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Should we phone skids or not???

Want my life back's picture

The skids have nothing to do with me now, DH has made sure of that. DH is ten years older than me. I wonder what would happen if DH got sick and was bedridden- WHAT THEN?
DH alienated me from them and if something happens what am i suppose to do, suck all the hurt up and pretend we are best buddies. i have brought this to DH attention, he said I would hope you would ring them and let them know, what is it that he doesn't get< i'm not good enough to be part of your little get togethers but if i'm sick just pretend that none of that ostercising as happen, now, go be a good little pet, run along and ring my wifey-daughters for me. OH it's been so long what's the phone numbers and where do they live WTF!!! As if that will happen!!!Gee they puts things in place to fall heavily --TWITS.
Just wondering your thoughts on this???

Want my life back's picture

I asked if DH could get the skids to ring before coming over, common courtesy thing, to make sure we weren't busy or had other visitors . I've put up with the skids turning up anytime and I had grown tired off it. Been together 16 years, they are now 25, 28 and 31 and grand skid. Anyway the first phone call came through and DH had to say no to DD 25 as we were busy painting and making runs to the tip. The whole business of a phone call apparently put the skids offside and now dislike me- WTF. Now they go out for lunch or whatever every week, and I'm not privy to any of it from DH, if they are mentioned DH gets angry and blames me for I had caused it so I shut my mouth now. It has been blown right out of proportion, this has now been going on for months and it is very hurtful.

oldone's picture

Just drop it. Let them do what they want as long as it does not impact your life.

It sounds like you are trying to force them back into your life.

As for the "what ifs" wait until something happens.

sandye21's picture

This is what I would do too - I'd ask one of the in-laws to inform SD if he passes, but I'd make sure I had friends nearby and saw a lawyer first. I still would not allow her in my home to pull another tantrum. If he is sick I know SD would not bother herself to aid in his care.

misSTEP's picture

I'd put an ad in the paper. That way you have fulfilled your hubby's wish.

Chances are, they aren't all that interested in the local rag, so you would get your way of not having to deal with the spawn.