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Feeling undermined!!!

Want my life back's picture

I need some advice if I'm over reacting on this one. I have recently enjoyed cooking new recipes for my family in particular my DH who has commented how great it is. I know hubby would say how great it has been to most. My adult step daughter who i haven't seen for over 20 odd months sent her husband and DH grand daughter to his workplace with some home made soup she made. She has never done anything like this before and DH commented how sweet that his granddaughter wanted to do this for grand dad. The son in law has never been to his workplace before this, I believe the step daughter has done this to undermine me and my husband's happiness, in the fact that they know we are very happy so she wants to cause conflict the best way a woman can, what do you think???

Want my life back's picture

Yeah she can feed her daddy!!! It's always a fcuking completion for her!!!

Want my life back's picture

Wifey daughter- yep- just to piss me off and overstep the boundaries. Maybe her hubby would like some of my soup taken to his workplace.

Want my life back's picture

No it is not fathers day tomorrow. She has never cooked for him before it was just to show she can cook soup for daddy now not just his wife. Ha maybe she can continue it until his real old and she can spoon feed the soup to him. No that wouldn't happened because she already made her point. I told DH that I was hurt by it knowing the behind the scenes manipuation to get at me, I should make soup for her hubby and take it around to his work- now who would be pissed!!!

Want my life back's picture

When he asks what's for dinner, from now on I will say not sure go ask your daughter and see if she can bring something around!!!

Newimprvmodel's picture

I would ignore it and be thankful you have not seen her in almost two years.

Want my life back's picture

I'm now just angry at her knowing the tactics behind it all and DH who is blind to it all, I know it was just soup.

Dunwiththem's picture

Your username 'Want My Life Back' denotes something much deeper here.
Is there a history between SD and you?
I just feel there's a whole lot missing.
It does seem strange that SD's husband should go direct to DH's workplace with the food???
Why don't they all just visit you both?

bug's picture

I think you are being paranoid and petty. She just did something nice for her dad.

Freshstart's picture

I notice a lot of competitive behaviour with my SD17. Often it subtle and not easy to say anything about but nevertheless frustrating and annoying. My advice is do not say anything. Sometimes it may not even be conscious. It is a bit desperate really. Be calm in yourself and what you have to offer. We have had the cooking competition through to the mini-wife competition through to the watch me be a better mother and your son likes me more than you competition. I focus and asking my DH to support SD17 to be good at being who she is rather than who I am. He will think you are crazy if you mention it. It's a male limitation.

Does that make sense?