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Know who your true friends/famiy are

Want my life back's picture

Well get this, I wouldn't have thought that some of DH extended family have been poisoned to dislike me, these are people that have known me for 16 years. Anyway I've joined Facebook and sent out numerous friend request, the majority have responded and accepted me. Funny how the requests I've sent to DH extended family members, people that I do like and I thought they probably thought the same- wrong. No accepts whatsoever. Maybe it's a coincidence maybe not.
But still hurtful to think this, the skids have obviously rallied allies due to the current mess my DH created, this just further alienates me to oblivion as far as his family is concerned. Blood is always thicker than water. I will not forget!!!

bi's picture

sd20 has managed to cause fmil to have issues with me. well, more than she had to begin with anyway. we started out getting along really well. then she got her panties in a wad because i don't think her son walks on water and i'm not happy living in a house that he has done absolutely nothing to take care of for the past 20 years that he has lived here. apparently i'm a huge bitch to not like living in a dump. :? then sd goes and says whatever she says and makes it worse. it used to bother me. now? wtfever. if she is so stupid as to think that whatever sd says is gold and that is all there is to it, there are no other sides to the story, and no chance that sd is leaving out very important details, then fuck her. i'm not going to defend myself against stupid.

Want my life back's picture

You are right. if that's the way they so quickly take sides having known you for so long, what can you do- nothing- it still hurts but it's not going to change anything but my respect for these individuals have unfortunately died. We devote so much of our lives to DH, his mother, the skids. Aunts, uncles and cousins in most cases forgoing time for your own extended family- when it boils down to it we can just be cast aside just like some used furniture.
I'm feeling really angry and resentful of this whe fcuked up blended family scenario- maybe we are just tolerated but never accepted.

bi's picture

when fmil decided to reprimand me in an email for complaints i made about this house, she pointed out that she "accepted bd and me as family", but apparently i don't want to be part of the family. (because i have opinions that don't always match hers). nice how she puts rules and regulations on what makes me family. like she was doing us a favor to not shun us. um, sorry, i don't feel the need to hit my knees with gratitude because she wasn't shitty to us from day one. i guess i thought it was just the normal thing to accept the people your family choose to be with as long as they treat you well, which we have always done. then she tried to put the blame on me. "i'm sorry you caused this wedge between us". i didn't cause anything. i didn't put a wedge anywhere. SHE did. apparently she can't accept that i don't worship her son and this house. not my problem. she can deal with it or be a bitch over it, but i'm not losing any sleep worrying about which way she goes! and i guess she forgot that my family also accepted fdh and sd, so i'm still not sure where she was trying to go with that arrogant and ignorant comment.

Want my life back's picture

So true, it's like we should have gratitude for being accepted into the family, if I knew what I know now, I would have never...
1. Been nice
2. Give warmth
3. Been friendly
4. Devote time
5. Give financially
6. Welcoming of skids partners
If i had my time over again!!!

1. I'm daddies new bed buddy something you will never be- get used to it and get over it.
2. I don't particularly like you but for your fathers sake I suppose I will have to tolerate you.
3. Dont expect me to buy anything for you or look after you- I don't want to do that because hey your not my kid.
4. And don't bring your boyfriends/girlfriends into my home.
5. I don't like you- just like you don't like me- but I'm all for honesty- if we are clear on that , let's just get on with our lives.
And remember daddy is made happy by me!!!
Hey a bit nasty, boundaries from the beginning are the way to go--- the wonderful thing of hindsight!!