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Hating my life right now!

Annoyed1's picture

I hate being in a relationship with a man that has kids and a crazy BM! So, I've posted on here before about a bunch of drama that BM causes! Well, now, it's a freagin GONG SHOW! Long story short: FDH has been paying BM let's say $600/month for CS. They had an order through child maintenance for $100/month from 10 years ago. For whatever reason, they chose to cancel child maintenance and he was just paying her by cheque each month. No problem. THEN, BM goes on welfare and the maintenance order is automatically re-instated, BUT no one tells FDH. He keeps paying her each month and then all of a sudden his bank account is frozen. CM froze it, because they weren't getting their $100 each month since she went on welfare!!! So, he calls and see's that since she went on welfare, the order was reinstated and he owes them $400 for CS and another $125 for late payments! Ok, so he pays CM their money (and extra for the current month just to be safe) and writes a cheque to BM for the remaining amount for the month. Well, CM decided to take the money that FDH already paid them and the cheque that he gave to BM bounced!! Now, she's demanding that he pay her the money, even though child maintenance took it! She's recently served us with papers (before this happened) taking us to court for "more money" and she's trying to get her hands in MY company's money as well!! She said that she wanted everything to go through maintenance enforcement (and I agree, it should, since she's been claiming to welfare that she's only been recieving $100/month for CS). Now she's making our lives hell! Is there a point where the kids stop being seen as a source of income and are just seen as kids!?!? She hasn't let FDH see the kids since she hasn't gotten any money. I'm so sick of it all! I hate my life with a man with this much baggage. I can't even get 1/2 of the drama on here or my post would be PAGES long Sad

Carah's picture

I hear ya I am to that point as well the dramam keeps coming and there never seem to be an end to it....does it ever change?