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DH is critical of other kids but not his own.

Want my life back's picture

What I don't get is whenever our bio kids have friends over, DH is so critical of certain behaviours and personality traits of those kids. Heaven forbid if you ever spoke of his own skids the way he speaks of others. At least those kids are not in your life constantly, DH is very quick to say I don't want that kid over here again- hello- but we have to put up with his skids , the skids he produced by rooting a fat genetically inferior slag who is a bottom feeder.
Maybe we can adopt our own fill in skids to fcuk the DH up- but you are to accept them as your own - as if that would ever happen-- men would grow tired off it so-so quickly. Us women get the raw end of the deal- big time.

Want my life back's picture

That is so true, I know what-there are so many children in this world that are abused and unloved- hey DH let's become foster parents- DH would fcuking run a mile- but DH I'm already a so called foster mother to your skids- but you can't share your home, your time, your love for children who would appreciate it - oh that's right I have to share my life with your fcuking entitled genetically inferior brats- I would rather be a foster mum

dangermouse's picture

Ugh! My DH is the same way. When his moron son and friend(s) do something stupid, it's ALWAYS the "bad influence" of those "creepy" kids he "knew were probably trouble." Never mind the stupid thing was his son's idea 90% of the time.

Also, DH is critical of MY bio kids and not his own. Just a few days ago, he got SO PISSED at BS10 for leaving the bathroom light on that he went to slamming doors like a little brat. So tonight, I have him join me outside while the kids are watching a movie in the living room. I point at the house and ask if he notices anything. The lights are obviously ablaze in SS14's abandoned room, but DH is oblivious. I finally had to point out SS14 had left his light on.

It's almost always petty little things like that, stuff I used to blow off. But when I noticed that he was ragging me more and more for the little things my kids would do, I began paying attention - only to find his are just as guilty of the same trespasses (and many times WORSE!), yet he doesn't even seem to see it! Not long ago he yelled at me when BS10 called SD11 an idiot. Dumbfounded, I replied, "Her older sister (SD14) calls her that all the time! Since you allow her to call SD11 that, he probably thinks its okay!" Hell, SD14 used to call HIM an idiot (perceptive young lady), until I put a stop to that myself.

I know it's natural to be protective and defensive of your bio kids, and I am, as well. But I can see and admit when they screw up...I swear DH has blinders on.

Want my life back's picture

My DH is more defensive towards the skids than our own bio sons- why is that- it hurts deeply when I know he has never spoken to those fcuking entitled brats in the same tone he uses on our own sons- I just want to scream.

dangermouse's picture

Typical -- it's guilt. DH's feel guilty their relationship with BM failed - no matter whose fault it was - and consequently their kids no longer have Mom and Dad everyday and the idyllic little family. They often feel guilty they're no longer an every day part of their kids' lives. THEN, God forbid they remarry and have another child or two, they feel even more guilt for having the "normal family" and rubbing it in their older kids' faces, so to speak.

It's not right to take it out on their skids or future bio kids -- but that's what they do. The skids quickly learn to use that guilt to their advantage to get what they want.

justperfectlyflawed's picture

This is kinda a reason why I am unsure if I want a kid with my man....he isn't bad..but will he treat our child differently?

Want my life back's picture

It is so obvious, his first born male skid is his golden child, even our bio son's comment on how he treats them differently. I have only been told this week the golden child tried to commit suicide twice when he was eighteen , this would be around the same time our bio son was born, the jealousy of the skid was too much that he was no longer the ONLY son. DH then makes excuses it was because he was bullied- that may have played a part but to me it has reinforced to me the hatred they have for me and our bio son's. No wonder the DH has been riddled with guilt- skids can say and do whatever they like and not be pulled into line in fear they will try and take their own life- what a clever thing to do and have a hold over your father so he can never have any real happiness- fcuking hate them.