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Don't know what to do anymore

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Please help me, another evening of hell with DH and SS, we were at my patents house tonight and as usual SS hangs off DH and I'm burning inside. DH totally disengages from anyone except skid, including my dad who he usually talks to most if the time. My DDs were as if they didn't exist and as did me, he doesn't even talk to me or look at me. I tried talking to DH after SS was thankfully dropped at home and he says I'm the problem and going by the look on his face he quite likes it that SS follows him. He said I make SS feel insecure, well yes I probably do cause I'm sick of the piece of shit ruining my life. I've told DH to get out and let me raise my DDs alone but he won't leave. I can't leave as I have nowhere to go, my parents house is full. I told him I don't want to be in the marriage anymore as his gathering ability to my DDs is that of a deadbeat dad because they don't have penises. When he comes home from the office they ask him to do things with him and it's always the same story, I'm tired I want to rest. He never approaches them to play or read with them, they always initiate and get rejected so I step in and always say yes when they ask to play something because I'm trying to be a parent for both of us. My Dds are noticing the hostility between us and it's breaking my heart.
If I had my time again I would never marry someone with kids- the only good thing that's come of it are my DDs, without them I'd be in a mental institute.