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Does your hubby still act like a single parent to you when you are in a blended family?

AngelCakes's picture

Has anyone else ever experienced their Husband/Boyfriend to still be living like a single parent even though they are in a blended family????? Here's the scenario:

DH keeps referring to special occasions that he has to do with his he promises his son and how important that he gets to do it with his son because his ex wife has been such a controlling freak that he has never gotten to do it before...i.e camping, Christmas,birthdays etc. What hubby doesn't mention is about how important that it is to have these occasions shared with my daughter (his step daughter), and our son (ours). I've never heard him promise to do anything with either of the other two, but the "prince". I try to talk to him about it but it always turns into a fight, "because I just don't understand." Does anyone else very experience this....I would love to just ignore it but after 5 years with the man the conversations seem to be getting very repetitive because I think that I hear them every year.....honestly I think that its starting to drive me mental hahahaha...little by little it is starting to make me very resentful, his "prince" is a spoiled brat who gets to go to Disneyland every Christmas because my hubby pays out of his ass to his ex, and here my daughter is (they are both 6) putting money in her piggy bank to save to go to Disneyland and asking why she can't go.....sickening..."oh wait! I'ts because my SS told her that she doesn't have lots of money like he and his mom does".....thanks for that SS.

Our two year old is also on the cherished side too I'll admit, but nothing like the love the "prince" gets, I don't know what to do, I'm just hoping that someone is going through the same thing so that I can have a little peace of mind about this and what some other Step-moms have done in this situation.

Thanks for letting me B*tch,


AngelCakes's picture

Its just starting to infuriate me that whenever theres something planned that its all about him and his "prince" No mention of the other 3 of us. I just found out that my cousin is getting married on the same weekend that we planned to go camping, I was shocked when I was told on the phone that it was my younger cousin planning a wedding so fast but the first thing hubby said was," I'm going camping with the prince no matter what!" (As if I planned to kill his little week with this son...) :sick: So I just said to him that it sounds more like this camping trip is just for the two of you then , have fun lol. But again I get my head ripped off because I just dont understand how hard it is to plan holidays and spend time with the prince...Sure I do! I know how hard it is to accommodate the prince! I moved to a different city for him, I put up with his psycotic mother and hubbys ex for him, I buy him clothes, I volunteer for his school, I cuddle with him, but again...I don't understand....