM & SD maybe but not acceptable for you. The time for happy family holidays went (or should have gone) when they got divorced. You shouldn't be made to share your time with an ex-wife if you don't want to and your OH needs to respect that if it makes you uncomfortable. If you want ot move forward, new boundaries need to be drawn here.
Any suggested holiday
with skids and exwife (for the sakr of skids) would equal end of relationship for me. There is never a moment where travelling with exwife is ok.
she isn’t part of your family unit
Welcome to this site
I read your post and comments, so it appears that your writing it all out had the desired effect - you are able to see things more clearly and happily I concurr - the writing is on the wall - you should move back into your own home. There is more to the story you mentioned, and in that small nutshell you gave - there is a lot that doesnt work in this relationship.
Take care of YOU, but dont lose sight of what is going on. Your DH has "first family-itis"
I can't imagine what it must be like to watch that unfold right before your eyes and everyone around you act like it's ok. You know in your heart of hearts that is not acceptable and not the way you deserve to be treated. You are his wife and when he divorced anything that had to do with her was over the moment they signed those papers. If you don't show him your worth he will never acknowledge it.
Get your life darlin' because living in his ex wife's shadow is no way to continue in this mockery of a marriage.
Thank you, everyone. You have no idea how much I appreciate your comments.