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Father’s Day question

CalliMay09's picture

What age is Considered normal to expect child to pay for Father's Day gift either by working doing chores around the house or saved money? I dont mean doing everything themselves. They would get help driving to store and Suggestions on what to get but they are expected to use their own money. I also mean Inexpensive gifts. 

SeeYouNever's picture

I'd say 10-12. It depends on your family and allowance situation but by this age a kid should have some money of their own. However I think it's acceptable up until they have a real job to make some sort of homemade gift whether it's a craft or food. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

OH please! My SD is 3 months away from being 17 and mommy and daddy still give her money to buy Bday and Xmas gifts for the other parent and for Mothers Day and Fathers Day. And they spend about $50 each time! It drives me crazy!!!!!! I swear to God it will take all my strength to keep quiet for another year! I plan on saying something after Xmas to him that it would be nice if he told SD that its time BM and he stop getting gifts from her. If he wont I will say "Well I hope this nonsense ends when she turns 18".

Rags's picture

Gifts.... should be on the kid after they hit the double digits. Earlier if possible. 


Reminding them of upcoming dates (b-days, FD, MD, etc...) certainly can continue into the teens.

At some point it has to be on the kid. The sooner, the better IMHO.

If I recall correctly from 4+ decades ago, I was about 10-ish when I started spending my own allowance money on gifts for my mom and dad.  Even earlier I drew pics, picked flowers (the neighbors were not too happy as I recall), etc... 

bertieb's picture

My kids get me gifts, nice ones now that they are older. DH didn't even get a visit this year from his 2 sons, and one has kids we haven't seen since April even though they are 30 minutes away. There is no dislike, no riff between them, they just take dear dad for granted. He used to call and invite them over for him to grill out for them but he decided the last few years why go to the effort and work.  It makes me sad for him. My kids are out of state and they call or text him and I try to do a special meal or dessert. He said their BM never did anything for him when they were married so he guesses they have no example. I say oldest SS with his own 3 kids does know the right thing to do, just self absorbed.