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Has anyone changed the locks?

Faye's picture

And what happened if you did?

We are joint owners so I don't thing I can legally do this? But each time I go out he comes in and gets things.

StickAFork's picture

I don't think they're married, but he's a legal resident of the home.

Faye's picture

Thans for all your comments. I will consider changing the locks, as he said he will come into the house whenever he wants to.

Orange County Ca's picture

Change the locks. Illegal? Nobody I've ever heard of is in jail because of it. Screw the law.

I'll echo what the person named Echo said above:

I changed the locks. We were joint owners on our home then. Every time I left the house he'd be in it, too, taking things. I had a restraining order against him and after consulting with my attorney I changed the locks and installed a security system.

When I did that, though, I also had to provide him with certain times that he could come into the home to remove APPROVED things. I had my brother and Dad here to ensure he didn't take anything that wasn't on the list. You may have to do the same.