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Did I mention that I HATE this part of my life??!!

thatdriskillgirl's picture

I hate the fact that they r suppose 2 come here EO weekend but have chosen not 2 come since Dec 07. Now, when they find out we r planning a vacation they call & say they r coming. I hate it 4 ur bad luck. We r cancelling THIS time because we r not going 2 b here. I hate the fact they r ever going 2 come back!! It would not bother me if they never did!!!who feels the same?

melis070179's picture

you are cancelling your vacation because they want to come? I'm not sure I understand what you mean about cancelling because you won't be there?

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

thatdriskillgirl's picture

We have paid 4 a trip for 4 2 Disney World & it was a package deal & good 1. I meant I am cancelling the visitation because we r not going 2 b here. We will b on vacation. I get so worked up my typing gets crazy. Lol! I'm just saying that we have made plans & the BM is behind this & wants 2 ruin my childrens trip 2 Disney. I'm not going 2 let her or them!! What do I do??

frustratedinMA's picture

Yep.. too bad.. I would let them know the weekends that you are available, and tell them that weekend doesnt work for you and your family.

I would also make sure that bm never EVER get wind again of what plans you guys have. We make it a policy to not tell bm, the skids or my inlaws our plans if the skids arent going.. as we would never hear the end of it then.

Have a great time in Disney.. I love that place!!!