Dhs family wants me to let go and let my sds see their sister for "siblings sake"
Hi all,
And thank u so much for all your feedback with all my posts. I dont have any friends with blended family's or even have anyone in my family who can relate.
Anyway im a sm of 10 years. I used to put in my ALL with my stepdaughters. Every break, every weekend, every holiday, vacations, birthdays, I planned it all-and I loved it! These kids were always so happy and so sweet. I couldn't wait until they came over each visit. Until things went sour. My heart broke, my dh ... changed and broke. Its been 3-4 years of chaos and lies. We are now told one is bi polar and the excuse for the other one is hf autism. So many lies told-even cps at my home. We now have a wonderful 2 year old. Very peaceful home.
Anyway bm has been trying to contact me to amend things. Wishes " our" girls could get to know each other and us adults need to let go of the past. But I can't. I actually can't even fathom the thought of either of her daughters being near mine. Both turning on me , telling so many lies and hateful things about me to extended family(literally calling each one). I think im truly at the point where I wsnt to just admit I dont care if my 2 year old knows her broken 14 and 16 year old half sister's. They have zero respect for their dad and I.
Bm says she can talk to them and repair things. Where have u been the last 3.5 years?
Am I so evil to just admit it? I dont care! I keep getting bombarded by dhs parents about how they want to see their sister so bad....um well if they did why would they treat their dad snd stepmother like garbage??
Hold your ground. If they called CPS on you once, they
Hold your ground. If they called CPS on you once, they could do it again. You don't want to take that risk.
Re-read the answers on your last post - the consensus is you do not need to do this. Why aren't the girls reaching out to their Dad? Why is BM the one pushing this?
DH should be handling his family - if you need to, quit taking their calls or other forms of communication. If DH wants to try and build a relationship with his girls outside of your home, he can do that. No need to involve you or your child.
They have. But all they do is
They have. But all they do is try to convince him to leave me and that I've brainwashed him. Its nothing but negativity. So he doesnt respond.
It might be time for him to begin to limit contact with his fami
It might be time for him to begin to limit contact with his family. Are you both in agreement on this issue?
Well after spending a long
Well after spending a long hour and a half on the phone with his dad (he called me) it made me realize that he didn't care about what I felt or what I had to say. All he cared about was what his granddaughter wants. My dhs mom also lives out of state so they r easy to avoid. But I now see them in more of a negative light because they are reaching out to multiple family members saying how poor we treat them but yet for years we have been blocked disrespected and twice cps lies.
Caller ID is your friend. Do
Caller ID is your friend. Do not answer calls from DH's dad or mom.
CPS is a hill to die on. They call CPS on you, that's it. They've told lies on you. Why would you put yourself out there and give them another chance to tell lies on you, to possibly call CPS on you again and get your child taken from you? The flying monkeys need to be told to butt out.
As far as the Skids go, they can want in one hand and spit in the other. Continued lying, disrespect, and especially calling CPS are all deal breakers as far as I'm concerned. I might be able to get past the lying and disrespect if they apologized, changed their ways, and admitted to everyone that they lied. But calling CPS? No, that's a hill to die on.
I can't echo what everyone
I can't echo what everyone has said enough, PROTECT YOUR CHILD. To hell what everyone else "wants." What, you're supposed to sacrifice yourself, your child, your peace of mind for two broken teens who will make your life and household hell, guaranteed. No effen way. Block everyone who tries to convince you otherwise.
Umm. Nope.
A parent's primary job as a parent is to protect their young child. As a good parent you cannot let this happen regardless of the manipulation of you DH's poor choice of a failed family breeding partner or the manipulations of your idiot ILs.
Your SDs have no value because they have pulled their historic shit. They cannot be trusted. So have no qualms about maintaining your life and family sans your DH's failed family breeding experiments. They have not earned a place in your DD's life:
Cut off all contact with BM.
To sum this up - who needs to invite toxic into their life? Bet you don't. So let your DH carry on seeing them, elsewhere. You don't want them in your home ever again. And if anyone tries to convince you taht you should be more loving towards them ... tell that person to bugger off.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this
I would not let them back into your life. Although no one called CPS, I stopped seeing SS when BM told cops I am stealing drugs from my patients at work. I am not going to lose my job and/or my kids because of an adulteress who abandoned her son (but is now mother of the year). And for my inlaws, they think I should be helping BF pay for his legal/custody woes (HIs freind and mother have already been hinting around). F*&$ them, not doing that either!!!! I agree with all the previous posters.
You are under no obligation
You are under no obligation to speak to, see, or obey BM or his family. You have to do what is right to protect your child. And since they'ved endangered your home life, they are permanently on the "no go, no see, no talk, no visit" list. Block BM, In-laws., SDs, and anyone who tries to intervene for them. If asked why, tell them "At this point we need to protect and give our small child a safe and happy childhood. The lies, false accusations and bullying from SDs and their enablers does not make my child safe. We will not reconsider. If you bring this up again, you will be on the permanent block list as well. As a parent it is my job to keep my child safe from those who have not got her best interests at heart."
Nope. No way. You have to
Nope. No way. You have to protect your child. The CPS and the accusations were the final straw. Like others have said, BM should be immediately blocked. Then tune everyone else out. You are the parent and you know what is best for your child not BM, not DH's family, and not SD's. Two bratty teen girls have zero interest in a toddler. BM and SD's are just meddling in on your territory. After the way they behaved no further explanation should be given. Your Dh and you should be on the same in regards to contact with them and stand together on that decision next time someone asks.
We went through the same thing with SD after almost a year no contact. BM texted that SD wanted to talk to her siblings (who she previously said did not count and were nothing to her) we told her no because of how she was acting and treating people. BM got pissed off, accusing us of not letting them "bond". Dh firmly said "my wife and I are the parents and we decide what is best for our children, not you". She then had her trashy BF start harassing Dh over the phone lol. However, Dh stupidly told my MIL. She started in on us. Calling everyday telling us it wasn't right and SD should be allowed to see them whenever she wants. Even if SD didn't want a relationship with us she could atleast see her siblings on her own. Yeah, no.
It will get easier you just have to be firm and make sure your Dh has your back on this as well. Our relationship with his mom was strained for a few months but it was not going to change to appease her. So be prepared for that. I wouldn't trust them or their motives at all. This is YOUR child. I see nothing wrong with the way you are handling it and I think you are just doing what is best for her.
No, No and No
Calling CPS on you?? That would be my hill to die on. DH's youngest daughter accused me (and him) of emotional abuse; I have the email. She's banned from my life and knows it. In fact, DH has advised her to tread carefully. While he can forgive her (and I do, too), the difference is, I don't tolerate lies that can destroy my life. And I will get an attorney if she does it again. She's not as stupid as I thought; been silent since. I haven't seen her in probably 7 years.
My DH sees his kids away from our marital home. Maybe that should be an option for your family. No way would I let those dangerous girls around my toddler.
My husband’s exwife is like this. Spent the past decade after
Divorce playing the poor pity me card, alienating hubby from his daughters, fed them lies that sd's knew were lies but still lapped up as the truth.
you can't put things in the past when certain members have been so vocal about hanging onto the past and causing issues just because they're vindictive a-holes!!
my 2 kids are now 4.5 & almost 6, they have not seen skids since October 2018, no video calls, no meets, no contacts.
my kids are not manipulative pawns for skids. My kids with hubby require stability and a non toxic environment and skids/exwife are all toxic miserable people. They don't get to guilt or gaslight me against my kids not having a relationship with strangers.
any chance of a relationship ended the moment they guilted their dad for marrying me 5.5yrs after the divorce which is 5.5 yrs after bio mum married her affair husband (yeah she was hooking up with him pre my husband separating from her) and guilting their dad for having 2 kids with me. You know because all they think of is hubbys estate and their inheritance.
in your case, any chance of a relationship ended the moment skids lied and involved cps. If bio mum was all about putting differences aside for the sake of the kids, she would have done that during and after the divorce, she chose not to just like the other narcs in the world
Nope. You block BM and DH can
Nope. You block BM and DH can begin working on his relationship with the girls outside the home. If there is marked improvement down the road, you can revisit them having contact with your DD, but it would have to be considerable and sustained progress, including them acknowledging what they've done and figuring out why they did it. This is just BM manipulating because she's sick of dealing with the monsters she's created.
Now my MIL is getting
Now my MIL is getting involved saying we are wrong for ignoring them and that she is siding with them. So now they got in her head. Im kind of upset because we have always gotten along. Guess there's nothing I can do about it just another way to hurt me.
Your DH can give them another
Your DH can give them another chance and meet with them. YOU do not have to. There is no "we" in this equation, just HIM. Time to ignore MIL, too.
Just feeling really hurt
Just feeling really hurt about it:(
Your right. Just sucks.
Hugs to you. Many hugs. It's
Hugs to you. Many hugs. It's difficult, the situation you're in. But as the saying goes, everything comes out in the wash. Everyone will see skids for who they are eventually, don't you worry about that. Just hug your precious little girl and know that you are doing the right thing by her.
Thank you. Your so right. My
Thank you. Your so right. My husband is very disappointed by his family's mean messages snd getting involved. I told him if they contact him not to tell me. Im so done hearing their thoughts.
No, no NO....
No, no NO....
If you are wavering, just stop and think of your little daughter....and imagine her being taken off you by CPS. The very thought of that would make me cry if I was you.
Block all your husband's family. Block BM and keep the two ferals blocked. Never ever ever let your H take your daughter to meet the ferals when he visits them outside the home.
You speak of your happy harmonious home life. Don't do anything to disrupt that.
You know that BM is only "reaching out" because she can't handle the monsters she has created. Don't fall for her manipulative games.
You must protect your career and your daughter.
Tell your DH to rein in his
Tell your DH to rein in his parents or you'll do it... your way (put the fear of god into him about what you might do) and leave it at that. Let him sweat.
Lol. He says hes not going to
Lol. He says hes not going to contact them. Im surprised they haven't blown him up yet. Look what my lovely sister in law just sent me...and may I add I NEVER talk to her. We have zero relationship so clearly MIL tells her stuff about me. I've blocked everyone. Apparently im immature for blocking toxic people lol.
I have no idea why she thinks I have no family. My side of my family is amazing. Tons of cousins and kids. Never drama...thats odd she would say that and odd she took the time to text me all this when shes not even involved. Have no idea what unsent message she is talking about either?
I've been keeping my mouth shut for my mother, but guess what? You've fucked with her one too many times.
Since she’s an actual adult and doesn’t block people, I’m going to get the final word.
I've seen every text where you have proclaimed your innocence. All the gossip you just HAD to tell her, which she flat told you to stop doing months ago. The "look at what a wonderful mother I am" bullshit. The "Wah, I'm such a martyr and everyone hates me, but I didn't do anything wrong" nonsense. Absolute lies.
You have to know you're a liar because I can't believe anyone could be this ignorant for this long.
You have intentionally driven my brother away from his own children for years now. You've done nothing, as a partner, to help him have a decent relationship with any member of his family. Even his own mother. You've had the audacity to do the opposite. Sad thing is, he is lazy enough to let you.
As an emotionally immature idiot, you have managed to create a bubble for you three to live in. All alone. No family around you, no community, no big sisters, no grandparents. Just you and my brother pathetically clinging to the idea that you are smarter and better than everyone around you. How wonderful for the two of you.
I don't give a shit about what kind of messed up childhood you had. I don't care about your BULLSHIT story of wanting to "protect DD" from “drama”. If she needs protecting, it's from the drama you two star parents create.
I will ALWAYS give my nieces and my parents my loyalty. And when they are in the wrong, I tell them, and continue to support their causes because that what family does. But newsflash. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG, not them! Wake the fuck up! Invest in some self-help cause you are a nightmare right now.
While I’m at it, stop fucking with BM too. She doesn’t need your fake ass pretending to care when it suits you. You are so selfish.
Stop gossiping about my nieces, they don’t need your hate and ignorance. Just leave them out of your limited vocabulary unless it’s to send an apology for all the ways you have contributed to their pain. In case you don’t get it by now, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.
I’d learn to evolve or your kid will be calling her grandmother, confused in 10-12 years when she realizes her parents have been lying to her and using her as a codependent her whole life. Just a tip.
Oh, and I saw your message to me on Instagram. You’re very lucky I let you think you unsent it without my knowledge. My relationship with my nieces and parents is none of you fucking business. You don’t get the privilege. You don’t get to interfere there.
I also know you were messaging my Dad’s girlfriend. “The little girlfriend”. Yep, I know you said that too. Who the hell do you think you are?! Go destroy your own family. Leave mine alone.
Oh also, it’s spelled ridiculous, not “rediculous”.
That is your cue to cut them
That is your cue to cut them all off. They don't know what is going on and they can go suck an egg. She can go enjoy her nieces and leave you and your daughter out of it. I know it's hurtful but you are not in the wrong here as far as I can tell. Just continue living in your peaceful "bubble" and ignore all the drama they threw themselves into. These aren't little kids these are almost young adults that lie and manipulate. SIL can knock it off with the "poor little children" crap.
I'm truly shocked to get this
I'm truly shocked to get this message today. My sil never talk, maybe text merry Christmas or breif messages of kindness. But I've never shared with her anything about my family or anything deep at all. Its clear my mil has been texting her about me-which again shocked because for 10 years now my mil has been sooo nice and generous to me. Clearly it was all pretend??
I blocked them all. My husband says hes disappointed but told me this is how he's always been treated. I actually am embarassed for her. I would never text my brothers wife such horrible things. My response was " soooo then we arnt invited to the wedding then?" LOL. Shes getting married in a few months. I know im a smart ass but I cant do text wars. Thats too much.
Funny because I've always been the one to make plans with his family. I've tried sooo hard to get them to like me. For what? Clearly I wasted my time all these years so yea im a little heart broken.
SIL just feels like she needs
SIL just feels like she needs to be the bad b*tch to protect her family. She has no clue what is going on she's just bored and wants to throw her weight around. My second hand embarrassment is through the roof! I don't think it was all fake on MIL'S side she is just angry and letting them get in her head. Things won't change until they are the target of the SD's behavior.
My MIL started going at me until SD tricked her and them unleashed on her. She called crying her eyes out in disbelief that SD could be that awful to her. I couldn't wait to say "I told you so." Things cleared up and our relationship is back to normal. It was strained for a few months.
Just hang in there. Eliminate contact for awhile and let the dust settle. Everyone sounds all worked up over these two twits and their failure or a mother. Things will get better eventually whether Dh's family apologizes or you get the peace you deserve without them in your lives.
One of my husband’s niece unmarried, inexperiences
And a con woman went on a facebook rant about me complaining on the private family whatsapp group about respect, didn't have the balls to say my name but everyone in family knew it was directed at me.
She claimed i was rude and disrespectful during family holidays at the family home for not socialising with them, that apparently I don't wear bras etc and basically insinuating her dad's eyes would wander off to me because her mum who noone in family likes, is an overweight lazy woman who had an affair with her dad when he was engaged to be married.
i had just given birth to a barely 3.5 week old son who was being breastfed like crazy, he drank non stop and my boobs are naturally above average, they swell up bigger when you're breastfeeding a newborn.
it was easier to stay in my bedroom and feed him topless for privacy. My sil is an ex midwife and nurse, nothing about my behaviour was inappropriate and they completely respected and understood the privacy we both deserved to have. Yet i was being lectured by a 20 something yr old conwoman who has never been married or had kids yet.
i refused to attend of be near hubbys family at events she would be at. Her younger brother who is close with my husband and got conned out of $10,000 by her in her pyramid schemes was furious as he was getting married and my husband declined to attend.
that nephew of hubby's lost it with his sister and his dad and his dad had to message my husband telling him not to throw away family and to respect one another. My husband promptly aent the screenshot of his daughter's rants about me and said don't lecture me about family ties and respect when you haven't got your house and family in order.
hubby's family told him to come and ignore that niece that no one likes. She knows nothing but acts like a show off know it all. We didn't want toxic family drama and frankly that was a really rough year that hubby made it clear we needed me time. But hubby's family needed to show off us to the new in laws because hubby is really successful in his career and married to a caucasian woman. They needed to stick it to people.
we did go to the wedding and that niece was fuming when hubbys family told us to sit at the main table with bride and groom. Its kind of the asian way of respect and apologising.
months later that idiot niece had the nerve to hold my baby and cradle him to sleep at a famil event one day, she asked to hold our son from hubby. She had this smug look on her faceand no shame despite trashtalking me months earlier claiming i would break up her dads marriage by being too attractive and large breasted.
i told hubby if she wants to blame anyone about me being large breasted, she can blame you as you got me pregnant. Apparently i was expected to prioritise to visit neighbours homes for sing alongs than nurse my baby in private
since then we just don't torture ourselves with toxic bullshit. Life is too short for that
Next time she pulls her
Next time she pulls her snarky bullshit, just get in her face and firmly proclaim in front of the whole family that she is a manipulative petty little girl whose parents would have done the whole family a favor by having her scraped into a petri dish rather than forcing the entire family to suffer her presence.
Time to call this one as it should have been called prior to her birth.
Lol none of my sil’s like her
She's a stuck up snob but uneducated and no real job. A total failure to launch conwoman.
i came from a first world country & uni educated but not a stuck up showoff. Niece on the other hand comes over dressed over the top and inlaws are all rolling their eyes. My husband hates her with passion. She just has it out for me because her mum hates my husband for telling his late mother that their eldest brother was having an affair whilst engaged to another woman and that isn't the kind of people they are. So they hate my husband for dobbing on him.
My in lws are terrified of pissing hubby off as without him there is no yearly family holidays as hubby is the one covering 80-90% of the cost as he's the most educated and successful in the family
Though not as severe are is apparently the case with your ILs.
My DW is the only one in her clan able to do holiday gifts for everyone in the family, everyone else draws names and exchanges gift lists, and for most of our marriage we hosted holiday gatherings at our hotel conference room rather than try to cram the entire clan into a tiny house or apartment that should be condemned or reported to the health board due to being so nastily dirty that they were not healthy to prepare, serve, or consume food in.
We got into the routine of hotel hosting and catering the main meal elements when we are in my DW's home town for the holidays.
If we are not there, they are all on their own for how to manage the gathering, meals, etc... To their credit they have all improved by orders of magnitude over the years with the past half dozen or so years being tolerable to attend without doing the hotel event center thing. But my DW is always wary and waiting for the shoe to drop returning everyone back to the historically challenging situation during the holidays. Once bitten twice shy I suppose. Or more accurately, repeatedly bitten eternally shy.
Add her to the block list and
Add her to the block list and be done with it.
I did. My husband says hes
I did. My husband says hes very sad and depressed today since alot of this happened earlier today. I am too. I've tried so hard for years to get his family to like me. So im hurt. Why did I try so hard for nothing. I feel for my dh too.
It isn't the family, it is
It isn't the family, it is this pestulent little should have been aborted POS. Do not give her the power to condemn your entire IL clan. TIme for your DH to man up, grow some testicular fortitude, and agressively put this little POS in her place in front of her entire family.
It is the new year. The holiday is over, it is far past time for it to be game on to put and keep this POS in her place.
Lol she waffles on about you not having any right to interfere
In her nieces or her relationship with sd's except she is interfering in yours?? Honestly your husband's family seem to be high conflict nutjobs who just want to stir up drama. As for her bs claiming she calls out skids on inappropriate behaviour, yeah bs!!
I have no idea why this has
I have no idea why this has been getting to me.
I've literally met this woman maybe 5x in the past 10 years. She has zero relationship with my husband as her brother. Her and I never text or talk....but this intrusive text from her is something that I've been boiling about for days.
I feel betrayed by her mom(mother in law), she's been going back to her daughter talking negatively about me. I trusted my MIL. I told her so many things. Shes always been so kind to us all. I haven't spoken to any of them since the 2 teen sds made sure they called my dhs immediate family members and got them all angry-we still arnt all sure what they told them, but its clearly enough for them to not even ask us adults and just believe it all.
I tried to tell my MIL whats been going on and she shut it all down stating she would "ask the girls their side".
Why does my SIL care so much to write this long insane message? Why did she fake liking me for so long? How foolish I feel thinking they truly liked me.
The anger rage and hate in this message has been getting under my skin. Almost like she thinks I was trying to get them to not like her neice/grandkids?
Idk, I know I shouldn't care, but apart of me does. Sounds to me maybe her and her mom made their decision that they won't be apart of my DDs life. Im the one who encouraged my dh to get along with his family for our dds benefit. Why do I care? They all live 1000 miles away now anyway.
What is wrong with me.
At some level it all comes down to you said they said.
However, hearsay is hearsay and not a credible source.
If you and your DH say what really happened and idiot elements of your IL clan listen to manipulative little shit kids or malformed "adults" then those morons are, well, morons. Including your MIL. Which in her case is Moron In Law.
I have an ongoing situation at work that fits this model right now. A butt hurt unsuccessful candidate for a promotion opening I recently closed is spouting all kinds of inaccurate crap that is driving a shit ton of drama in my organization HR is far from helpful in all of this. Though fortunately a discrimination claim was investigated and found to be without merit so the drama source has a known and documented history of ... causing drama.
It is now way up the food chain and in all likelihood will result in notable disciplinary action. It is consuming huge bandwidth beyond what it should but ... it is now beyond my control.
The good news is, in toxic family situations, it is never beyond influence if one remains committed to making sure it is not ignored and those perpetrating it remain in the spotlight.
Just imagine what a sad and
Just imagine what a sad and empty life she must have for her to have written such hateful stuff. As my grandmother used to say, "she's more to be pitied than scolded. "
I agree. Instead of trying to
I agree. Instead of trying to talk like an adult herself she lashes out in a crazy long text message ranting on and on when we dont even talk...bizarre
Wow, holy cow. Block all of
Wow, holy cow. Block all of these crazy people and don't look back.
Oh I did. After all this bs
Oh I did. After all this bs im done. But I'm still very hurt. My husband was all choked up. Couldn't believe his family was talking to me this way.
Sounds like it's past time
Sounds like it's past time for your DH to deal honestly with who his family is.
Im so sorry that you are going through this
Im lucky in that MIL and FIL are deceased so no drama there. And SIL's know all about SD22 and her lies and manipulations. Her being toxic is well known to them, weve discussed it all together.
BUT tsome of the cousins have all bought into the disgusting toxicity that is Feral Forger. So I know a little about the hurtfulness that causes. Ive tried this past year to connect and it was mainly about what she could get from me. Ive done her taxes for free and got her about 3k back, gave her money last Christmas 100, gave her bday presents and took her out for lunch. But now she sends me nasty texts "You took away my father hes now just a sperm donor". etc.
It hurts and hurts some more. Focus on your marriage and bio kiddo.
I'm so sorry:( it is hurtful
I'm so sorry:( it is hurtful to give and give and then be spat on like you did nothing. I've cried countless times over being treated so low.
Allow yourself to grieve
Allow yourself to grieve the relationships you thought you had. Process it and move through it. Create and enforce boundaries, and just know that you acted in a manner of high character and they are acting from a place of toxic low character. Dont let them dim your light, as someone has told me and now I tell you.
You are going to have to take
You are going to have to take action to resolve it all at this point. If you do not, then you are facilitating this situation and your actions of facilitating state clearly that you want it to continue.
Actions speak louder than words. So, act.
I have blocked every single
I have blocked every single one of them and do not plan to unblock them. It's been years of this nonsense and I've had enough. I'm really hurt and my husband wasn't tears earlier today it's earlier today but if we do continue at it's only going to hurt our child.
I am sorrowfully excited for you and DH.
I know this sucks. The actions you are taking are the right ones IMHO. I get your DH's tears.
Now, for both of you to figure out how to separate the emotions from the facts and deal with the behaviors perpetrated by all of those in the toxic end of this equation. Including your ILs, the SKids, BM, and anyone else drinking the Jim Jones toxic Kool-Aid. Never forget that their behaviors are their choice. Not yours. Much of it is intended to hurt. So, quit giving them the power to hurt you and just address the behaviors directly. As people the don't matter. Toxic POS dipshits don't matter. They have earned the POS mantle so force them to live the consequences of their choices. Overtyly, brutally, and consistently.
e.g. Call your ILs on their choice to drink the Kool-Aid. Point out what that choice entails with every nasty, hairy detail of what they are supporting with the comprehensive list of actions, facts, history, etc... that the idiot ILs are joining the cause for. Also point out that they are choosing toxic over an innocent 2yo and because of that they have no place in the life of their youngest GK. Bare their asses, rub their noses in the stench that they are perpetrating, and do not let your emotions over ride the behaviors, facts, etc.. that all who are wallowing in the behavioral shit pool are trying to sling in your direction. They are shit. Make sure they know it.
If they are reasonable, deal with them reasonably. If not... they get what they earn.
Focus on your family of 3. That should tie you directly to the love and happiness that the three of your have. Everyone else.... doesn't matter or count. I hope that your DH can clear his head and his heart of that failed family tragedy and of his manipulative idiot parents.
IMHO of course.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your feedback.
i feel really good about this blocking and now time to just move on with life!
And whoever this person is stalking me, and writing me making multiple fake accounts, im glad your a fan:) mwah! Xo
You can change your message
You can change your message setting to only get messages from people you've added as friends.
also, glad you're feeling better! You're on the side of what is right. Stand strong and enjoy your little one! You've done right by her. Very proud of you!
So someone on here keeps
So someone on here keeps making up new names to contact me and tell me what a pos I am. She seems so angry. Why is she stalking me? Why take the time to keep creating new accounts to tell me im a horrible person?
I dont understand people. Are they that bored? Do they need to find people that they need to attack in order to release anger they have for someone else?
I find it so bizarre that this person has made 2 accounts now to attack me via private message. Im not offended. Im actually weirded out.
There's a mentally unstable
There's a mentally unstable troll doing that to a lot of members here. The best thing is to change your message settings to only allow friends to message you. Only accept friends requests from ppl you already know of.
Yes I will. Just find it so
Yes I will. Just find it so bizarre. Look at the most recent one....
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Your SIL MAY be a bitch, but even bitches...
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Between you and gingerale
gingerale Dec 31
Your SIL MAY be a bitch, but even bitches tell the truth sometimes. In that message she sent you, SIL implied that you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and I guess she’s right… you REALLY aren’t, fam.
But anyways…do you seriously think that ALL the issues that your sds have, were caused by their mom? Don’t you think that some of their issues were caused by having a shitty, uninvolved dad? Don’t you think that their hands-off, lazy dad should take some responsibility for how things turned out? Don’t you think he should try to do something to help, instead of just sitting on his ass doing nothing?
This piece of shit is NOT a father. I don’t know what he is…but he’s not a fucking father. He continuously asks YOU to tell him what to do with regards to his own fucking kids. What is he…a fucking puppet or the walking dead?! Doesn’t he have a brain of his own?! Isn’t he capable of making decisions on his own?! Isn’t he capable of handling his own darn kids?! Your SIL was 100% right, he’s a lazy AF and fucking incompetent as all get-out.
And btw, dumb c*nt, you left a name in there…AGAIN. This time, it’s your own kid’s name...SMH. Hope .... didn’t inherit her intelligence from her mom, fam. But then again, if she has inherited her intelligence from her dad, then that’s not really ideal either lol. Well never mind, I guess the poor girl is just screwed.
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Yeah some off their meds
Yeah some off their meds bitter skid, lol. Block and be done! Let them slither back under the rock they came out from under.
The people who need to be let
The people who need to be let go... are DH's family.
Yes I blocked them all. Just
Yes I blocked them all. Just kinda sad. I've spent 10 years doing everything to gain their acceptance and the whole time they pretended.
Their loss.
Hopefully your DH can see that this is no great loss for him.
Happy New Year with that whole shit show behind you.
No actual medical report, then it is likely complete bullshit.
"We are now told one is bi polar and the excuse for the other one is hf autism".
I have to deal with this at work regularly right now. My company pays a COVID benefit for a positive test with a report from a lab. The policy is clear that a self test does not qualify for the paid benefit. Yet, I have a number of the younger team members who are all wrapped around the axle on not providing requested information. They are hell bend that a pic of their positive self test qualifies. Nope. No lab test, no pay, and .... you will be terminated for violating the attendance policy. Particularly if you do not have vacation or sick hours to cover your two weeks of non access to the facility per the policy.
Which everyone has and has signed a form indicating the policy was reviewed with them.
How hard is it for someone claiming a "condition" to provide documentation so they get paid or... so that family members can participate in their support if they have a Dx of BPD or HFA. Certainly their father should have access to those Dx docs if they are minor children. If they have reached majority, then he needs to adopt a "Don't tell me, show me" philosophy. And hold them accountable for their behavior either way it goes.
No proof, no support. Cause... effect. Choice... consequence.